Annex II
Lok Ma Chau Loop Development
Master Planning Study (MPS)
Consultancy Agreement No. PD/CA/244
Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI)
1. Appreciation of the key requirements and constraints / risks (10%)(a) [at least 3 project key requirements with elaborations] (5%)
i) [Heading of Key Requirement xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
ii) [Heading of Key Requirement xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
iii) [Heading of Key Requirement xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
(b) [Project constraints/risks, impact and approach to tackle] (5%)
i) [Heading of Project constraints/risks, impact xxxxx]
- [elaboration + approach to tackle]
ii) [Heading of Project constraints/risks, impact xxxxx]
- [elaboration + approach to tackle]
iii) [Heading of Project constraints/risks, impact xxxxx]
- [elaboration + approach to tackle]
2. Approach and strategy in master planning to meet the requirements of the assignment and innovative idea to develop the master planning design for this Project (20%)
(a) [General strategy to meet requirements] (10%)
i) [Heading of General strategy xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
ii) [Heading of General strategy xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
iii) [Heading of General strategy xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
(b) [Innovative idea to develop the master planning design] (10%)
i) [Heading of Innovative idea xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
ii) [Heading of Innovative idea xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
iii) [Heading of Innovative idea xxxxx]
- [elaboration]
3. Relevant experience of the MPDCT (either the Architectural Consultant or his/her Master Planning Design Specialist) either in Hong Kong or elsewhere (30%)
(a) / Completion of master planning design for projects with a land area of over 10 hectares in Hong Kong or elsewhere within the last 5 years (from the submission closing date of EOI Proposals) [Base Mark for at least 1 project = 5%; Merit = 5%] (10%)
Project Reference No. __
Project Title and Description
Location / HK / Overseas* (Please Specify ______)
Type of Development / I&T Business Park / Science Park / Others *(Please Specify:______)
Date of Master Planning Design Completion / Completion Date ______(Please specify)
[Master Planning Design completed >5 years from submission close date of EOI Proposals not to be considered.]
Total Land Area / ______hectares
[Land Area < 10 hectares not to be considered]
Type of Consultancy / Master Planning Study / Other *(Please specify ______)
By Architectural Consultant / Master Planning Design Specialist*
Name of Employer
(* Please cross out as appropriate)
(Please provide the supporting information to the job reference such as the consultancy agreement, certificate of completion in appendix)
3. Relevant experience of the MPDCT (either the Architectural Consultant or his/her Master Planning Design Specialist) either in Hong Kong or elsewhere (30%) (Con’t)
(b) / Completion of master planning design for projects (other than the projects in item (a) above) with a land area of over 20 hectares in Hong Kong or elsewhere within the last 5 years (from the submission closing date of EOI Proposals) [Base Mark for at least 1 project = 5%; Merit = 5%] (10%)
Project Reference No. __
Project Title and Description
Location / HK / Overseas* (Please Specify ______)
Type of Development / I&T Business Park / Science Park / Others *(Please Specify:______)
Date of Master Planning Design Completion / Completion Date ______(Please specify)
[Master Planning Design completed >5 years from submission close date of EOI Proposals not to be considered.]
Total Land Area / ______hectares
[Land Area < 20 hectares not to be considered]
Type of Consultancy / Master Planning Study / Other *(Please specify ______)
By Architectural Consultant / Master Planning Design Specialist*
Name of Employer
(* Please cross out as appropriate)
(Please provide the supporting information to the job reference such as the consultancy agreement, certificate of completion in appendix)
3. Relevant experience of the MPDCT (either the Architectural Consultant or his/her
Master Planning Design Specialist) either in Hong Kong or elsewhere (30%) (Con’t)
(c) / Completion of master planning design for projects (either as the projects in item (a) or (b) above, or other projects) that the development nature is a I&T Business Park or Science Park in Hong Kong or elsewhere within the last 5 years (from the submission closing date of EOI Proposals) [Base Mark for at least 1 project = 5%; Merit = 5%] (10%)
Project Reference No. __
Project Title and Description
Location / HK / Overseas* (Please Specify ______)
Type of Development / I&T Business Park / Science Park (Y/N) *
[Type of Development other than I&T Business Park or Science Park not to be considered.]
Date of Master Planning Design Completion / Completion Date ______(Please specify)
[Master Planning Design completed >5 years from submission close date of EOI Proposals not to be considered.]
Total Land Area / ______hectares
Type of Consultancy / Master Planning Study / Other *(Please specify ______)
By Architectural Consultant / Master Planning Design Specialist*
Name of Employer
(* Please cross out as appropriate)
(Please provide the supporting information to the job reference such as the consultancy agreement, certificate of completion in appendix)
4. Knowledge, experience and capability of core personnel of the MPDCT (including the
Architectural Consultant and Master Planning Design Specialist) (20%)
[Please refer to Annex IX(A) for the minimum qualification and experience of core personnel]
Position / Name / Professional Qualification* / Date of Awarding the Qualification / Years of Post- professional qualification / Additional Years above the Min. Experience / Length of Service in Tenderer’s Company (yrs) and Position
Director / John Chan / MHKIA / 1 Feb 1995 / 15 yrs / 6 yrs / 10 yrs, Director
Partners / Directors
MPDS / [Minimum Requirement – A director of a company who is a member of the Board with voting power at Board meetings of the company and with extensive experience in the relevant field and not less than 15 years post-qualification experience]
Chief Professional
MPDS / [Minimum Requirement – Corporate member of an appropriate professional institution or equivalent and not less than 12 years relevant post-qualification experience]
- Only one core personnel of each category to be designated for this EOI submission
- The proposed core personnel of the above 2 categories shall tally with the one proposed in Annex IX.
- The qualifications stated above shall tally with the CV submitted.
5. Proposed organization of the MPDCT including the Architectural Consultant, Master Planning
Design Specialist and other sub-consultants for this Project (20%)
(a) List of selected sub-consultants
Selected Sub-consultant
i) Master Planning Design Specialist (MPDS) * / ______
ii) Traffic Consultant (TC) * / ______
iii) Environmental Consultant (EC) * / ______
iv) Others, please specify: -
______/ ______
______/ ______
______/ ______
(b) Organization chart of the Master Planning and Design Consultant Team (MPDCT) in separate sheet with highlights on the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization
* The MPDCT is not allowed to change the selected sub-consultants in the subsequent technical proposal submission without reasonable justification.
(Name of the Consultant) …………………………………….
(Name of the Signatory) ……………………………………
(Position of the Signatory) ……………………………………
(Date) ……………………………………
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