It is twilight time. As you know, once twilight begins, night falls quickly. Is your light burning brightly? The lamps of the wise are full of oil, and they do not fear the darkness. The foolish are unprepared. Soon they will panic, but it will be too late. (Matthew 25:1-12)
The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines “twilight”: “the light from the sky between sunset and full night; a state of imperfect clarity, a period of decline; a twilight zone - a world of fantasy or unreality”.
December 21st 2012, has come and gone. We knew it was not the end of the world. Our Abba told us that the world will never end – it is the dwelling place of His people forever. But, on that day, we did end a new era, and a new age, which I will discuss more later.
“Darkness is covering the earth, and great darkness the people.” The earth’s people cannot see clearly, great deception is settling over their minds. They are quickly being taken by thegiant hook of Satan into the darkness.
How fascinating that the weather channel has begun naming winter storms all of a sudden. The list of names for the 2012-2013 winter season began withAthena, which followed Hurricane Sandy. It is interesting that all of the names are names of pagan gods and goddesses.
The massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary school took place on Friday, December 14th. Beginning on December 17th, the winter blizzard “Draco” (Latin for Dragon) hit the U.S. I have a picture of the shape of the storm. Like many winter storms it was in the shape of a hook, just like Captain Hook’s hook. As weathermen know and have said, there are no natural weather patterns anymore. They are all controlled by scalar weather warfare technology, HAARP in Alaska being the main one. All are used to implement the evil plans of the world elite.
Isaiah 21:12-13: “Watchman, how much of the night has passed? Watchman, how much of the night has passed? The watchman said: `Morning comes, but also the night. If you inquire, inquire. Come again!’ ”
This was my first calling in 1996--to watch through the night and report to His remnant the timing of the night and to encourage them to endure until the dawn of Yahushua’s coming.
John 9:4: Messiah said: “It is necessary for Me to work the works of Him who sent me while it is day, for night comes when no man can work”.
Yahushua refers, in context, to making a blind man to see. Our works must be focused on making the spiritually blind see – opening the eyes of those who are blind to His salvation, to His Torah, to His Kingdom, to Him as a Person, to the soon-coming of His Messiah and to His eternal realm.
In like manner, we are called to help the spiritually deaf hear and the spiritually lame walk, to that they might repent of sin, receive His Word, and walk the straight path of righteousness.
The word “Torah” means to shoot out the finger to teach and instruct and to point His people to the right path to travel. The whole Word is about walking a path, on a journey. Only He can point us to the right path, if we allow Him. But, dull of mind are turning to man to find their path, and ending up lost in a jungle of confusion and chaos of mind. Man, who is not led by the Spirit, is a jungle of confusion and chaos. (Jeremiah 17:5-10)
Matthew 10:24-25: “A disciple (taught one) is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for the taught one to be like his teacher, and a servant to be as his master.”
You are not better than Messiah. By walking in the Spirit of Yahuweh, we emulate His life, His nature, His ways and thinking. He stayed in contact moment by moment with His Father. Are we so smart that we don’t have to do that? The Spirit of Yahuweh is given to us to “show us things to come”. He is our Teacher. (John 16:13)
Now it is twilight, and night is soon to fall. We have timing on this more than ever now. The Spirit of Yahuweh is speaking, and the Luciferic world community is openly bragging about what they are going to do.
Ignorance among His people of what is happening right in plain sight is so horrendous that few understand and relate it to their own near future. But, the trap has been set, and the majority of the people of America will fall for the bait.
Matthew 24:21-14: “For there shall be great distress such as has not been since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor shall ever be…See, I have forewarned you”.
In my last update, I wrote about what Abba showed me relating to the massacre in Newtown, Connecticut. Right after I sent that update, I received much confirmation. It was definitely a premeditated planned sacrifice to Lucifer. There were eye witness reports of two to three gunmen. There were eye witness reports that at least one extra gunman was captured by police and handcuffed. Conversations were heard between the gunmen. So, why is the media covering that up?
Guns had been stored in the school beforehand. Even journalists are now reporting the obvious patterns to this with other shootings … same modus operandi.Yes, most of them are all tied together. Yes, attackers are being chipped--police, soldiers, and civilians. The shooting in Washington DC was done by a man who had been working with a government mind programming experiment. I know about these mind programming experiments. The Manchurian Candidate movie of years ago was really alerting us. But, now chipped operatives can receive their orders directly into their brain.
