FY 2017 Louisiana Decentralized Arts Funding Program
Project Assistance
Final Report Instructions
This report should be reviewed before you begin your project’s activities.
The Final Report is a tool to evaluate the outcomes of your activities under the Decentralized Arts Funding Program. There are four purposes to this report:
1. Determine your project’s effectiveness after completion
2. Gain direction for future improvements
3. Be fiscally accountable for State of Louisiana grant funds
4. Demonstrate compliance with the rules, regulations, laws, terms and conditions of the
If it appears that your organization will not be using all of the funds awarded to your organization, please let the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs know by May 1, 2017 so that funds can be re-distributed within your parish.
Questions regarding this report or information required herein should be directed to the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs at (985) 898-3011 or .
o Final reports are due within 30 days of completion of activities or November 1, 2017 - whichever occurs first. You will receive your final payment of 25% after the final report has been received and approved by the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs, and after receipt of funds from the State of Louisiana.
o Final reports must include the following:
· Complete FY17 Final Report Form for Project Assistance Grants
· Grant Expenditure Documentation – Note: if your organization received in excess of $25,000 in combined state, local and federal government funding, audited financial statements are required for your organization
· Additional evaluation reports conducted for your project as identified in the original application
· Evidence of credit to the Louisiana Division of the Arts Decentralized Arts Funding Program and the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs/St. Tammany Parish Government.
· Copies of newspaper reviews or publicity
· Photos of grant sponsored activities
o Failure to submit a timely, accurate, and acceptable final report or to comply with all the rules, regulations, laws, terms and conditions described in the FY17 Decentralized Arts Funding Program Guidelines, signed grant agreement, and original signed application may result in forfeiture of grantee’s final payment and ineligibility to participate in future rounds of Decentralized Arts Funding Program. Persistent failure to submit a timely, accurate and acceptable final report or compliance with the rules, regulations, laws, terms and conditions described in the FY17 Decentralized Arts Funding Program Guidelines, signed grant agreement, and original signed application may result in forfeiture of the original payment advanced to the grantee and appropriate legal action.
St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs
P.O. Box 628
Covington, LA 70434
DIRECTIONS for completing the
Below are step-by-step instructions on the type of information required for each item on the Final Report.
This information contains a “snapshot” of your grant information. It should include the following:
· Grant Number as listed in your grant agreement
· Grant Awarded as listed in your grant agreement
· Grant Expended should equal what was spent from your original grant award. This number should only be different if you did not use all the grant funds awarded. If at any time during the fiscal year you have determined that not all grant funds will be used, contact the CCA immediately. All unused grant funds must be returned to the State of Louisiana if not reported to the St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs in a timely manner for redistribution within the parish.
· Organization Name is the official name of the organization receiving grant funds.
· DUNS # is a unique 9-digit number that is used by businesses and the federal government to keep track of more than 70 million businesses world-wide. The number is issued by Dun and Bradstreet (D&B), a company that provides business information for credit, marketing, and purchasing decisions. Your executive director, business manager, board treasurer, or accountant is likely to know and be able to provide your organization's DUNS number if you already have one. If you do not have a DUNS # or are unsure please call D&B at 1-866-705-5711. There is no fee and you are not required to purchase any of their products.
· Project Title identifies the project for which you received grant funds; this is particularly important if you received funding for more than one project.
· Address is the official mailing address for the organization receiving grant funds.
· Project Director and Title is the person who should be able to answer all questions related to the project as well as answer questions related to the financial documentation. If the person is not affiliated with the organization receiving funds, indicate relationship to the organization receiving grant funds.
· Phone & Email is the organization’s official phone number and email address.
· Website is the organization’s official web address.
· Sub-Applicant, if applicable identifies the organization that lacks the legal status to receive grant funds, but is the actual organization or individual conducting the project. Only required if a fiscal agent is used.
Most arts projects funded by the Decentralized Arts Funding Program include multiple activities. An activity refers to one event that happens at one time and is available to one audience. For example, an in-school residency with a class that meets for two hours during school time and a community performance later in the evening would be listed as two activities. A complete table will show a listing of all events and the total number of individuals served by your project, including who was served and where.
Note: If your arts project is a component of a larger project, please include only information related to arts programming.
In the Project Activity Details table, please complete the following information as it relates to each activity of your grant funded arts project:
· Date is the day in which the activity occurred. Activities may only occur between October 1, 2016 and September 30, 2017.
· Type of Activity lists the details of the activity being conducted. Try to be as specific as possible. You may want to include the activity, artistic discipline, length of activity, etc.
· Location should detail where the event occurred, including the facility and city.
· Who should detail the predominant characteristics of the audience or the participants involved. Examples: children ages 11-13, senior citizens, Coushatta reservation, general public, citizens of Slidell, adults, dance college students, etc.
· # Individuals is the number of people who participated in the project, or audience members. You should always report exact numbers when possible. Reported numbers should be realistic and a good indication of the actual number served by your project and events. The Commission on Cultural Affairs can provide you with a free hand tally to help you track attendance. Contact the Commission if you need a tally or if you have questions about tracking attendances.
Figures should only include those individuals directly involved or affected by the funded activity. Include actual audience numbers. Avoid inflated numbers, and do not double-count repeat attendees. Please provide the following information related to total attendance/individuals benefiting from your arts project:
· Number of Persons Ages 18 and under is intended to track children and youth served through youth-oriented programming, such as school, after-school, and summer programs that include the arts.
