Instructions using the Web Client:

The IE shortcut will be HTTP://<EquitracServerIP>/system4


You must be flagged as Administrator in EPEE to be able to edit the descriptions.

Username = <NETWORKNAME>

Password = <Usually Equitrac UserID> – if it doesn’t work, you will have to contact your Equitrac Admin or Equitrac Support.

It will bring you to the below screen > Move Mouse over Data (DO NOT CLICK) and a list will be displayed, click on Sites

After selecting Sites you will see this screen > Click on + next to the site you want to edit. We click Paris in this example.

After Paris is expanded, you will see the below page. Click on the + next to the terminal you want to edit.

Modify the description field ONLY; do not touch any other field or else the terminal may become in-operable.

After editing the description field, click on OK to save. You can logoff or close the window.