But, then, Lucifer loves to brag on what he is doing. And then there are the demon possessed, the programmed hybrids, and the returning Nephillim, who carry out the orders of Satan.
Lucifer/Satan is demanding more and more sacrifices since he is soon to be thrown into this earth (Revelation 12:7-17).
Abortion is a horrendous sacrifice to Satan.America funds abortions worldwide.I also wrote on how good parents, without realizing it, shirk their responsibility to protect their children,and sacrifice their children every day to Satan – allowing portals to be opened that will destroy their mind, emotions,body, and spirit. [Refer to: “Gentle Sacrifice” and “Cartoons”]
Targeted sacrificial murder is being planned and executed.This will increase greatly. For many years, actually back into the 1970s, I’ve known that the plan is to get special policing forces into schools, and when the takeover begins, the children will be taken away, and the parents will not be able to get them back. I wrote “The Compound and the Pope” in April 16, 2009, warning people about this. That was a practice run.
If they accuse Christians, Messianic people, or Jews, of being in a cult, or abusing their children in any way, they can take children from their parents. If you don’t do as you are told regarding your children’s vaccines, for example, you are listed as a “resister” and you can be branded as a bad parent. So, they can take your children from you. I’ve heard too many horror stories about the sovereign decisions of the “Child Protection Agency”.
They will either be taken for sacrifice, or to be mind programmed to be used to advance the Luciferian cause. This is why children will turn in their parents to the authorities to their death (Mark 13:12-13, 19-20).
I have told you about the prepared concentration camps, the three-story box cars with shackles and guillotines. I have told you about the rape camps, using young girls to produce babies for sacrifice. Now, this information is coming out, but not via the controlled public news media.You are supposed to remain ignorant so that you can be controlled.
Please go back and read about the NASA project “Project Blue Beam” in the article: “How to Keep Functioning in Peace and Joy When Project Blue Beam Does Everything Possible to Make Sure Your Mind Shuts Down for Their Takeover”/April 3, 2011.
This is why the Luciferic community has reallypromoted the Jesuit-created pre-tribulation rapture doctrine from the 1500s. There is quite an event planned by the Luciferic elite. From the 1970s the New Age movement was quite vocal about it. But, it sure isn’t an evacuation to heaven!
This whole thing at Sandy Hook Elementary School has been planned for months, maybe longer. There is evidence of it as far back as the London Olympics. The giant evil Captain Hook rising over children in hospital beds, while Emile Sande (pronounced Sandy) sings about death, using a hymn out-of-context: “the darkness deepens”. Remember that Never Never Land is a place for dead children. The whole Pan thing goes back to the god Pan, to whom human sacrifice was given at the base of Mount Hermon.
Now we have Obama referring to himself as “the sandman”, as well as the protector of children--the Guardian.
Here is a link to a very good article on that: The Sandman and the Rise of the Guardian from the Open Scroll, Posted: 23 Dec 2012, by Joseph Herrin
The government knows that if they attack the second bill of rights, and try to take guns from the good people, they will have much trouble. The National Rifle Association will fight it. They need fast action. So, most likely without knowing it, they played into the hands of the Illuminati. The NRA has come up with a solution – put government appointed police--good government appointed guardians--in each public school by the time the children return from their winter break in January. That’s their goal anyway.
From Herrin’s blog:
“It seems to me that the crime in Sandy Hook is being used by proponents of a New World Order to accomplish multiple goals. One is the erosion of gun ownership rights among private citizens. Another aim is to encourage the people to buy into the idea that the government should fulfill the role of the guardian of all children.
…The government causes the people to respond with great fear that their guns will be taken away, and the NRA counters with a solution that is precisely what the NWO intended. Put an armed government employee in every school in the land. Let the government arise as the guardians of childhood, and have it accomplished in such a way that it appears that the people have demanded it.
N.R.A. Envisions ‘a Good Guy With a Gun’ in Every School
WASHINGTON — After a weeklong silence, the National Rifle Association announced Friday that it wants to arm security officers at every school in the country...
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,” Wayne LaPierre, the N.R.A. vice president, said...
Mr. LaPierre said his organization would finance and develop a program called the National Model School Shield Program, to work with schools to arm and train school guards, including retired police officers and volunteers. The gun rights group named Asa Hutchinson, a former Republican congressman from Arkansas and administrator of the Drug Enforcement Agency, to lead a task force to develop the program.
Mr. LaPierre also said that before Congress moved to pass any new gun restrictions, it should “act immediately to appropriate whatever is necessary to put armed police officers in every single school in this nation” by the time students return from winter break in January.
