Rev. 15 May 14

List of Kitsap County 4-H Awards

Archery Overall Achievement Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members. Award is a handmade archery trophy. Member must be enrolled in the 4-H Archery Project, turn in a 4-H Awards Entry Form, application and have completed a public presentation at least at the club level. Award will be judged based on: documented effort in the record book of learning, improvement and leadership within the member’s archery project; active participation in club, county state 4-H activities and project-related events; leadership skills developed through the archery project and service to others.

Archery Record Book Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members. A certificate and $20.00 cash award will be given in each of the three age divisions.

Member must be enrolled in the 4-H Archery Project and have archery as the primary project. A completed Record Book must be submitted for judging.

Archery Toxophilite Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members enrolled in the 4-H Archery project. Member must attend County Archery Tournament and place top in the quiz. Award is Trophy (Arrow in Stump). Members do not need to apply. Winner will be selected by project leaders.

Cavy Achievement Award: A permanent trophy will be available to a Junior, Intermediate, and Senior member enrolled in cavy project. Member must submit an Awards Entry Form, and give a public presentation related to cavy project. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applications scored on the following: record book, public presentation, community service, participation in 4-H cavy shows and educational clinics, cavy judging, type, fitting showing, educational poster, and knowledge bowl and member understanding of important achievement in the cavy project.

Cavy Breeder of the Year Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in cavy project. Award is a trophy. Member must make a public presentation related to cavy project. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applications scored on the following: record book, public presentation, community service, participation in 4-H cavy shows and educational clinics, cavy judging and breeding program, including participation in breeder class at county fair.

Clothing Achievement Award: A monetary award of $25 is open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in a 4-H Clothing and Textiles Project. Member must turn in completed application form. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging.

*The Corrina (Rucker)Coan Award: A monetary award of $500 will be awarded to a youth in the 4-H dog project who exemplifies the 4-H motto and what the four H’s represent. *This award is submitted to the 4-H office by the last Friday in February. There are 2 parts, a leader nomination and youth application with an emphasis on leadership.

Dog Achievement Award: $10 will be awarded. Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in the 4-H dog project. Member must complete county award entry form and make public presentation relating to the dog project. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applications scored on the following: record book, public presentation, community service, clinics, participation in Kitsap County and State Fairs.

Dog Science Award: $10 will be awarded. Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior

Dog project members. Nominee must be enrolled in the 4-H dog project, present a public

presentation related to the dog project, and submit a leader nomination form. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applicants scored on the following: completed record book, attendance, club leadership, community service and growth in member, and general attitude toward others.


Please refer to the Equine Awards section on the 4-H Awards website for complete descriptions and requirements for the following Equine Awards:

•  Equine Achievement Awards

•  Horsemanship Awards

•  Horse Leaders Scholarship

Note: A 4-H Record Book submitted for judging is required for all equine/horse awards.

Foods Projects Achievement Awards: Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in a 4-H Foods Project. The awards will be age appropriate awards or cookbooks. Member must turn in completed award entry form. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging.

Four Square Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members grades 3-12 in all clubs. The award is a book about a true story of a 4-H club in Washington State. Each club leader may nominate one or more members who exemplify the 4-H motto. Previous foursquare recipients are ineligible. Selection of award winner is based on well-balanced life skill development. Areas included are: Physical - physical activity; mental-good judgment, contributing to good thinking in activities; social-participation in meetings, club and community activities; character-setting an example for others in doing ethical and character building activities.

Livestock Achievement Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in at least one of the following projects: Beef, Dairy Cattle, Goats, Sheep, Swine, Llamas, and Poultry. The award is a trophy. Requirements are to submit a county award entry form, and give a public presentation related to the applicable project area. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applicants scored on the following: record book, presentation, community service, achievements at county and state fairs, participation in any other shows related to their project(s), participation in Kitsap County special activities and events, and improvements and achievements in their project(s).

Oas Photo Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members enrolled in the 4-H Photography project. Award is a certificate and $15 gift card to Costco photo department. One award will be available in each age group. Purpose of this award is to acknowledge and encourage photography members. Applicants should have given a public presentation, illustrated talk or demonstration at club or county level; exhibited at current year county fair; and participated in some community service, either with the club or separately. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging.

Plant Science Golden ‘24’ Carrot Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members enrolled in the 4-H Plant Science project. Monetary awards of $40 for 1st place and $20. for 2nd place are given. Member must turn in a county award entry form; must have presented a demonstration, illustrated talk or speech related to gardening; must have exhibited in the plant science project at Kitsap County Fair; must have participated in the Plant Science Judging Contest at Kitsap County Fair; can gain extra points for submitting a completed Record Book for year-end judging, by doing community service, exhibiting a poster on plant science, or exhibited in open class Flora/Horticulture at Kitsap County Fair. All activities mentioned above must have been in the year of the application.

Rabbit/Cavy Inspirational Award: A small permanent trophy will be presented to a 4-H

member who has shown exceptional personal growth, and has been an inspiration to others. Open to Junior, Intermediate or Senior enrolled in the rabbit or cavy project. Nominee must give a public presentation, and participate in the Kitsap County Fair. It is recommended that a completed record book is submitted for year-end judging. Nomination must be made by club leader and include statement of specific 4-H experience which has contributed to the member’s personal growth and how this growth has influenced family and community life.

