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All Girls Allowed
Job Application Form
To complete your employment application with All Girls Allowed, please submit this completed application form, along with the following documents, to :
1) Cover Letter – In a professional one-page letter, explain why you are applying for the particular position(s) at All Girls Allowed and what qualifies you for the position.
2) Resume – Attach your resume or curriculum vitae, listing your education and relevant work experience. Please include the start and end date (month and year) of each job listed.
3) Spiritual Testimony – Describe in one or two paragraphs your spiritual journey towards a relationship with Jesus Christ, as well as how your faith in Christ motivates your desire to work with All Girls Allowed.
You will receive confirmation of your application within one week of its receipt. If you do not hear from All Girls Allowed by that time, please contact us at 617.492.9099 x236.
All fields in bold must be completed prior to submitting your application.
Date of Application: January 21, 20131. For which position(s) are you applying (list the job titles for all positions of interest):
a. / c.
b. / d.
2. Name:
First: / M.I.: / Last: / Suffix:
3. Permanent Address:
Address line 1: / City: / State:
Address line 2: / Zip Code: / Country:
4. Temporary Address:
Address line 1: / City: / State:
Address line 2: / Zip Code: / Country:
5. Telephone Number: (at least one is required)
Work: / Home: / Cell:
6. E-mail:
7. How did you hear about All Girls Allowed? (Check all that apply)
A speaker at church / Internet search
A speaker at a non-church engagement / Chai Ling’s books
From an AGA staff or intern
Please specify: / News story
Please specify:
Job advertisement
Please specify: / Other
Please specify:
From a friend, family member or colleague
8. How did you hear about the position(s) for which you are applying? (Check all that apply)
A speaker at church / From a friend, family member or colleague
A speaker at a non-church engagement / Internet search
From an AGA employee or intern
Please specify: /
Job advertisement – Pease specify:
Other – Please specify:
9. Have you previously applied for a position with All Girls Allowed? / Yes No
10. Would you like to receive All Girls Allowed’s e-newsletter? / Yes No
11. Are you legally permitted to work in the U.S.?
(Unfortunately, All Girls Allowed is not in a position to sponsor visas.) / Yes No
12. Have you ever been involuntarily terminated from employment for failure to perform your job responsibilities or for misconduct?
Yes No / If yes, please specify:
13. In which languages can you communicate (both verbally and in writing) and at what level ?
Optional: Language skills are only required for certain jobs, but may be helpful for others. Please see the job description for required language skills. Indicate regional dialect if Chinese.
Language / Fluent / Conversational / Beginner
14. Have you read and do you agree to All Girls Allowed’s Staff Commitment Form? (next page) / Yes No
15. Do you currently live in Boston, or are you willing to move to Boston? Yes No
16. Use this space to add any relevant information not included in your cover letter, resume or spiritual testimony.
17. Please provide the name, address, telephone number, and pastor’s name (or other church leader) of the church you attend most frequently:
Name: / Telephone Number:
Church Name: / City: / State:
Address line 1: / Postal Code: / Country:
By submitting this application, I understand that:
1. All information I provide is subject to a thorough review and confirmation by an ALL GIRLS ALLOWED investigator and Human Resources; and
2. I may be disqualified for voluntary assignments or paid employment if ALL GIRLS ALLOWED determines that I have provided any deliberately false, misleading, inaccurate, incomplete or knowingly untruthful answers to any question(s).
3. If selected for an in-office interview, I will be asked to affirm this electronic signature with an actual signature.
I hereby certify that all of the foregoing information I have provided is accurate and true to the best of my knowledge: Name: Date:Please remember to include your (1) cover letter, (2) resume and (3) spiritual testimony along with this application form when you e-mail it to .
All Girls Allowed
Staff Commitment Form
[Note for Applicants: If you are invited to join the All Girls Allowed staff team, you will be required to sign this form. Please read through this carefully, and if you agree, check “Yes” on question 14. If you have objections to this form, we encourage you to reconsider your application or to submit your objections in writing to along with your application.]
After substantial prayer and discernment, I believe that God has called me to serve on staff with All Girls Allowed. Understanding the vision of All Girls Allowed and its desire to give glory to the living God, I solemnly commit the following to God and to my colleagues at All Girls Allowed:
· I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and apart from him nobody can receive eternal life and enter the kingdom of God. (John 14:6)
· I believe that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus and that it is for freedom that Christ has set us free. For this reason, I live under the grace of God and am saved not by good works but by faith in Christ. (Rom. 8:1, Gal. 5:1, Eph. 2:8)
· I believe in the inherent value of human life as created by God before the foundations of the earth, and I affirm the sanctity of all human life in the womb. (Ps. 139:13-16)
· I believe that all human life is made in the image of God, both male and female. (Gen. 1:27)
· I believe in the primary importance of the Great Commandments (Matt. 22:37-39) and the Great Commission (Matt. 28:18-20), and will seek to do all within my ability to fulfill these.
