Minutes – Massachusetts Electronic Business Transaction
Working Group – October 12, 2011
Attendee / RepresentingJuliana Griffiths,
Utility Co-Chair / National Grid
Monica Neibert,
Supplier Co-Chair / Energy Services Company (ESG)
Joan Jerz / National Grid
Elie Pena / Direct Energy
Jean Paul / WMECO
Mike McSweegan / NStar
Paul Kelley / NStar
Bruce Kim / NStar
Candace Cox / Direct Energy
Alex De La Rosa / GDF Suez
Marie Guerin / Hampshire Council of Governments
Todd Bohan / Unitil
Barbara Goubeaud / ECO InfoSystems
Jason Sweedler / Energy Plus
Douglas Stevenson / Energy Options
Stacy Conn / Energy Plus
William Caffall / Dominion
Nancy Kulina / Dominion
Kim Wall / PPLSolutions
Brian Stastny / PPLSolutions
Suling Wei / TransCanada
Denise Shaw / TransCanada
Patricia Reno / TransCanada
Juliana Griffiths opened the meeting.
Net Metering
Final approval was obtained for the Net Metering transaction. Utilities will inform the MassEBT ListServ with their implementation date.
Pat Reno will change the implementation guide and it will be sent to the DPU for informational purposes.
Reinstatement Transaction
Each utility will send an example of the reinstatement transaction for the suppliers’ reference to the MASSEBT ServList.
Final approval will then be discussed at the next EBT meeting.
Drop Codes
National Grid will try to obtain a possible implement schedule for the drop codes.
Unitil did not have an implementation schedule as of yet.
MA Purchase of Receivables
A joint technical conference was held on September 23, 2011. The Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities requested the four utilities submit briefs to respond to the following two legal questions:
Does § 60 of the Acts of 2008, c. 169, An Act Relative to Green Communities, allow a competitive supplier to opt out of POR while at the same time maintaining the consolidating billing option through the distribution company?
Does § 60 of the Acts of 2008, c. 169, An Act Relative to Green Communities, allow an electric distribution company to calculate a POR bad debt rate using a blended rate (weighted average) for all customer classes, consistent with the method used to calculate the recovery factor associated with basic service bad debt costs?
The Utilities are required to file briefs responding to these questions on October 13, 2011.
Discussions are still open regarding the MA POR EDI transactions. If you have any comments or questions, please send them to so we can try to address them prior to the next scheduled EBT meeting. No final decision has been made on who will be utilizing the MA POR 810/820 transactions.
Nstar/Northeast Utilities Merger
At this time no anticipated changes will impact the suppliers.
Supplier Refunds to Customer
Nstar to obtain further information. For further discussion at next EBT meeting.
New Items – Non-Cash Adjustments
Nancy Kulina from Dominion will be sending out examples of what suppliers have been receiving from the different utilities. Further discussions will be held at the next EBT meeting.