Etowah Parking Information for 2016-17

Assignment of parking decals will be by lottery for the 2016-17 school year and will be handled by the Athletic Office. Applications for rising juniors and seniors may be picked up in the Athletic Office, Room 2207 or printed from the on-line payment site. Please read the application carefully as all information must be complete before the application will be processed. See reversefor instructions for online payment instructions and rising sophomores.

Completed applications can be returned to the Athletic office beginning May 9th. No applications will be accepted after3:00pm on May 26thfor the 1st lottery. Applications are accepted before or after school or during a student’s lunch period only. The following information must be included with the application:

  1. Copy of valid driver’s license. No learner’s permits will be accepted.
  2. Copy of current vehicle registration. Copy must show expiration date.
  3. Copy of current insurance information for vehicle. Must show expiration date.
  4. Receipt for on line payment or $75 in cash or check made out to Etowah High School. Cost for CCSD employees is $30.

Please make your copies before you return the application. School will not make copies. ______

The on line payment site will remain open all summer for students who obtain their driver’s license after this date or miss the original deadline. Applications will be accepted in the Athletic Office for the second lottery from July 20-27from 8-12 daily.

All debts must be cleared before decal is issued. Notices for any additional debts will be sent with report cards and an email sent to the email address listed in Aspen. Debts may be paid on line or textbooks returned in the Administrative Office from 8am-3pm daily during the summer except the week of July 4-July 8. Any student who has not paid their debt before July 18will forfeit their assigned spot and will go to the bottom of the wait list.All work exit and band students will be assigned spaces in the band practice area. Students with perfect attendance may request a specific lot. All other students will have spaces assigned by random selection. Only students on track to graduate will be issued parking passes. ______

Decals for the 1st lottery can be picked up in the Athletic Officein the New Gym from 8am-3pm beginning July 20th. Students must present a photo ID and sign for their own decal. Decals for second lottery can be picked up beginning July 28th.

No student may park on campus without a parking decal. Cars parked on campus without proper decal are subject to ticket and/or towing. This includes the 1st week of school. Passes are non-transferrable and may not be shared by students except siblings. Only the vehicle registered for the parking space is allowed to park in the assigned space. Non-registered vehicles will be ticketed. Students who have a space and require a temporary tag for a different vehicle must pick one up in the Athletic Office when they drive an unregistered vehicle on campus and park it in their assigned space.

Parking passes are subject to suspension or revocation for:

  • Excessive tardies or absences per CCSD policy
  • Leaving campus at any time without permission or without signing out properly
  • Texting or talking on cell phone while driving in accordance with Georgia State Law.
  • Giving another student permission to park in an their assigned space
  • Speeding or reckless driving on campus
  • Any behavior deemed by the Administration to be unsafe and/or irresponsible.

NOTE: No phone checkouts are allowed for students who park on campus. Student must bring a note from home or a parent must come to attendance office to check them out, fax a note, or email to .

Instructions for On line payment:

On the Etowah Home Page, select the link to On Line Payment on the right side of the page.

Read and agree to all Rules and Regulations before proceeding.

Print and complete the application. Paper applicationalong with required copies of insurance, registration and driver’s license must be submitted to Athletic Office after on line payment is made.

If you owe a debt, it must be cleared before you pick up you decal.

The on line payment site will remain open all summer but only applications submitted to the Athletic Office by 3pm on May 26thwill be in the 1st lottery. Applications for the second lottery will be accepted from 8-12 from July 20-26thin the Athletic office. 2nd lottery decals can be picked up from 8-12 daily beginning July 28th.

***Be sure to bring your receipt for on line payment to the Athletic Office with your application.***

Instructions for Rising Sophomores:

Students in a sophomore homeroom may begin picking up applications in the Athletic Office or making on line payments on August 22nd. No student in a freshman homeroom will be given a parking space. All of the same rules apply to sophomores and the same paperwork is required. See above for instructions for on line payment and application.

Applications for sophomores can be turned in beginning August 29th. On September 12th, all applications will be processed and spaces assigned by lottery.

Any student who gets their license after this date (September 8)can apply on line or get an application as outlined above and decals will be assigned as space allows.

Please address any questions to Mrs. Reams at 770-721-3126.


I. EachpersonwhochoosestoparkavehicleataCherokee County HighSchoolduringnormaldayhoursmustobtainaparking permit.Aparkingspacewill beassignedoranareawillbedesignatedforlegalparking.Parkingpermitsmustbecompletelyvisibleat alltimesfromtheoutsideofthevehicleandwillbe displayedasspecifiedbytheschool. Parkingpermitsarenottransferablefromonevehicletoanotherorfromoneindividualtoanother.

