Appraisal pack 2016 -17

Front Line and Support Staff

Prior to your appraisal, please complete this pack as far as you are able so that you are prepared for your appraisal meeting, and give some thought to your objectives and personal development plan (PDP) for the coming year.

Appraisals are now directly linked to pay progression. This means that if it is identified at your appraisal that you have not successfully met all your objectives, you will remain at your existing A4C pay band point. It is therefore important to clearly understand and agree your objectives.

Once the appraisal is complete, the appraiser must email the mailbox with the date the appraisal took place, name of appraisee and name of appraiser. This information will then be entered into ESR for reporting purposes.

Job Title:
Appraiser Name:
Date of Appraisal:

The following questions are to help you to prepare for your appraisal.

Whilst you do not have to answer them all in detail, it would be helpful for you to review these questions to prompt discussion during your appraisal meeting.

How would you describe the last year of working in your role?
What do you consider to be your most important achievements of the past year?
What have been the most significant challenges for you in the last year?
What is the biggest obstacle at work that you are facing?
What action could be taken to improve your performance in your current position by you, your manager or systems/processes?
What contribution would you love to make in your current role?
What are you really good at?
How could teamwork in your immediate team be improved? To what extent do you feel part of a team? How regularly do you meet with your team?
Infection prevention and control is everybody’s responsibility. All staff must promote effective infection prevention and control practice to help achieve the Trust vision, goals and priorities. Give examples of how you do this in practice.

Please see the links on the Appraisals section of the Intranet to view the Trust’s updated Quality, Goals, Priorities and Values illustrated in the ‘house’.


Thinking about the future


Our lifestyles are not always as healthy as we think. Start the fight backto a healthier you. Take the One You quiz and see how you score. Follow this link to take the quiz.


(Occupational Health would like to receive your comments)


Please click here to find out more



Please click here to find out more

It is important that you protect patients and your family, as well as yourself, so please get vaccinated this year.


Review of objectives over the past year

(make notes here to discuss at your appraisal)

Your objectives from last year

Objective / Achieved?
Met successfully / not met required standard / Comments
Include evidence to show why the objective has or has not been met
Was your mandatory training compliance 80% to 100% at one point in the last 6 months?
Overall summary – have all objectives been achieved?
(Note: if your objectives have not all been successfully achieved, your pay progression may be affected.)

Your Personal DevelopmentPlan (PDP) from last year

PDP Activity / Achieved?
Met successfully / not met required standard / Comments
Include evidence to show why the PDP activity has or has not been achieved


Review of behaviour

Caring …

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Concentrates solely on own needs rather than those of others; loses sight of what individuals or the Trust are seeking to achieve / Keeps a clear line of sight between their role and the individuals they support; understands the impact their role has in delivering outcomes
Lacks empathy or compassion; is tokenistic or makes little or no attempt to understand what really matters to people / Displays genuine compassion, respect for and interest in others; takes time to understand the realities they may be facing
Takes little responsibility for promoting well-being or creating safe, healthy and supportive environments for others / Takes an active role in creating safe, healthy and supportive environments which promote and enhance well being
Gives little thought to the desired outcomes of individuals; inclined to do what is quickest or easiest for them / Treats people as individuals; responsive and focused around their needs and desired outcomes
Appears intolerant of or disinterested in the differences within their team; may avoid people or only display interest in people who are like them / Values and acknowledges the differences in profession, temperament, background and working style of their colleagues

Review of behaviour

Openness and learning ….

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Either looks to hide mistakes or blame them on other parties; does not take time to reflect on what needs to be done differently / Acknowledges own mistakes and builds on failures; takes responsibility for applyingand sharing learning or making changes to the way they do things
Tolerates or walks past issues of concern rather than addressing them and ensuring they have been resolved / Challenges others supportively when something isn’t right, escalates concerns appropriately or whistle blows if necessary
Lacks insight into their own capability, is afraid to share their shortcomings with others or does not seek feedback on performance / Displays awareness of their own strengths and limitations; seeks out, is receptive to and acts on feedback about their performance
Places little value on or does little preparation for their appraisal, may lack interest in learning or keeping up to date with latest developments / Prepares thoroughly for their appraisal and remains focused around their continuing and/or professional development
Displays little interest in helping to find improvements to the way things work or leaves it to others to take action / Contributes ideas and suggestions for enhancing the way things work; takes initiative to implement improvements

Review of behaviour

Working together ….

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Shows little interest or respect for the work that others do, particularly people outside their own team or area of expertise / Builds effective and trusting working relationships with people at all levels inside and outside the Trust
Hesitant in building relationships with other teams or organisations; misses opportunities to work cohesively or join things up / Works collaboratively with other teams and/or organisations to provide better services and truly coordinated support
Displays little interest in tasks or activities outside their direct remit, leaving others to struggle or problems unresolved / Remains alert to what is going on around them and willing to help out or get involved in things even if they are not part of their job
Avoids dealing with conflict or challenging situations, rather than finding a way to make things work / Handles conflict and challenging situations calmly; responds sensitively to others’ frustrations
Fails to involve people in decisions relating to them, instead having discussions about them or keeping valuable information to themselves / Includes the right people in decision making; is open and honest in their dealings with others so informed choices can be made