Rabbit Achievement Award: A small permanent trophy will be available to a Junior, Intermediate, and Senior member who is enrolled in the rabbit project. Requirements are: a county award entry form submitted, and a public presentation given related to rabbit project. It is recommended that a record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applications scored on the following: record book; public presentation; community service project; participation in rabbit educational clinics and shows; the Spring Fling show; fair contests including rabbit judging, type, fitting and showing, educational poster and knowledge bowl; and the member’s understanding of important achievements in their rabbit project.

Rabbit Breeder of the Year Award: Open to Junior, Intermediate and Senior members enrolled in the rabbit project. Award is a permanent trophy. Member must submit county award entry form and make a public presentation related to rabbit project. It is recommended that a record book is submitted for year-end judging. Applications scored on the following: record book; public presentation; community service; participation in rabbit educational clinics and shows; Spring Fling participation; rabbit judging contest, and their breeding program, including participation in breeder class at county fair.

Record Keeping Award: $25.00 awarded to 1 boy and 1 girl in each of the following divisions: Junior, Intermediate, and Senior. Member must turn in completed record book to club leader. All completed record books may be submitted for general year-end county-level judging, but the Club leaders must select the specific books which are to be judged as the “best record books” for this award. County record book committee selects the recipients.

Superintendent Awards: Superintendent of each project may select one member of their project for a special superintendent award for any reason they choose. Award (e.g. trophy, monetary, certificate, etc.) shall be provided by the superintendent. Members do not need to submit an Award Entry Form.

Teen Leader of the Year Awards: Monetary awards of $25 for Teen Girl, and Teen Boy are given. Applicants must be enrolled in a 4-H leadership project. Each club may nominate a teen boy and teen girl. The teen nominated does not have to be a member of the club but may be a teen working in 4-H in another club, camp, fair or countywide activities. Requirements for consideration are: a county award entry form, nomination form, and a completed record book submitted for year-end judging. Selection of winners will be based on: how the teen helped others; influenced youth to “make the best better;” participated in club activities, county-wide 4-H activities, and community activities; and gave to others “above and beyond.”

Tracy Sue Parker Memorial Award: Monetary Award. Open to all 4-H clubs.

Club must plan and participate in at least one Community Service project. Criteria for award selection includes: youth-planned service, service met a community need, number of youth members participating, evidence of benefit to those participating and to recipients, The winning entry qualifies to be considered as an applicant for this State Award. Application form must be completed and submitted by a youth member.

William R. Greaves Memorial Achievement Award: Open to all Junior, Intermediate, and Senior members. Award is a permanent trophy and name engraved on the County William Greaves plaque. Member must submit completed record book and award entry form. All-around achievement and leadership is evaluated to select recipients. Application for other awards enters member in the Greaves Achievement contest.

Medals of Honor

Open to: Intermediate and Senior Members

Certificates of Achievement

Open to: Junior Members

Note: See the following page for a list of the many project areas for which Medals of Honor and Certificates of Achievement are available.

Requirements for both Medals of Honor and Certificates of Honor:

Submit: (1) 4-H Awards Entry Form

(2) Recommendation for County Medal of Honor/Certificate of Achievement Form

completed by leader.

(3)  It is recommended that a completed record book be submitted for year-end judging for highest consideration for the awards.

Any leader may recommend any member for award. Applicant must be enrolled in the project that is related to the subject of the Medal or Certificate (unless it is an activity medal/certificate applicable to all projects). Recipients are selected based on participation in the project during the year, and growth and accomplishment as demonstrated in the record book submitted and leader recommendation. Point system for scoring: 50% on project, 25% on club participation and teamwork; 15% on community service, 10% on record book.

At the Award Committee’s discretion, up to four of each medal and certificate may be awarded in a given year.

Available Medals of Honor and Certificates of Achievement
Animal Science / Engineering and Technology / Family & Consumer Sciences
Agriculture Breeding/ raising livestock / Aerospace / Child Care & Development
Beef / Bicycle / Clothing & Textiles
Cat / Computer Technology / Consumer Education
Cavy / Electricity / Family Life (Family Living project)
Dairy (Cattle) / Engines,Tractors & Field Equipment / Fashion Review
Dog / Technology & Engineering / Food & Nutrition
Goat / Wood Science
Llama / Plant Sciences / Communications Arts
Pets / Agriculture (raising crops, farming) / Communications
Poultry / Entomology & Bees / Hobbies and Collections
Rabbit / Gardening & Horticulture / Performing Arts
Sheep / Plant Science (other) / Photography & Video
Swine / Visual Arts
Veterinary Science
Social Sciences / Activities – related to other projects / Environmental Stewardship
Citizenship & Civic / Community Service / Forestry
Healthy Living (Health projects) / Demonstration / Shooting Sports
Leadership / Judging / Wildlife & Fisheries
Lamp of Knowledge
(Knowledge Bowl-or other achievement) / Aquaculture
(Raising fish or aquaponics)
Other projects not listed
May use the general achievement medal / Public Speaking - Presentations / Outdoor Education & Recreation
Sport fishing, wind energy, water cycle, exploring environment projects
Reporting Media
Achievement / Safety