Johnson County Building Officials Association
12350 W. 87th Street Pkwy. Jim Jorgenson, President
Lenexa, KS 66215 913-477-7700
Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date
October 21, 2005
Meeting Called-To-Order
The meeting was called to order by Jim Jorgenson at about 12:00noon, at St. Andrew’s in Overland Park, KS.
Building Officials and Members in Attendance:
Jerry AndersonOverland ParkMike Davis MiamiCounty
Mike FlickingerRoelandParkRolland GrigsbyLeawood
John HollisMerriamJim JorgensonLenexa
Chris NealHBASean ReidLenexa
Matt SoudersLenexaSteve ThompsonShawnee
Bill WallKCMODale WellsFairway
Ron WorleyRetired Lenexa
Daniel BromleyABI CorpVince EllabrechtAPA
Christy MartinConcrete Promotional Group
Prior Meeting Minutes
Jim Jorgenson presented the minutes from the July 15, 2005 meeting. The minutes were unanimously approved after a motion by John Hollisand a second by Dale Wells.
Treasurer’s Report
In the absence of Jim Sherman, no Treasurer’s Report was given. Jim Sherman has contacted Jim Jorgenson and asked that a new treasurer be considered due to his workload and absence from the meetings. With elections coming, it was discussed that it is time to start thinking about next year’s appointments.
Associate Announcements
Vince Ellabrecht mentioned that Bill RB164 was brought up in Detroit, but failed. As for this action, it goes back to the drawing board and the process starts all over again. These included standards adopted by JOCOBO and are encouraged to continue to enforce. Jerry Anderson said that Overland Park will not enforce the prescriptive methods due to it not passing. Chris Neal suggested that if the research is solid, why not continue to enforce it.
Old Business
Foundation Standards:
Dan Bromley and Christy Martin have been active in reviewing and assembling some of this information. Jim Jorgenson handed out a copy of the standards with his notes on it. Sean Reid clarified a statement correcting concrete standards of air entrainment.
Jim stated that there were no objections to requiring vapor barriers. Although, a discussion of placing the vapor barrier above or below the gravel and the thickness of the gravel did take place.
The brick ledge was determined to be 4 inches, and a 6-inch ledge is to be used for stone. Jumps in foundations need to be further discussed and more details provided. Stabbing rebar into the earth is also a controversial subject and ACI and the ICC conflict. These items will be discussed more at another time.
Christy will assemble some information concerning cold & hot weather concrete. She also announced an open house on October 25th in Shawnee about ICF blocks.
Contractor Licensing:
Steve Thompson announced that he is leaving the Contractor Licensing Board in January. Another CBO will be needed to replace him.
Mike Davis expressed his dismay over the State Contractor License Exam. It is laced with trick questions and should be concentrating more on the needed information. Jim Jorgenson suggested a group look at the legislation and take actions to address these issues.
Basement Finish Guide:
This topic is to be deferred due to Steve Thompson’s absence at this time.
New Business
Sean Reid announced the success of the Round Table discussions and provided a handout.
Chris Neal announced that he would be distributing passes for the upcoming Home Show.
The next meeting is scheduled for 12:00p.m. on Friday, November 16that St. Andrew’s in Overland Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:45 p.m.due to a loss of a quorum.
Respectfully Submitted,
Michael E. Flickinger