Pettifor 1


(Revised August 2008)


2731 Crawford Road N.W.

Calgary, Alberta T2L 1C9

Tel: 403-289-5161

Fax: 403-289-4999

e-mail: HU

DATE OF BIRTH: October 14, 1922, Scott, Saskatchewan, Canadian Citizen


1941 High School Senior Matriculation, Unity, Saskatchewan

1944 B.A. with Distinction (English, History) University of Saskatchewan

1946 B.Ed. Including Senior Teaching Certificate, University of Alberta

1948 M.A. (English), University of Alberta

Thesis: The Social and Political Teachings in the Novels of H. G.Wells

1948 M.Ed. (Psychology), University of Alberta

Thesis: The Prestige and Professional Growth of Canadian Teachers

1950-55 Course work on Masters Programme in Psychology, University of Alberta

1951 Summer Workshop on Rorschach, Claremont, California with Bruno Klopfer

1964 Ph.D. (Major: Clinical Psychology, Minor: Education) Wayne State University, Detroit

Dissertation: The Role of Language in the Development of Abstract Thinking: A Comparison of Hard-of-Hearing and Normal Hearing Children.

Clinical Internship at Receiving Hospital, Detroit.

1948 - Ongoing attendance and participation at workshops and conferences.

1967- #19 Certificate of Registration as a Certified Psychologist in the Province of Alberta with the Psychologists Association of Alberta. (Term Chartered Psychologist introduced by Psychology Profession Act in 1987. Regulation of the profession is under College of Alberta Psychologists since 1996. Term Registered Psychologist introduced under Health Professions Act on January 15, 2006.)

1993-96 Registration with the Canadian Register of Health Service Providers in Psychology.


1942-43 High School Teacher, Foothills and Buffalo, Alberta

1944-46 High School Teacher/Assistant Principal, Westlock, Alberta

1947-48 Graduate Student Lecturer, Educational Psychology, University of Alberta

1948-55 Psychologist, Alberta Guidance Clinic, Edmonton

1956-61 Senior Psychologist, Alberta Guidance Clinic, Edmonton

1961-73 Senior Psychologist, Alberta Guidance Clinic, Calgary

March 1973- June 1976 Dirrector of Childrens Services, Alberta Mental Health Services, Calgary

June 1976- Dec. 1978 Consultant for Services for Children, Alberta Mental Health

Services, Calgary

Jan. 1979- April 1980 Assistant Regional Director, Alberta Mental Health Services, Calgary

April 1980- Aug. 1980 Acting Regional Director, Alberta Mental Health Services, Calgary

Sept. 1980- July 1982 Clinical Director, Alberta Mental Health Services, Calgary

July 1982- Oct. 1985 Supervisor, Consultation Services Unit, Alberta Social Services & Community Health, Calgary Region

Oct. 1985- Sept. 1989 Manager, Planning, Consultation and Evaluation, Alberta Social Services & Community Health, Calgary Region

Sept. 1989 - Part time consultation practice and sessional instructor at the University of Calgary


1967-73 Special Instructor, Psychology Department University of Calgary

1971-72 Half time instructor- areas of personality, developmental, and clinical supervision

1972-73 Co-ordinator of practical placements and liaison between Psychology Department and Alberta Government

1983-1998 Adjunct Associate Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Calgary (Now Division of Applied Psychol;ogy).

1998-2010 Adjunct Professor, Department ot Educational Psychology (Renamed Division of Applied Psychology), University of Calgary.

1994-1996 Adjunct Associate Professor, Clinical Psychology Programme, University of Calgary.

1997-2009 Adjunct Professor, Clinical Psychology Programme, University of Calgary

Courses Taught at University of Calgary

EDPS 620 Modules 7-12 (Professional Issues), Department of Educational Psychology, 1989, 1990, 1991.

EDPS 649 Community Psychology, Department of Educational Psychology, 1991, 1992.

EDPS 595.17 Summer Session. Professional Ethics in Rehabilitation:Enhancing Ethical Decision Making in Rehabilitation Practice, Summer 1992.

EDPS/SOWK 574 Multidisciplinary Approaches to Rehabilitation Practice, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996.

EDIS 527.31 Professional Self-Regulation and Ethical Decision Making, Summer 1993.

