Restricted or Unrestricted purpose

(Remove this from header)

[Donor name and address or letterhead]


Address to Chancellor, Vice Chancellor, other UCSD leader if preferred or:

Marlene Shaver

UC San Diego Foundation

9500 Gilman Drive, 0940

La Jolla, CA 92093-0940

Dear Mrs. Shaver:

I wish to provide support to the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego). I hereby irrevocably contribute (or pledge) [insert amount] to the UC San Diego Foundation to establish (or add to) an expendable fund ("Fund") entitled [Insert new fund name or existing fund name and number].

This fund is to provide support for the benefit of [insert designated area of interest and purpose, and other terms] at UC San Diego. The fund shall be administered by the [insert administrator of fund.]

If this is a pledge insert a paragraph with pledge payment amounts and due dates.

I am pleased to provide this support to UC San Diego and look forward to learning of the impact of my gift.


[Donor's name]