Training on Signs

CLB Level: 1/2
Essential Skills Focus: Working with others (team work – taking a leadership role), documentuse (read signs, entering information)
Task: Train someone on safety and warning signs
Purpose: Students will
  • understand warning/safety signs
  • understand the importance of signs in the workplace
  • train a partner on safety signs
  • take a test
  • check someone’s performance
Materials: Handouts(attached), Flashcards for Games
Learning Style: Visual, auditory, kinaesthetic
Time: 2 - 3 lessons / Method:
  1. Get students to look at the signs they learned in a previous lesson. Review the meaning with them. With the help of a volunteer, model a supervisor training a new employee on the signs. Write a simple, short dialogue on the board.

  1. Talk to students about the importance of being polite and having a positive attitude when training or monitoring someone’s performance. Look at the dialogue again and ask students to highlight language that shows politeness.
Suggested vocabulary:
  • Let me show you./Please, try again!
  • Please, show me ______.
  • This means ______./It is ______.
  1. Have students work in pairs using handout #1. Choose the students who know their signs really well to train the other students. Student A will train Student B on all the signs, using the sentence “This sign means ____ (corrosive, flammable, etc.).” Then, Student A will check for comprehension by saying to Student B: “Now, show me ____.” And Student B has to show the right sign.
  2. Students work on handout #2. They match signs with words and keep it in their binders for reference.
  3. On the following lesson, using handout #3, students cut up words and signs (or teacher makes flashcards with the signs beforehand). Teacher divides the class into employees and supervisors. Have the employees take a test (#3). When they finish, supervisors check employees’ tests and mark them. Next day/lesson, supervisors become employees and take the test. Their tests will be marked by the “new” supervisors.
Follow Up:Students go on the Internet in pairs. They type They click on Safety Sign Builder 2.0. To build a sign they have to enter a sign header and a sign message and click on build a sign. Do a few signs together. Then, they can build a sign different from the ones they learned in class and print it. They have to explain those two signs to the whole class. They display their signs on the walls.
Note to teacher:You will need a password and username. It is free and it is emailed to you after you register. So this step has to be done in advance so your students can use the password to build the signs.
Debrief/Transfer: Talk to students about the skills they learned in these activities. Asked them if it was easy or hard to train someone. Ask if they would do it again at work.Talk about the importance of being able to work with others in the Canadian workplace. A. Azevedo

Student Handout (#1)

High Voltage Corrosive Flammable
Hard Hat Area Poison Do not enter Hot surface
Wear your gloves

Student Handout (#2)

Match the signs with the right words.
 /

  • No smoking
/  / 

 /
 /

 /  / 

 /
 /

 /  / 

High Voltage Corrosive Flammable Poison

Hard Hat Area Do not enter Hot surface Wear your gloves

Handout #3

Teacher Instructions

Student A will take the test. Student B will give the test and check the answers. Students need flashcards for all the signs (prepare flashcards in advance). For example, student B will request from student A: “Show me corrosive.” If the answer is right, it is awarded a check.

Student Handout #3

Name: ______Performance Appraisal
Date: ______
Ask your partner to show you the symbol (on page 8) that matches the words below. Say “Show me ______.”
If the answer is right, give him/her a check. You may say “Right!”, “Good!”, “Good job!” or if he makes a mistake say “Sorry, try again.”
  1. Flammable
  1. High Voltage

  1. Wear your gloves

  1. Hard Hat Area

  1. Wear your gloves

  1. Corrosive

  1. Poison

  1. Do not enter

  1. Hot Surface