Title VI, Part B, subpart2: Rural and Low Income Schools Report

Activities for School Year 2012-13

District Name SAU #

Purpose: This instrument is a required part of reporting for the local education agency’s use of RLIS federal funds. It also provides a method for collecting examples of best practices for the use of these funds and allows New Hampshire to evaluate local and state progress toward NCLB goals. Information provided on this instrument may be used in the New Hampshire’s annual report of state-wide activities to the United States Department of Education and other reporting publications. If additional clarification is needed, please call Deborah Connell at 603-271-3769 or .

Provide a description of the use of RLIS funds for the district.

Primary Target Population and Number Served under this Activity(ies):
Number of Schools: / Number of Staff: / Number of Students:
NCLB Goal(s) Addressed (check all that apply):
1. The district will make AYP as defined, by NCLB Title I, for all groups of students through increased student achievement.
2. All limited English proficient students will become proficient in English and reach high academic standards, at a minimum attaining proficiency or better in reading/language arts and mathematics. / 3. The district will have 100% of teachers of core academic subjects meet the requirements of highly qualified teachers.
4. The district will administer safe and drug free schools.
5. The district will decrease student dropout rates.
RLIS/NCLB Activity Area(s) Addressed (check all that apply):
1. Teacher recruitment and retention including the use of signing bonuses and other financial incentives.
2. Teacher professional development including programs that train teachers to utilize technology to improve teaching and to train special needs teachers.
3. Educational technology including software and hardware as described in Title II-Part D. / 4. Parental involvement activities.
5. Activities authorized under Title IV-Part A Safe and Drug Free Schools.
6. Activities authorized under Title I-part A.
7. Activities authorized under Title III, Instruction for Limited English proficient and immigrant children
Description of Activity(ies) , including how it contributed toward improved student achievement and/or increased quality of education:
Performance Target/Expected Results: / Actual Results: (please indicate numbers or percentages to support your findings)
Describe the means by which the results were measured or effectiveness was determined: / Describe how the evaluation will be used to improve student achievement and/or increase the quality of education next year: