Letter to License Commission

Cambridge License Commission

831 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139-3068

Members of the License Commission:

I support the application by PlanetTran, LLC to amend their existing livery license to include additional vehicles. As a consumer who lives in or visits the greater Boston area, I appreciate the value of this alternative car service option in an industry that provides little choice to me. PlanetTran’s service is unique (first of its kind in the Nation, only alternative in Boston), beneficial for the community at large (fuel efficient hybrid cars reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants), and in demand in Cambridge and other greater Boston communities (there is no option for consumers seeking a comfortable, cost-effective, environmentally responsible alternative to taxis or other scheduled autos).

I encourage the Cambridge License Commission to approve PlanetTran’s application following the Feb. 7, 2006 hearing, and any subsequent applications for expansion. Companies like PlanetTran, LLC contribute to the environment of innovation and social responsibility that make Cambridge an interesting and exciting place to live, work, and visit.