· I will seek to maintain a close, intimate walk with the Lord by daily spending time with him in his Word and in prayer. (Deut. 8:3)
· I will live out my life in community with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, regularly giving and receiving encouragement, teaching, and accountability. (1 Thess. 5:11, Heb. 3:13)
· I will worship regularly at a local church and actively engage in the ministry of the church. (1 Pet. 4:8-11, 1 Cor. 12:12-31)
· I will live as a child of light, having nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, while also maintaining a posture of humility before the Savior of my life. (Eph. 4:17-5:21, 1 John 1:5-10)
· I will endeavor to walk continually in the Holy Spirit by faith, with integrity. (Gal. 5:13-25)
· I will pray regularly for the ministry of All Girls Allowed and for the girls and mothers in China. (2 Cor. 1:10-11, 1 Pet. 4:7)
· I will give glory to God and Jesus as people from all walks of life are drawn to our work. (Matt. 5:16, Ps. 150:1-6, Zech. 8:22, Col. 3:17)
· I have read and subscribe to All Girls Allowed’s Faith Statements: the Statement of Beliefs, the Apostle’s Creed, and the Lausanne Covenant.
· I honor the rich culture of the Chinese people and will never impose western cultural values upon them, but only the universal values given to us from God through the Bible.
· I oppose gendercide, abandonment, trafficking and forced abortion & sterilization, because they rob girls and mothers of their inherent God-given life, value and dignity.
· I respect and honor the authority that God has given to the leaders of China and will seek to obey that authority insofar as it does not contradict God’s law.
· I oppose China’s One-Child Policy, which is brutally enforced and oppresses the Chinese people.
· I believe that the proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ cannot be separated from acts of mercy, compassion and justice, but rather that proclamation and action must go hand in hand.
· I will do everything in my ability to restore life, value and dignity to girls and mothers and to reveal the injustice of China’s One-Child Policy.
· I will call our brothers and sisters in Christ to celebrate the value of women, just as I will in my own life by upholding this pledge: In Jesus’ Name, Simply Love Her.
· I acknowledge that there are root causes of gendercide that must be uprooted in order to effectively bring an end to gendercide, and that the root need is for Jesus’ healing power to redeem male/female relationships, both in our society and in China.
· I will act completely out of love—love for my co-laborers, love for the victims of gendercide and the One-Child Policy, love for the perpetrators, love for all the people of China—so that our work may bring God’s love to China and draw all people to Jesus.
· I have read and am committed to pursuing the goals of All Girls Allowed’s Mission Statement and Purpose Statement.
· I understand that I am undertaking the significant task of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ, and in so doing I am a missionary to be used for God’s purposes. For this reason, I commit to raising 25% of my salary in my first year through my support networks, and I commit to regularly inviting them to pray for me in this ministry to women. I also understand that, due to All Girls Allowed’s efforts to become more self-sustainable, I may be required to raise a larger proportion of my salary in future years. [Please note that this does not apply to all staff positions at All Girls Allowed. Refer to specific job descriptions for more information.]
· In all that I do, I will seek to raise up fellow workers to assist in the accomplishment of the mission of All Girls Allowed. I will do this through discipleship of fellow believers, sharing the message with others, and praying for the Lord to raise up more workers. I will seek, in everything that I do, to consider how I can multiply my work and my impact by empowering others to continue the work.
· I acknowledge the role that All Girls Allowed leadership and staff have as spiritual authorities and accountability partners, along with other brothers and sisters in Christ outside of All Girls Allowed. I will respect the authority of my supervisors at All Girls Allowed while also seeking spiritual discernment and wisdom from other authorities in my life. Above all, I will obey every call that is given to me from my ultimate Master, Jesus Christ.
· I will seek to do all of my work at All Girls Allowed by upholding All Girls Allowed’s Core Values.
· I will seek to uphold the full spirit of the All Girls Allowed Team Covenant by the empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit.
I have studied and prayed about these statements of commitment, and agree to serve according to these principles and values to the full extent of my ability. I commit to these acknowledging that, as a child of promise and rightful heir to the kingdom, there is no power than can separate me from Christ. It is only by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit that I may attain to the commitments above, and so I humbly ask him to enable me to do this for his glory. May his kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven!