Teacher Education Candidate Supervising Teacher UWG Supervisor


School ______Date of Implemented Lesson Plan ______

Block No. ______Subject: ______Grade Level: ______

Teaching Skills Focus for This Lesson:
Stage 1 The Desired Results
Standards / Copy/Paste appropriate Standards
Specific Learning Objective(s) / List appropriate learning objectives
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Assessment Instrument
(Ex. Test, Poster, Presentation, Picture, etc.) / Describe the assessment instrument that you will use. Ex. (Insert discipline appropriate example.) (Attach a copy.)
Evaluation (Grading) Instrument
(Ex. Point System, Rubric, Checklist, etc.) / Describe the instrument you will use to arrive at a grade for the students. (Insert discipline appropriate example.)
Stage 3 Learning Plans
Materials / List any materials specific to this lesson (not classroom items such as markers, etc.).
Sequence of Teacher Actions
*Tie to Previous Learning
*Significant Actions to Introduce and Guide Lesson / *Describe what you will do to capture students’ attention and help them anticipate what they will be doing. (Something exciting, puzzling, intriguing to kids.)
*Describe how students will be helped to relate this lesson to what they already know. (This does not include “telling” them what they should know. It should involve some “hooks” or ways that you will help students make their own connections to what they already know – and they all know something!)
*Describe your actions that are specific for this lesson. (If someone were watching this lesson, what would they see you doing? Be reasonably specific, but do not list every word you will say.)
Sequence of Student Actions
*Explain How Students Are Engaged During Lesson
* Explain How Students Discuss or Present Results of What They Did During the Lesson / *Describe the actions you anticipate for students during this lesson.( If someone were watching this lesson, what would they see students doing?)
*Describe what you anticipate that students will do to display and discuss their results from the lesson. Ex. Posting and discussing ideas/data, creating a poster summary, doing a gallery walk. This can be teacher guided, but should be student driven, not just teacher review questions.
Teacher’s Lesson Closure/Wrap-Up/Transition / Describe what you will do to provide some summarizing comments, assess what students have learned, create anticipation for the next day’s lesson, and/or explain homework, etc.
Adaptations for Exceptional Students (Anyone who requires modifications for their needs) / Describe what you will do for students who have needs for modifications to your planned instruction. This includes all needed modifications for those who are ahead and need extra challenges, those with language barriers, those with mental challenges, those with physical challenges, etc.
Related Activities/Extensions
(What can students do who need more than is in the lesson? Should be related to lesson.) / Describe what students who are advanced or finish early will do – related to furthering the lesson.
Connections to Other Disciplines / Describe what other disciplines are significantly integrated into the lesson.

Candidate’s Reflection of the Lesson (this is not related to the GPS Backward Design):

Submit Lesson Plan Agenda with this Lesson Plan (Essential question, 2 or 3 transition points, closure)