Loudon Avenue Christian


(Disciples of Christ)

Policy Manual

Printed 1/15/09

Amended 3/7/11

LACC Ministerial Policies

Loudon Avenue Christian Church

Disciples of Christ

"Insuring Integrity in Ministry"

Policy and Criteria for the Order of Ministry

The Order of Ministry (as stated in regional document for the State Of Virginia)

1. Within the ministry of the whole people of God, there is and has been from the beginning a particular ministry called of God and authorized by the Church. While all Christians share in the corporate ministry, the term minister particularly describes a person to whom the Church entrusts special responsibility. Through the centuries, this Order of Ministry, in various offices, has been responsible to lead in transmitting the Christian tradition from one generation to another, translating and interpretation the Scriptures, proclaiming the gospel of Christ, administering the sacraments, serving to maintain a company of Christians in continuity with the life and faith of the Apostles, and acting as pioneers and leaders in the Church's reconciling mission in the world.

2. Personal Qualification for Admission to the Order of Ministry.

In all of its procedures concerning the Order of Ministry, the church seeks these qualities in the men and women it inducts:

a. Faith in Christ Jesus and commitment to a life of Christian Discipleship.

b. Definite and informed decision, in response to God, to serve in the Order of


c. Mental and physical fitness sufficient to the demand of the office, emotional

stability and maturity, and an appropriate standard of morality.

3. Preparation for Service in the Order of Ministry.

Persons to be inducted into the Order of Ministry are to prepare themselves for their work. That preparation shall include:

a. Membership and participation in the life and work of a congregation of the

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

b. Breadth of theological study so that the candidate shows an understanding of the Christian faith, the Bible, the Church, the history and polity of the Christian Church (Disciple of Christ), the world in theological perspective and the Christian Mission

c. Professional study and supervised experience in the work of ministry,

d. Formation of responsible relations with and concern for the Church, both as

community of faith and institution,

e. Growth in personal character, Christian insight, spiritual formation,

and disciplined commitment of ministry.

f. Formation of ethical principles to guide professional relationships and

personal conduct.

Steps:(Policy of the local church)

1. Submit a letter, along with any certificates, licenses, or transcripts, stating their

desire to apply for ordination or licensure of their ministry by Loudon Avenue

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

2. Meeting with Elder Board

3. Recommendation to General Board

4. Congregation votes on recommendation

Duties: All the duties of a pastor, without the responsibilities. The candidates will shadow the Pastor when possible in all areas of pastoral ministry. When the Pastor deems the candidate ready for independent ministry to the congregation (visitation, teaching, preaching) and general public, the Pastor shall inform the Elders in writing this change. All and any assignments must be directed by the Pastor.

The candidate shall: Begin a three-year Minister in Training program of study and internship as

supervised by the Pastor with the approval of the Board of Elders to include.

• Read 25 books from a reading list given by the Elders. Each Elder may require

two books each from the total.

• Interview four Christian Pastors. The candidate will attend that pastor's Sunday

Service and interview the pastor and submit a written report. Interview questions

must be developed along with the Elder Board.

• Visit two congregation members per month. Time, date, and place of these

interviews are to be kept in a log. No duplications.

• Complete 100 hours of community service as assigned by the Pastor

• Successfully complete five courses as approved by the Elder Board: Survey of

the New and Old Testaments, Systematic Theology, Hermeneutics, Christian

History, and Public Speaking.

• Denominational Training

• Convention and conference attendance as ordered.

• Personal conference(s) by each Elder, if requested by the Elder.

And complete the following requirement as quoted from our state documents.