EDPS 693.99 Ethics: Professional Practices and Issues - Winter 1995, Fall 1995, Winter 1996, Summer 1996.

EDPS/SOWK 581 Professional Ethics for Community Rehabilitation - Spring 1996, Fall 1996, Spring 1997, Fall 1997

EDPS 691.03 Ethics in Psychology and Education I Fall 1996 (Two Sections) - Spring 1997, Fall 1997 (3 sections)

EDPS 691.07 Ethics in Psychology and Education II - Winter 1997, Spring 1997, Winter 1998 (2 sections), Fall 1998, Spring 1999.

CORE 581 (Community of Learners) Professional Issues & Ethical Issues in Community Rehabilitation-Winter 1998 in Red Deer, Spring 1998 in Medicine Hat, Winter 1999 in Edmonton, Winter 1999 in Lloydminster1998, Spring 1999 in Grande Prairie, Spring 2000 in Winnipeg, Spring 2000 in Calgary, Winter 2001 in Vancouver, Winter 2002 in Edmonton and Red Deer.

CORE 581 (On-site) University of Calgary. Professional Issues & Ethical Issues in Community Rehabilitation- Fall 1998, Fall 1999, Fall 2000, Fall 2001

EDPS 693.07 Ethics in Psychology and Education- Fall 1998, Winter 1999 (2 sections), Spring 1999.

CORE 611.02 New Alliances in Community Rehabilitation: Interprofessional Ethics- Summer 1999, Spring 2001, Spring 2002, Spring 2003, Spring 2004.

CORE 603.11 New Alliances in Community Rehabilitatioon: Interprofessional Ethics – Fall 2004, Fall 2005, Fall 2006, Fall 2007, Fall 200

APSY 603 Ethics in Applied Psychology - Fall 1999, Winter 2000, Spring 2000, Fall 2000, Winter 2001. Fall 2001, Winter 2002, Fall 2002, Winter 2003, Fall 2003, Winter 2004, Fall 2004, Winter 2005, Fall 2005, Winter 2006

Division of Applied Psychology and Psychologists Association of Alberta Certificate Online Course in Advanced Clinical Supervision in Psychology. Developed Modules 1 on Introduction to the Concept/Definition,/History of Supervision in Professional Psychology, and Module 2 on Duties, Obligations, and Responsibilities of a Supervisor.

University of Lethbridge

EDUC 5620 Counselling Psychology: Ethics and Professional Practice - Spring 2000, Winter 2002.

Athabasca University

2001-2002 Curriculum Development for Campus Alberta Graduate Program in Counselling CAAP 605 Professional Ethics Course.

2002- Curiculum Development one segment of Course on Diversity - Ethics and Multicultural Practice.

2001-2002 Member of PsyD Program Advisory Committee

2001-2002 Member of Campus Alberta Counsellor Education Advisory Committee

Gonzaga University

1997 EDCE 695 Pre-practicum in Counselling Psychology – Fall

1998 EDCE 696 Counseling Practicum – Winter

University of Saskatchewan

Spring 2002 EdPS 898.3 Ethics in Counselling and School Psychology

Supervision of Independent Studies

1992 EDPS 692.66 Professional Ethics in Rehabilitation - Lorraine De Souza

1992 EDPS 692.68 Professional Ethics in Psychology - Kerry Bernes

1992 EDPS 692.68 Professional Ethics in Psychology – Hugh Harding

1993 EDPS 693.69 Identifying Ethical Issues of Helping Professionals Working with Ethnic Families with Persons with Disabilities - Patricia Canales

1993 EDPS 693.74 Ethics in Clinical Psychology Ethical Decision Making and Competence - Eileen Donahoe

1994 EDPS 693.70 Ethics and Practice in Rehabilitation: Ethical issues facing health care providers of long term care patients - Marianne Ondrus

1994 EDPS 694.76 Competencies & Certification in Community Rehabilitation - Susan Cran 1994 EDPS 691.03 Ethics in Psychology and Education I - Mary Catherine McKenna

