Ideals of Democratic Education—Lecture Notes
Road Map for the Next Few Weeks
Political-Economy—Material basis of society or culture, includes things like social and cultural, economic, political, and demographic dimensions of a socity
Ideology—The ideas that explain and justify a political economy, social organization, the way things are. Often, we talk about dominant ideologies, those of dominant groups in society. Subordinate groups may develop competing ideologies
Schools—How is school reform related to changes in political economy and ideology
Democratic Education: Subject Matter v. Process
I. Equal Education—Van Doren
A. Reading VD
B. Classical Liberal View of Democracy
Natural Rights—rts given by nature (some say God)
Rationality—individual knows own interests
Atomism—rights located in the individual, each on has a complete packet of rights (white, property-owning male, that is)
Freedom—from restraint (negative view of freedom)
Intellectual—thought free of chaims of state and church
Political—free from dictates of monarchy or aristocracy, participate in law-making
Civil—free to live as one pleases, civil liberties
Economic—Laissez-faire = “free to act,” private property
Democracy—election of representatives
Equality—of individuals in relationship to the state
C. Jefferson’s view of the school
1. Education’s highest aim
2. Liberal Arts curriculum
3. Citizenship
II. Undemocratic aspects of classical liberal view and liberal arts curriculum
III. Democratic education as the development of individual students