Review of behaviour

Leadership …

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Talks negatively about their team / wider organisation when interacting with stakeholders and colleagues; does not role model the Trust values / Acts with integrity and professionalism; speaks positively about their role and speaks highly of their team and the wider organisation
Adopts the same approach with everyone they interact with, restricting their ability to establish rapport or handle sensitive issues appropriately / Communicates clearly and sensitively, avoiding unnecessary jargon; adapts their style according to the situation and audience
Appears rushed or impatient; is preoccupied with tasks or their workload rather than focusing on what really makes a difference / Listens and gives their undivided attention; balances the need to make time for people with other aspects of work
Overlooks or is dismissive of the efforts of their colleagues; does not recognise or acknowledge their achievements / Celebrates success; is quick to praise or say thank you when something has been done well
Fails to motivate or inspire others; lacks pace with or enthusiasm for their work / Finds ways to engage, motivate and inspire people; injects pace and enthusiasm into their work

Review of behaviour

Delivery …

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Gets easily distracted from delivering their priorities or objectives; may be unclear about how their role fits in or what they are supposed to be doing / Stays focused on achieving high quality outcomes despite other distractions; seeks clarity about the purpose of their role and objectives
Misses deadlines, leaves things unfinished or takes on too much; does not work in a systematic, methodical or organised way / Organises their time and prioritises their workload effectively; meets deadlines and manages expectations about what they can deliver
Fails to adapt their pace and work rate around the demands they are facing or may spend time on unnecessary activities / Works productively in a pressured environment; focuses their energy on activities which make a difference and add value
Lacks consideration as to how best to utilise resources, what they might cost and whether there are more affordable alternatives / Questions whether things are providing value for money; takes responsibility for ensuring resources are utilised efficiently
Shows little interest in tasks or activities outside their own remit; may walk past problems, leaving it to others to sort things out / Takes ownership and personal accountability for solving problems and sorting things out

Review of behaviour

Innovation and improvement …

Ineffective Behaviours / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Effective Behaviours
Displays resistance to change or new initiatives; capable of holding things up or persuading others not to get involved / Adapts to and is accepting of change; gets involved with and is supportive of innovation and new ways of working
Dwells overly on problems or obstacles; may stick rigidly to existing processes and procedures rather than exercising flexibility or discretion / Demonstrates a ‘can do’ attitude; looks for solutions to problems, removes barriers and seeks to make life easier for people
Becomes despondent when things are not going well; is negative in their approach when responding to change or challenge / Displays resilience; maintains a positive outlook during difficult times and encourages others to do the same
Criticises new ideas or way of working or inclined to do things in the same way that they have always been done / Challenges the way things are being done constructively; prepared to take calculated risks and frequently seeks to streamline and improve services
Rushes into decisions or takes action without thinking through the consequences; makes assumptions or thinks only in the short term / Considers what will make a difference and add value; takes time to weigh up the risks and benefits of decisions and considers the long term impact

Objectives for 2016-17

  • The Appraisal Policy recommends that 4-6 objectives should be agreed; one related to values and behaviours, one to mandatory training, one related to quality improvement and one relating to integrated working with My Life a Full Life.
  • Successfully meeting your objectives is directly linked to pay progression. This means that if it is identified at your appraisal that you have not successfully met all your objectives, you will remain at your existing A4C pay band point. It is therefore important to clearly understand and agree your objectives.

Make sure objectives are ‘SMART’; Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound / Are there any resources or training needed for the individual to achieve the objective?
(Development should be added to the PDP) / When will the objective be reviewed/monitored? / When should the objective be completed/achieved? / What will be the measure of success?
Mandatory training compliance should
be 80-100% for at least one month in
the6months prior to the next appraisal date.

Personal Development Plan (PDP)

Discuss here what training, development and other activity you might need to do in order to be more effective in your role or further develop your career. Please ensure that you discuss any study leave that may be required.

Personal Development Plan activity
All Mandatory Training must be completed or booked prior to any other development being agreed and undertaken. / Why is this development activity being set?
Reference to individual/department/Trust objectives and plans. / When should this activity be achieved by? / When will this development be reviewed/monitored?


Comment of Appraisee
  • I agree that this appraisal document represents a true reflection of the discussion that took place at my appraisal review and I agree with the objectives and personal development plan that have been set for 2016-17.
  • I confirm that if I use an Organisational fleet vehicle or my own car for Organisation business (excluding driving to and from work) that I will provide my driving licence to my appraiser for completion of the driving licence checks form (available on the Intranet>Learning zone>Appraisal and management resources).
  • I confirm that, if I have any declarations of interest to be registered, I have completed the Register of Interests Declaration form (available on the Intranet>learning zone>appraisal and management resources).
  • My staff badge is readable and will not go out of date before 31.3.17.
  • If I am a budget holder, I have read and understood the Standing Financial Instructions (SFIs) available on the Intranet in the Corporate Governance Zone.
Comment of Appraiser
Comment of Senior Manager

Note: This appraisal document should be signed by theAppraisee, Appraiser and Senior Manager and a copy returned to the Appraisee within one month of the appraisal review meeting.

Once the appraisal is complete, the appraiser must email the mailbox with the date the appraisal took place, name of appraisee and name of appraiser. This information will then be entered into ESR for reporting purposes.

Any queries related to appraisals should be directed to;

Sandie Paice, Head of Leadership and Organisational Development

or tel: 822099 ext 3424.

We conduct staff surveys on the quality of appraisals; please complete the short questionnaire by clicking here.