"Will submit to the chairperson FOUR PAPERS dealing with the following areas:

a. A description of the CANDIDATE'S PILGRIMAGE OF FAITH from birth

to the present time.

b. The candidate's THEOLOGY OF MINISTRY AND CHURCH, to include

the role and authority of ministers. This paper should also reflect the candidate'

understanding of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) polity, structure,

and history. This essay may take any number of forms:

(1) It may present a commentary on portions of the Design of the

Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which outline the Ministry of the

church; or

(2) It may present a commentary on portions 6f the Policy and Criteria

defining ministry in the church; or

(3) Quotations and responses to the paragraphs on ministry in one of the

books from the Reading List: for example, the first portion of Duane

Cummins' Handbook for Today's Disciples chap, seven; or

(4) A formal theological essay on "Ministry in the Christian Church

(Disciples of Christ);" provided this essay includes an extended

application of Disciples thought to the candidate's own practice of


c. A summary of the candidate's Theology OF GOD. The Committee is

particularly concerned that the candidate affirm faith in God which is

recognizably Christian.

d, A summary of the candidate's CHRISTOLQGY. The Committee is

particularly concerned that the candidate affirm the traditional Disciples

of Christ confession of faith, which reflects Matthew 16:16 and Acts 8:37."


Policy For Becoming An Elder

A. All prospective Elders are expected to meet biblical requirements found in Titus 1:

-Must be above reproach



-An apt teacher

-No drunkard

-Not violent but gentle

-Not quarrelsome

-No lover of money

-Must manage one’s own household well

-Must not be a recent convert

-Well thought of by outsiders

B. Must be a member of LACC for at least three years.

C. Must be active in the life of LACC and give evidence of seeking to grow in their

understanding and practice of the Christian life. Such-evidence would include the following:

1. Participation in Church school, prayer meeting and bible study at LACC.

2. Attendance at district, regional and general training events

3. Conduct of one's life in the light of the teachings of Jesus Christ

4. Promotion of goodwill and Christian fellowship in the congregation and community.

5. Attendance at the worship services and stated meetings of the congregation.

6. Regular financial contributions to the support of the congregation.

7. Willingness to fulfill assignments on behalf of the congregation.

8. Demonstrates skills or evident potential in carrying out responsibilities of the

particular office.

D. Must write letter-informing Elders of aspiration.

E. Must have at least one personal interview with Elders.

F. Elders transferring membership must be a member at LAAC at least one year

before submitting letter for becoming an officer.

G. After personal interview with Elders, based on the above criteria, persons will

be recommended to the General Board for affirmation.


Policy For Becoming A Deacon

A. All prospective Deacons are expected to meet biblical requirements found in 1 Timothy 3:

-Persons worthy of respect


-Not indulging in much wine

-Not pursuing dishonest gain

-Must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience

-Must be willing to be tested

-Manage one’s household well

B. Must be a member of LACC for at least three years.

C. Must be active in the life of LACC and give evidence of seeking to grow in their understanding and practice

of the Christian life. Such evidence would include the following:

1. Participation in Church school, prayer meeting and bible study at LACC.

2. Attendance at district, regional and general training events

3. Conduct of one's life in the light of the teachings of Jesus Christ

4. Promotion of goodwill and Christian fellowship in the congregation and community.

5. Attendance at the worship services and stated meetings of the congregation.

6. Regular financial contributions to the support of the congregation.

7. Willingness to fulfill assignments on behalf of the congregation.

8. Demonstrates skills or evident potential in carrying out responsibilities of the

particular office.

D. Must write letter-informing Elders of aspiration.

F. Deacons transferring membership must be a member at LACC at least one

year before submitting letter for becoming an officer.

G. After personal interview with Elders, based on the above criteria, persons will

be recommended to the General Board for affirmation.

Board/Committee Administrative Policies

I. Incoming Officers

1. All incoming moderators shall review the personnel of all standing committees to ensure

that the committee is properly staffed and functioning.

2. All policies shall be reviewed and updated by the incoming moderator and general


II. Record maintenance

The church clerk shall have bound 3 complete copies of all board and congregational meeting minutes at the conclusion of each calendar year. One copy shall be kept by the church secretary, one copy in the church library for archival purposes and one copy in a secure location.

III. Policy for Employee's Presence at Meetings That Address Employment Status Or


Any person who is an employee or who has a family member who is an employee of the church must be excused from the Board, Stewardship and Finance committee, Personnel committee and/or Congregational meetings during discussions which address their employment status or pay.

Rationale: The enforcement of this policy will promote frank discussion among the

congregation, board and committee members.

