Board Meeting Minutes

MONDAY, October 16, 2017

Present üKelly Leach ü Anders Swenson Brigette Leach üKevin Sportel Bill Schultz üSarah Pion

üKarl Guenther ü Cliff Lipscomb üLisa Robb

üMitch Kline Gary Barton Carl Bratton

John Cagney

Pledge The October board meeting was called to order at 7:56pm by President Kelly Leach. The meeting was held at the Kalamazoo County Farm Bureau office.

Minutes The board reviewed the August minutes. Anders Swenson made a motion to approve the minutes as presented. Cliff Lipscomb seconded the motion.

The motion was passed.

The board reviewed the September minutes (reorg.). Karl Guenther made a motion to approve the

Minutes as presented. Anders Swenson seconded the motion.

The motion was passed.

Financial The board reviewed the financial statements for July, August and September including any variances.

Statements Karl Guenther made a motion to approve the financial statements as presented and to place them on file. Cliff Lipscomb seconded the motion.

The motion was passed.

Membership The board reviewed the membership list for 7/1/17 – 9/30/17. Associate membership Scott Hale

May qualify as a regular member. Lisa will check into with the agent that wrote it. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve. Karl Guenther seconded the motion.

The motion was passed.

Regional Sarah Pion gave her report. A copy of the report is on file.


Insurance Copy of report on file.


Old The board discussed the County Annual Meeting. Everyone heard a lot of great feedback from

Business members. The only concern was that the seating was spread out too much and it made it difficult to hear and participate during the meeting portion.

The board discussed making a donation to both the Climax Fire Department and Pretty Lake Camp. Pretty Lake Camp only charged their cost for materials/products. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve sending $400 donation to both the Climax Fire Department and to Pretty Lake Camp.

The board discussed the open board seat. Lisa Robb will call Chad Drobny to see if he would be interested. Brandie Kline mentioned that her brother Garrett Bartholomew may be interested in helping with the Young Farmer Committee.

The board discussed the new estimate for redoing the parking lot. Will discuss further at a later date.

Kelly Leach announced that we submitted another grant application to MFB for the “Farm to Family” program with St. Joseph, Calhoun and Barry Counties. We are looking for new topics and contacts. Please send ideas to Lisa Robb. Lisa will also email the list past topics and contacts.

New The board discussed the MFB Annual Meeting 11/28/17 – 11/30/17. Registration deadline is

Business 10/27/17. Let Lisa know if interested in going.

The board discussed the MFB Annual Meeting Silent Auction. Last year we did a basket for around $100 or so of Hard Cider from Texas Township Brewing Co. and other local products. Mitch Kline made a motion to approve $100. Anders amended the motion to $200, Cliff amended the motion to $150. Karl Guenther approved the amended motion to spend up to $150 for the Silent Auction basket.

Lisa Robb announced that the Kalamazoo Conservation District is in the planning stages of the Commissioners Tour, which is planned for Fall 2018. They would like our support as well as someone from the board to sit in on the planning committee. Cliff Lipscomb agreed to set on the planning committee.

The board discussed appointing a membership captain. Mitch and Brandie Kline agreed to be co- captains.

The board discussed the Voice of Ag Conference coming up 1/18/18 – 1/19/18 at the Amway Grand Plaza in Grand Rapids. We have 4 CORE spots available. Registration deadline is 12/15/17. If interested let Lisa Robb know.

The Board discussed the Young Farmer Conference coming up 2/9/18 – 2/11/18 at the Radisson Plaza Hotel in Kalamazoo. Registration deadline is 1/18/18. If interested let Lisa Robb know. Brandie announced that she and Mitch would like to attend as well as Matt & Alisha Gibson, Ashley Wagar, Garrett Walters and Like Sharp.

Lisa Robb will try to contact new members to see if any of them are interested in attending any of the upcoming CORE programs.

The board agreed to have the board meeting packets emailed to them each month rather than mailed. Lisa will have printed copies available at the meetings.

Lisa Robb announced that the KCD is asking for sponsorship again this year for their annual meeting. Last year we contributed $500. Cliff Lipscomb made a motion to approve another $500 this year. Anders Swenson seconded the motion.

The motion was passed.

Kelly Leach discussed the upcoming AFBF coming up in Nashville 1/7/18 – 1/11/18. Bill Schultz has expressed some interest. If anyone else is interested let Kelly or Lisa know.

Kelly Leach invited the board to a tour and Thanksgiving lunch they are hosting for Belgium group on 11/3/17 at Avalon Farms.

The board reviewed the CAG minutes.

Adjourn The meeting adjourned at 9:12pm.

Submitted by,

Lisa Robb, Secretary/Treasurer