To become a recognized part of the associated student body organization, a class must be composed entirely of students enrolled at CrestonHigh School, and must be open to any CHS student wishing to join. Any group of students may apply to the A.S.B. for permission to form a class by submitting for approval a proposed charter and constitution.

The following procedures are used in forming a class:

1. Obtain an Adviser.

2. Arrange some publicity.

3. Secure Membership.

4. Hold you first meeting.

5. Write a Constitution.

6. Adopt the Constitution.

7. Elect Officers.

8. Obtain a class charter.

9. Present the Constitution and completed charter to the A.S.B. council.


Article I: Name and Purpose of the Organization

Section 1: Name of the Organization

a. This is the Constitution of theClass of 2010.

b. Herein, all references to "Class" will refer to .

Section 2: Purpose of the Organization

Concept: To provide

To teach the student what they need to know for their futures.

Goal: To bring

Supplies that they need for the class.


1. To learn what they need to know for their futures.

2. To graduate


Premise:The work of the Class is to show what they are learning and already know.

Charter:The Class Charter is to provide an organization to ______

Article II: Membership of the Organization

Section 1: Who may become a Member

a. Any registered student attending classes at CrestonHigh School

b. ______

Section 2: Membership in Good Standing

  1. All members must be in good standing according to rules and regulations.
  2. If said student is deemed not to be in good standing with Creston High School, said student will not be considered a member.

Section 3: Membership Responsibility

a. All members must be committed to and support the charter of the Class.

b. All members should maintain active participation in the functions of the Class.

Section 4: Class Advisor:

a. Will be offered to all Faculty Members at the end of each year for the following year.

b. Advisor(s) will selected by the principal with input from the faculty and class officers.

c. Must attend all Class Meetings and Activities.

d. There must always be an Advisor at all class activities.

Article III: Officers of the Organization

A. All Officers will follow the rules and regulations of Creston High School at all times.

B. All Officers will follow the Class's concepts, charters, goals, and objectives, premise and rules.

  1. All Officers must be familiar with the Class Constitution and the By-laws and the specific duties of the office that Officer holds.

D. All Officers, including the Class Advisor, will participate in the preparation of a "Master Plan" of all activities of the Class on an annual basis and the projected outline for activities for the new year.

Section 1: Listing of Officers

a. Officers will consist of:

1. President

2. Vice-President

3. Treasurer

4. Secretary

Section 2: When and How Officers Elected

a. Officers will be elected annually.

b. Nominees must be active members of the Class.

1. See Article III

c. Nominations

1.All nominees can either nominate themselves or have other active members nominate them.

2. All nominations will be seconded.

3.A meeting for nominations will take place no later than 45 days before the end of the semester.

d. Voting

1. Voting will be held by secret ballot.

2. Only members may vote

3. A quorum of the members must be present in order to vote.

4. See Article VII

Section 3: Term of Office

a.All terms of office will be one school year.

b.Will begin in the Fall of that year, and end at the closure of the Spring semester.

c.The outgoing Officer will conduct all election meetings and meetings that are required for that term until the end of the spring semester.

Section 4: Filling Vacancies

a.If a position should become vacant at any time during the one-year term, a vote by the Officers to fill the position within 30 days with another member nomination of a member will take place.

b.If necessary, will be followed by an election of said person, at the next Class meeting or within 30 days, whichever comes first.

c.In event that no person is found to fill vacancy, the remaining Officers will share the responsibilities and act in the capacity of the vacant office.

Section 5: Event of a Tie

a. Both nominees will have a week to campaign before another vote will be called.

b. Follow the guidelines in Article III Section 2.

Article IV: Responsibilities of Officers

A. The following descriptive responsibilities will be carried out by the prospective Officers:

1. President of the Class

a.Will preside over all meetings; Class and Officer.

b.Will act as the main contact between the membership and the Class Advisor.

c.Will prepare an agenda for each meeting.

d.Will act as Parliamentary Authority for the Class.

e.Gets letters, notes, flyers, logo, etc., approved by Advisor.

2. Vice President of the Class

a. Will serve as "stand-in" for the President in the event of absence or inability to serve.

b.Will serve as an assistant to the President in overall responsibilities as defined under "President".

c. Will act as Parliamentary Authority for the Class in the event the President can not.

d.Will prepare requisition of room forms for all Class meetings, including Officers, and get Advisor signature and then return to the Master Calendar.

3. Treasurer

a. Will accurately receive, disperse, document and account for all Monies of the Class.

  1. Will prepare a current report of the financial status of the Class for each regular meeting and for Officers meetings.
  2. Will bring all requisition of expenditures to Officers meeting before any Monies are


d.Communication with the Associated Student Body Accounts Department as needed for approval funds reimbursement.

e.Prepare a detailed financial report at the end of the school year to the Associated Student Body Accounts Department

f.Develop and administer procedures for the sale of all tickets, T-shirts, cast party, flowers, props, etc.

4. Secretary

a. Will accurately record the minutes of each regular and special meeting.

b. Will prepare all minutes to be distributed to all Officers and Advisors one week after


c.Will maintain an official minutes record book for review at any time by Membership,

Officers and Class Advisor.

1. This will be brought to ever meeting (regular Class meetings and Officers meetings)

d.Will maintain a current and up to date listing of all Class Memberships, Officers, telephone numbers, addresses and e-mail.

1.A copy of this list will be given to all Officers, Advisors, and Board members only, this list will not be distributed to the general membership.

Article V: Meetings of the Organization

A.All meetings, including all Silent Productions meetings will adhere to the following rules on how to conduct meetings of the Class and Officers.

Section 1: How Often

a. Class Meetings

1. Once Monthly

b. Officer's Meetings

1. Twice monthly, to include class advisor.

Article VI: Order of Business

A. These procedures will be followed in running of the meetings, including Special meetings:

1. Call to Order

2. Roll Call

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

4. Financial Report (Treasurer’s Report and A.S.B Vouchers)

5. Officer’s report

6. Committee Reports, if any

7. Unfinished Business

8. New Business

9. Announcements

10. Announcement of next meeting

11. Adjournment

Article VII: Quorum for the Organization

Section 1: Membership

a. The Membership is not limited to any total number

b. Two-thirds of the active membership will represent a quorum

Article VIII: Parliamentary Authority

A.The Class President will serve as Parliamentary Authority in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order.

B.In this capacity, the Vice-President will provide correct procedures as required, if Presidents absent or unable to do so.

Article IX: Amendment of the Constitution

A. Time for Previous Notice

1.Any member may bring a typed, prepared amendment to a specific article and/or section of the Constitution to a regular meeting.

2.The amendment will be presented to the membership at the meeting.

3.By parliamentary procedure the amendment may be placed on the agenda for vote at the next Officers meeting.

a. May allow up to 30 days before a vote is taken

4.The amendment will be discussed to see if it is not already within the Constitution and then if it is feasible as an amendment.

B. Membership Approval

1.Once the Officers have discussed and voted on the amendment, the Membership will have the chance to vote on it at the next monthly meeting.

C. Proportional Members Necessary to Pass

1. Two-thirds of the membership is needed to pass any new amendments to the Constitution.