LACC Operational Policies

Policy on Selling/Fundraising

1. Groups covered by the church budget or who have special services/days in which the

congregation is asked to give financial support may not have fundraisers on church grounds to support the groups’ activities.

2. Any request to conduct a fundraiser for a specific charitable cause must be

received 60 days prior to the event and must be approved by the General Board.

3. No fundraising may take place in the sanctuary.

Sick and Bereavement Policy

I. Policy on Hospital-Inpatient and Outpatient Stay

A. This guideline is applicable to all LACC members.

B. A bud vase and a card will be sent to the member if the hospital stay is 3 days or


C. A member whose illness involves an outpatient stay less than or equal to 2 days will

receive a get well card.

D. The Church secretary must be notified and given information to communicate to the

Bereavement Committee.

E. The Bereavement Committee personnel will ensure flowers and/or a card is

forwarded to members at the location provided to Church Secretary.

II. Policy on Bereavement

A. Death of a Church Member

1. The family of the deceased church member will receive a letter of

condolence and one of the following: a $50 floral arrangement, cash in the

amount of $50 or a family meal provided by the church.

2. The Bereavement committee will contact the family to determine whether a

floral, monetary gift or family meal is desired.

B. Death of an immediate family member of a church member.

1. When an immediate family member of a church member dies,

the church will send $50 and a letter of condolence.

C. Letter of condolence

1.The Bereavement committee will work with the Pastor to develop a

standard Letter of Condolence that will be sent to the family from the

church in the event of the death of a church member or death of immediate

family of a church member. This letter will be personalized to include the

recipient's name before it is sent.

D. The immediate family is defined as spouse, mother, father, guardian, sister, brother

or child.

E. Notification to the Church Secretary concerning the passing of a church member or

family member must be made to ensure that administration of this policy.

Policy for Inviting Guest Ministers

1. Auxiliary group chooses a first and second choice for speaker at least 5 months in advance

of the event.

2. Auxiliary group presents the names to the Pastor for approval.

3. With Pastor approval, the auxiliary group issues the invitation to the speaker.

* * All supply ministers are to be selected by the Elder board.

Policy for Standard Honorarium

1. A standard honorarium of not less than $500 plus expenses shall be paid to guest ministers

who speak at Women's Day, Men's Day, Homecoming, and Pastor's Anniversary.

2. A standard fee of $125 shall be paid to Lenten, Youth Sunday, and supply ministers.

3. The honorarium and expenses of Revival speakers shall be determined yearly and

approved in the church operating budget for that year.

New Ministries

Any new ministry must be approved by the Elder Board.

Outside Advertisement Request

Loudon Avenue Christian Church only supports a limited number of requests for advertising. Support is limited to the National Convocation, General Assembly, District III, Piedmont, and Region of Virginia.

Policy for Requests of Non-Allocated Funds

1. Requests for funds, detailing both the reason and amount, should be submitted to the General Board.

2. The General Board will review the request to see if it aligns with the LACC mission and how it will best benefit the church.

3. If the General Board finds alignment, then it will forward the request to the Stewardship and Finance Commission to determine if funds are available.

4. The Stewardship and Finance Commission will give their findings to the General Board as to the availability of funds.

5. The General Board will evaluate those findings and make a final decision whether to honor the request.

LACC Above Suspicion Policy


1. To provide a safe and caring environment for youth and adults in all LACC programs.

2. To protect both salaried and volunteer staff from situations that potentially could

occur in any program, including camps, trips, outings and other events, where there is

potential for being accused of abuse.

Policy Segments

1. Volunteers, as well as salaried staff, shall be screened prior to being selected to serve in a volunteer or salaried role working with minors at LACC. Screening must include personal interview by the personnel committee. Additional screening can include police background checks, and/or letters of recommendation, as defined in LACC Volunteer Policy/Enrollment Form.

2. In order to be qualified to work with youth, a volunteer must have been a member of

LACC for at least six months

3. Anyone who has not met the six month membership requirement or is a nonmember

can not provide direct supervision for events and activities involving youth, but may

serve along with a qualified volunteer.

4. Prior to the beginning of any event, all staff, including teen volunteers, shall receive

information and instruction necessary to be made fully aware of the potential liability