II. Studentparkingpermitsforavailableparkingspaceswill beissuedupon applicationand paymentofaparkingfee.The feeis$75 peryear andmustbepaid infullatthetimeofapplication. Norefundswillbemade. Motorcyclesshallhavestudentdecalalthoughassignedtoadesignatedparkingarea. The schoolPrincipalisauthorizedtopro-ratefeesforparkingpermitspurchasedfortheremainderofschoolyear.

III.Priorityinassignmentofparkingspaceswill beestablishedbythe local school administration.Inmost instances,theassignmentofavailableparkingspaces willbeinthefollowingmanner.





IV. TheCherokeeCountySchoolSystemparkingpermitapplicationandvehicleregistrationformwillbeusedtoregistervehiclesandbycopy,advisethe applicantandlegalparent/guardianoftherulesandregulations.

V.Violationsonschoolcampuswillbe subjectto,butnotlimitedtothefollowing:

)For minorviolations,fineimposedmustbepaidthenetdayofschoolorimposedfinewillincrease$1.00perday.






NoParkingPermit SeriousViolations



2ndandsubsequentoffensesmayresultinPossessionofalcoholicbeveragewhileoperatingavehicle-permitrevoked. vehiclebeingtowedandimpoundedat LayingDrags-permitrevoked.


PossessionorUseofweaponswithinaSchoolSafetyZone-permitrevoked. Possession,Use,orSaleof’drugs oralcohol-permitrevoked

ParkingViolations Threatening,orcausingbodilyharmtoateacher/otherpersonnel-permitrevoked.


ParkinginaHandicapSpace-$50Reproducing,altering,defacingorimproperdisplayof parkingpermit-permitrevoked. BlockingHandicapRamp-$50



Parkingwithin30feetofastopsign-$20Eightormoreunexcusedabsences–permitsuspendedforsemester. Parkinginaplaceprohibitedby Sixor moreunexcusedtardies–permitsuspendedforsemester.

officialsigns-$20 Unauthorizeddeparturefromschoolcampus–permitsuspended1-30days. ObstructinganIntersection-$20 Refusaltosubmittoarandomvehiclesearch–permitsuspended1-30days. Parkingonasidewalkorgrassyarea-$15 Failuretoexitthevehicle/loiteringintheparkinglotuponarrivalatschool-

Improperparkingofavehiclein morepermitsuspended1-30days.

thanonespace-$15FailuretorespondtoparkingcitationissuedbySchoolPolice– Parkinginanunauthorizedspacenot permitsuspended1-30days.

addressedabove-$25Failuretocomplywithofficerdirectingtraffic—permitsuspended1-30days. Repetitionoftheviolationslistedinthis Improperpassingofvehicle(s)–permitsuspended1-30days.

categorywill resultinthesuspensionNoproofofValidInsuranceorNoInsurance–permitsuspendedpendingproof. and/orrevocationofthestudent’s Improperregistration/expiredregistration(licenseplate)–permitsuspended



Texting/Cellphoneusewhiledriving–Offenses:1stWarning/2nd-$15/3rd-$30andpermit suspended

VIIThe vehicledriver/ownerofanyvehiclewill be responsiblefor the useofthe vehiclewhileoncampusand subsequentlyforany violationoftheseRulesand


VIIITheCherokeeCountyBoardofEducationshallnotberesponsibleforthelossesordamagestothepropertyofusersofitsfacilities,includinglossdueto bodilyinjury. ProofofinsuranceasrequiredbyStatelawwillbe requiredpriortoissuanceofaparkingpermit.

IX Thelocalschoolprincipalordesigneeisauthorizedtotakeactiondesignedtopreventastudent’scuttingofclassornon-attendancecontrarytolawand BoardofEducation policy. Toemphasizetheimportanceofbeing ontimetoschool,remainingatschoolandattendanceatschool,theprincipalordesignee willsuspendthestudent’sparkingprivilegefortheremainderofanysemesteratthetimeoftheeighthunexcused absence, orthesixthunexcused tardy. Therewillbenorefundoffees.

XAtthediscretionoftheprincipalordesignee,vehiclesaresubjecttotowing/impoundmentwhen illegallyparkedinareas properlymarkedbysignageand/or pavementmarkings,orwheninviolationoftheparkingregulations.Alltowing/impoundmentfeeswillbeattheowner’sexpense.