· Number of Adults/General Public is intended to track attendance for arts projects that serve a general audience and adults/teachers involved in youth-oriented projects.
· Total Attendance/ Audience is the total number of individuals who were directly involved in the funded activity as project participants and audience members between the project start and end dates. This is the total of 18 and under and Adults/General Public. The fields in the final report tables where you enter numbers will total automatically.
· Total Number of Individuals participating (hands-on activities, master classes, etc.) is the total number of individuals who physically participated in activities or classes (i.e. art instruction, dance classes, etc.)
· Total Number of Activities/Events includes all activities and events included in your project.
The goal of the Decentralized Arts Funding Program is to provide encourage professional artists* to undertake meaningful community arts projects. In an effort to track the number of artists and total artist fees, please provide the following information:
· Total Number of Artists Involved includes all artists directly involved in providing art or artistic services specifically identified with the funded project. Include living artists whose work is represented in an exhibition.
· Total Number of Artists Paid includes the number of artists receiving payment for artistic services through the funded arts project.
· Total Amount Paid to Artists is the total amount of payment to artists as providers of service. This number should list all artistic fees, including grant funds and additional cash. Note: Amount paid to artists should only include artistic fees for service and should not include per diems, such as travel, meals, supplies or other expenses.
· Total Performances is the number of public concerts, performances, or exhibitions.
*Artists: an individual with a career commitment to an art form, providing art or artistic services, degree of peer acceptance and a substantial and developed body of work.
· Total Number of full-time staff employed includes all paid, full-time staff employed with your organization.
· Total Number of part-time staff employed includes all part-time staff employed by your organization.
· Total Number of contracted staff includes all paid individuals who are contracted to perform services for your organization.
· Total Number of volunteers includes all individuals who volunteer time on behalf of your organization.
· Total Number of teachers to benefit includes the number of teachers that were directly affected by your project.
· Total Number of schools (Pre-K-12) to benefit includes the number of schools that will be directly affected by your project.
· Total Number of Residencies refers to the number of activities that take place within a school.
The narrative is an opportunity for you to explain the final outcomes of your arts project as it relates to the evaluation criteria – Artistic Merit, Community or Artistic Need, Project Design, and Administration. Check the appropriate box, either YES or NO and provide explanations when needed. The following information will assist you in completing each of the questions. You may continue on additional sheets of paper if necessary.
Question 1: If your project is different from the original grant application or grant agreement, provide details as to how the project is different and why. You may also address effects of reduced funding, changes in artists, etc.
Question 2: If you experienced any problems in planning/designing/administering/implementing the arts project, this is an opportunity to explain the challenges you faced.
Question 3: Stimulating additional local support for the arts and providing arts activities to those who have limited arts experiences are two goals of the Decentralized Arts Funding Program. This question is intended to respond to those goals. Describe the community support or response by indicating numbers of volunteers, number of participants, financial contributions/contributors, or related data for the funded project.
Question 4: Indicate what types of publicity you received for your arts project. This should measure the extent to which the public was successful in hearing about your project and participated.
Question 5: If this project has occurred for more than one year, or you intend on continuing the project in the future, discuss plans for the project’s sustainability or growth in part a. If you do not plan to continue the project in the future discuss the reason in part b.
Question 6: The St. Tammany Commission on Cultural Affairs and the Decentralized Arts Funding Program are funded by the state legislature each year through the Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, Office of Cultural Development, Division of the Arts. Your local elected officials should be notified and invited to attend the activities of your arts project. Let them know how public tax dollars dedicated to the arts are benefiting the organization and the community—the one you serve directly and that of your city/parish. Please state how elected officials were notified of the project and/or its events.
Question 7: List all elected officials, by name and title, who attended project events.
Question 8: Let us know how we are doing! Tell us your needs and let us know how we can help!
Applicant Status:
Which description in the list below best describes the legal status of your organization? Chose one and type the status into the application form.
· Organization - Nonprofit: Not engaged in profit-making activities (i.e., no part of the income or assets inure to the benefit of any director, officer, or employee except as salary or reasonable compensation for services and travel expenses).
· Organization - Profit: Engaged in profit-making activities (i.e., income or assets do not inure to the benefit of directors, officers, employees, or stockholders).
· Government - Municipal: A unit of or individual associated with municipal government.
· Government - Tribal: The governing authorities of tribes, bands, reservations, or sovereign nations of American Indians/Alaska Natives.
· If none of the above, please specify.
Applicant Institution:
Which description in the list below best describes the specific type of organization that will be receiving the requested funds? Chose one and type the exact type into the application form.
· Performing Group: Group of artists who perform works of art (e.g., an orchestra, theatre, or dance group).
· Performing Group - College/University: A group of college or university students who perform works of art.
· Performing Group - Community: A group of persons who perform works of art vocationally and who may be but are not necessarily directed by professionals.
· Performing Group for Youth: A group which may but does not necessarily include children who perform works of art for young audiences.
· Performance Facility: A building or space used for presenting concerts, drama presentations, etc.
· Museum - Art: An organization essentially educational or aesthetic in purpose with professional staff, which owns or utilizes works of art, cares for them, and exhibits them to the public in some regular schedule.