2000 APSY 693.99 Scientific and Professional Ethics in Psychology - Colleen Gail Bakker

2001 APSY 603 Ethics in Applied Psychology- Sharon Reimer Habermann

2001 APSY 603 Ethics in Applied Psychology- Brian Belec

2001 APSY 603 Ethics in Applied Psychology - Steven Lazarovitz

2001 CORE 691.23 Ethical Issues in Suicide Prevention - Brenda Gaida

2006 Psychology: Ethical Issues: The Indigenization of Psychology – Jennifer Ostlinger

Supervision of Students: Theses/Dissertations/Comprehensive Examinations

Roseanne Van Brenk: The Relationship between Gender Role Orientation and Psychological Adjustment . Masters Thesis completed 1992

Mathew Geddes: The Relationship of God Images to Mental Health. Masters Thesis completed 1992

Suzanne Vallally: Defining Professional Boundaries in Therapeutic Relationships. Masters Thesis completed in 1995.

Gisella Mullan: M.Ed. Comprehensive Examinations, completed 1996.

Bruce Smith: Counsellor Attitudes with Culturally Diverse Populations. Masters Thesis completed in 1998.

Jason Slemko: The Contribution of Video-Taped Feedback on the Self-Awareness of Interpersonal Behaviour of Adults with an Intellectual Disability. Masters Thesis completed in 1998.

Lorraine Smythe: M.Ed. Comprehensive Examinations, completed 1998

Alice Mohr: Vulnerability and Protective Factors in Adolescent Substance Abuse. Doctoral Dissertation, completed in 1998.

Dana McKie: The Exp[erience of Affectionate Touch for Survivors of Brain Injury: Meaning and Magnitude. Masters thesis completed in 2000.

Lori Prediger: M.Ed. Comprehensive Examinations, completed 2001.

Brenda Gaida: M.Ed. Exit paper completed 2002.

Mary Catherine Rooney: The Effects of Exposure to Secondary Trauma Material at Trauma Conferences. Doctoral dissertation completed in 2003.

Lois George: Ethical Guidelines for Negotiating Contracts with Third Party Funders. M.Ed. Exit paper completed June 2006

Anthony Gardzinski: The Lived Experience of Men who Leave the Ministerial Priesthood of the Roman Catholic Church and Enter into a Commited Heterosexual Relationship. Completed June 2008.

Michael Fedyniak: A Comparison of Buddhist Philosophy with Western Codes of Ethics for Psychologists: Supporting a Universal Declaration. Completed November 2007.

External Examiner

D.R. Wassenaar, Ph.D Thesis, University of Natal, South Africa - 2002

Member of Oral Examination committees for:

Kelly Schwartz 1992
Madeline Vandenberg 1996
Jillian Roberts 1997
Sharon Zibin 1997
Roshni Daya (Masters) 1998
Carol McDougall 1999
Obiooma Ohuegbe Ezinnany 1999
Susann Laverty 1999
Hazel Lawley 1999
Susan McGillivray 1999
Tania Januszkowski 2000
Cristina Marie Willson 2000 / Judy White 2000
Jennifer Chamberlain 2000
Roshni Daya (doctoral) 2001
Helen Gardiner (doctoral candidacy) 2001
Mirjam Knapnik 2003
Nicole Ottenbreit 2003
Helen Gardiner 2004
Nancy Jokinen 2005/2008 /


1990 PAA Project on Transcultural Psychology: Guidelines for Training and Practice

1990 Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, Psychology Department on Standards

1991 Alberta Mental Health, Family Adolescent and Children's Services, Calgary, on Evaluation and Standards

1991 Personal Development Centre, Edmonton, on Standards and Accountability

1991 Family and Community Development Program, Lethbridge, on Program


1992 Head Injured Relearning Centre, Calgary, an Organizational Review

1993 Government of the North West Territories, Committee on Rules, Procedures and

Privileges on Code of Ethics for Legislators

1995 Municipal Government of Yellowknife on Ethical Principles and Decision Making

1996 Site Surveyor for Woods Homes, Calgary, using Canadian Council on Health Services

Accreditation Standards, with Herb Allard.

Practice Site Surveyor for Alberta Mental Services Northwest and Central Clinics, using the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation Standards, with Jane Matheson, Marlene Smart, Don Addington.

2001- 2003 Ongoing consultation with Canadian Association of Rehabilitation Professionals on development of a Canadian Code of Ethics for Rehabilitation Professionals formally adopted in June 2002.