EffectiveJuly1,2010driversunder18yearsofagewithaninstructionpermitorClassDlicense areprohibitedbyGeorgialaw,O.C.G.A. 40-6-241.1touseawirelesscommunicationdevice whiledrivingamotorvehicle.







Anyconvictionforviolationwillresultinafineof$150andone(1)pointwillbeassessedby theDepartmentofDriverServicestowardssuspensionorrevocationofthelicenseheldbya habituallynegligentordangerousdriver.

Inaddition,theCherokeeCountySchoolDistrict,inordertoprovideforasafeandsecure environmentforteachingandlearning,willassesspenaltiestostudentdriverswhentheyare observedusingawirelesscommunicationdeviceontheroadwaysleadingintoorsurrounding thecampus;thisdoesnotincludeuseofadevicewhileparkedinaparkingspace.


•Second Offense-$15fine




Thisapplicationisforthepurposeofregisteringamotorvehiclebyastudentinordertoobtainaparkingpermit. Rulesand regulationspertaining to on-campusparkingandoperationof thevehicle arecontained herein andcompletionofthisapplication willbeconstruedasacceptanceoftherules andregulations. The application mustbe completed,signed by thelegal parent/guardianandreturnedtotheschoolwithsupportingdocumentationandfees. Theparkingpermitfeeis$75peryear andismadepayabletotheschool. Inaddition,youwillneedtosubmit:proofofavaliddriver’slicense(nolearner’spermits),

proof of valid insurance on thevehicle, and proof of valid (license plate) registration.

TheCherokeeCounty BoardofEducationshallnotberesponsiblefor thelossesordamagestothepropertyofusersofits facilities,includinglossduetobodilyinjury. Thisapplicationcarrieswithitpermissionbytheapplicantand/orownerofthe motor vehicle for administrators to conduct randomsearchesand/or searches of the vehiclewhile onschool systemproperty when the administrator has reasonable cause to believe thatthe vehicle contains contraband.

Applicant’sName DateofBirth 2016-17Grade

Applicant’sAddress Driver’sLicenseNumber Classof License

Year MakeofVehicle Model/Styleof VehicleColorofVehicle

VehicleIdentificationNumber(VIN) VehicleTagNumber DecalYear CountyofRegistration


InsuranceCompanyName InsurancePolicyNumber

After reading and understanding the rulesand regulationsasstatedon the reverse side, the undersigned acknowledges that permissiontodriveand/orpark a motor vehicleonanyCherokeeCountySchool campus or facilityisaprivilegeandnot aright. Inconsiderationforsuchprivilege,theundersignedexpressly consenttoany randomorreasonablecausesearchoftheabove describedmotorvehicleoranyothermotorvehicledrivenbytheapplicantby administratorsoftheCherokeeCountySchool System at anytimewhile thevehicle is parked or operated on School System property.






Debts Cleared ______


Contact Information

2016-17 SchoolYear

StudentName:______StudentID#: ______

Parent'sName: ______

Emergency Contact information-Name and phone number






______1.IfIdriveanycarotherthatwhatisonfileattheschool, Imust gototheAthleticofficeforatemporarypass.Failuretodoso mayresultinacitationandfine.

______2.If I purchase a new car, I must take the new insurance coverage and bill of sale or registration to the athletic office to register the car within the first 3 days after the car is purchased. Failure to do so may result in citation and a fine.

______3.Iamnotallowedtoletanyoneelseusemyspace,evenifthey drivemetoschool. Doingsowillresultinacitationforthedriver andmypermitmaybesuspendedorrevokedandallmonies forfeited.

______4.IfIgiveorsellmypasstoanyone,eventemporarily, thepass willberevokedandallmoniesforfeitedfortheschoolyear.

______5.IfIleavecampusduringtheschooldaywithoutproperly checkingout,whetheritisinmycar, someoneelse'scar,or walking,mypassmaybesuspendedorrevokedandallmonies forfeited.

______6. I understand that I am not allowed to go to my car at any time during the school day without a pass.

______7.PerGeorgiaLawO.C.G.A.40-6-241.1,CCSDhasastrictcellphone policyasoutlinedintheRules andRegulations.Ihaveread/agreeto thispolicy.Textingortalkingoncellphonewhilethecarisin driving lanemay resultincitation,andparkingbeingsuspended/revoked and money forfeited.