[Source: ]
The media has recently played up stories of former Marines who voluntarily took up station outside their children’s schools in the wake of Sandy Hook. In both California, and Nashville, Tennessee, Marines stationed themselves outside of schools to guard the children.
In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook massacre we are seeing the rise of the guardians. It seems more than coincidence that this very month, in a town very near to where I live, a new facility has opened to train police, private guards, and other law enforcement personnel in urban warfare and disaster preparedness. They have constructed a miniature city to conduct their training. The name of the training facility - `Guardian Center’: It is in Perry, Georgia”.
But, please know thatthe Guardians are not good. They will ultimately be working for the assassins, those that want to sacrifice more children to Lucifer. The good police are being replaced. My heart went out to the police who covered the massacre in Newtown. Many have not gone back to work because they were so traumatized. But, that’s the idea – get the good ones out of the way, and put in the chipped, programmed, assassins to guard the children.
I’ve known a long time this plan – fake a life-threatening emergency, have the schools locked down, parents unable to get their children, and then they’re gone. I’ve also seen it in visions and dreams – way back from the 1970s.
The darkness of night will fall over America and the entire earth beginning January 20thafter the secretive private inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama. The public symbolic one on the 21st will be a show – a façade.
The real one will take place without the press, without anyone knowing what is really happening, as it was on January 21st 2009.
Take a look at this:
2009 (Revelation 9:11) 2 + 9 = 11
2013 (Revelation 13:2) 2 + 1 + 3 = 6
January 21 (1/21/2009) equals 15, 1 +5 = 6
January 20 (1/20/2013) equals 9
9, 11, 6, are all occult numbers
Watch March 22nd. In the center of the Skull and Bones logo is 322. March 22, 2009, the Obama Health Care bill, clearly a eugenics program, was ramroded through Congress. It said that in three years from that date, the bill will go into effect. It will be mandatory for all American citizens. The word “Dhimmitude is in it on page 107: From Word Fellowship Prophetic News Update November 10, 2012: “Dhimmitude is the Muslim system of controlling non-Muslim populations conquered through jihad (Holy War). Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-Muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to Islam.”
The bill also calls for a chip to be implanted in each person to identify medical records and bank records of each person. It will levy heavy fines for anyone not complying. Keep a watch on that.I hope it is not true!
The Luciferic world is bombarding us with movies and video games, with clothes, with jewelry, with symbols on about everything – that tell us that “The Dark Knight” is indeed rising, that “Nightfall” is indeed here.
In a previous update I gave a list of the post apocalyptic movies and series on TV that were out this year. The emphasis on zombies, vampires, mutates, and other demonic creatures of the night, are filling movies, a main theme of video games, even toys and children’s clothes, and t-shirts and jewelry for older ones. Violence is covering the earth. (Genesis 6)
Why are billionaires cashing in their stocks? Why are multi-billionaries, even trillionaires, moving quickly to huge well-stocked underground facilities, “seed vaults”, or onto huge “arks”--ships? Why are key government leaders moving underground as fast as possible? I wrote about this in: “What Are the Elite Doing to Prepare Their Arks?”/February 27, 2008.
If you really want to know what’s going on, watch the Luciferic elite. Learn the plans of the enemy.
Know the plans of Yahuweh and align to them quickly. Seek Him with all your heart. While the ultra rich and powerful of this world, the ones who pull the strings that control the whole world order, are seeking places of shelter they have prepared for a long time, the wise of Yahuweh’s people are already hidden under His talit in His Presence, for they know Him, they are strong, and they act in His behalf. This accounts for less than 1% of those that call themselves “believers”. Most are wide open to all that the enemy will be allowed to do to purge this earth for Yahuweh.
We ARE IN the “days of Noah”!
On December 21st, the Devil’s children worldwide knew that the world would not come to an end. But, astronomy-wise, we have entered a “new age”, and a new era. From ancient writings, the time proceeding each of the five ages of 5, 125 years, within the nearly 26,000-year era, has always been tumultuous. The New Age servants of Lucifer believe that during these next three years, the earth will be purged of what would keep their gods from coming. Of course that is the born again ones. So, a long time ago a plan was devised, in cooperation with the fallen angels, to get these people off the earth. Notice the space ships in religious paintings of the Middle Ages? Notice the skull of Mary Magdalene at the foot of the cross, too. Are you adding one and one and getting two?