2003- Consultation on ethics for Alberta Council of Women's Shelters


1942 First Year Scholarship, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Saskatchewan

1965 Honorable Mention Creative Talents Awards Program, American Institute of Research for Ph.D. dissertation "The Role of Language in the Development of Abstract Thinking: A Comparison of Hard-of-Hearing and Normal HearingChildren

1967 Canadian Centennial Medal

1977 Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association

1979 Honourary Member, Psychologists Association of Alberta

1980 The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta, Professional Service Award on its 25th Anniversary

1983 Award of Recognition Psychologists Association of Alberta on its 25th Anniversary

1984 Canadian Psychological Association Applied Division Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Application of Psychology to Human Problems- First Recipient.

1987 Life Member Psychologists Association of Alberta

1987 Honorary Life Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association

1988 Psychologists Association of Alberta Special Award " recognition of her dedication and devotion to the Psychologists Association of Alberta "

1989 The Canadian Mental Health Association, Alberta Division, Merit Award " appreciation of exceptionally dedicated and effective service in advancing and promoting the aims of the Association through personal endeavours"

1991 Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association Section on Clinical Psychology

1995 Psychologists Association of Alberta Special Award “For Outstanding Contribution to the Profession of Psychology in Alberta”

1998 Psychologists’ Association of Alberta Heritage Award, 1958-1998 “is recognized for long service contribution to the profession”.

1998 Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards: Roger C. Smith Award for contributions to the regulation of psychology.

1999 Psychologists’ Association of Alberta Dick Pettifor Memorial Award “For outstanding contribution to psychology in Alberta”

1999 Fellow, Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards.

October, 2002 -Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal

November 15, 2002 College of Alberta Psychologists dedicates “Dr. Jean Pettifor Boardroom”.

June 2003 -Canadian Psychological Association Gold Medal Award for Lifetime Contributions to Psychology.

September 2004- Honorary Member of Alberta Council of Womens Shelters.

Listed in:

International Who's Who of Professional and Business Women

Who's Who of Canadian Women

2000 Notable American Women

Dictionary of International Biography

The World's Who's Who of Women

Canadian Who’s Who


Canadian Psychological Association

Full member since 1951. Fellow since 1977. Honourary Life Fellow since 1987.

1973-75 Chair, Applied Division Committee on Standards and Delivery

1975-76 Chair-Elect; 1976-77 Chair; 1977-78 Past-Chair, of Applied Division

1976-77 Member of Board of Directors

Member of Committee on Annual Programme

Member of Committee on Professional Affairs

1976-83 Editor of the Applied Division Newsletter; 1983-89 Associate Editor

1976-83 Member of Publications Committee

1976-83 Member of Co-ordinating Committee on the Status of Women

1977-78 Chair, Applied Division Committee on Ethical Issues

1979-87 Member of Editorial Board of UCanadian Psychology

1980- present - Member of Committee on Ethics; Co-Chair 1989-93

1982-84 Member of Committee on Continuing Education

1984 Member of the State of the Discipline Review, Opinicon II

1985-88 Secretary Treasurer of Section on Community Psychology

1989-92 Member of Board of Directors

1989-90 Chair, Committee on Status of Women in Psychology

1990-91 Chair, Committee on Sections

Chair Personnel Committee

Member of Convention Committee

Member of Committee on By-Laws, Rules and Procedures

1991-93 Secretary Treasurer

1993-94 President-Elect and Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Psychology

1994-95 President and Chair, Committee on the Status of Women in Psychology

1995-96 Past-President; Chair Committee on By-laws, Rules and Procedures; and Chair Committee on Fellows and Awards.

1996-2000 Member of Committee on Fellows and Awards.

1999- Member of Committee of Past Presidents

2006-2009 Chair Sub-Committee of Committee on Ethics on Ethical Guidelines for Supervision: Teaching, Research, Practice and Supervision

Psychologists Association of Alberta

Charter member 1958. Registration #19. Honorary Member since 1979. Life member since 1987.

1958-59 Secretary Treasurer

1961-63 Editor, Alberta Psychologist

1963-65 Secretary Treasurer

1971-73 Chair, Professional Affairs Committee