Tomales FFA
Star Chapter Degree
(Updated 4-13-10)
Tomales FFA Star Chapter Degree
- The Tomales FFA Star Chapter Degree Award is established to recognize 10th grade FFA members for their accomplishments at the local, sectional, regional and state levels.
- All members submitting applications must complete the following:
- Complete the entire application.
- Submit a letter of recommendation from a school official.
- A selection committee will review all applications and if necessary interview the top candidate’s applicant.
- FFA members at Tomales High School can apply for this award if they meet the following requirements:
- Be enrolled in the 10th grade and currently enrolled in an agriculture course and have completed at least one year of an agriculture class.
- Have earned or invested $150 and have worked 100 hours on their SAE project.
- Be familiar with the chapter constitution and parliamentary procedure.
- Have participated in at least eight FFA activities at the chapter level and have participated in at least three FFA activities above the chapter level.
- Have led a discussion or presented a 6-8 minute speech.
- Have a 2.5 or higher GPA.
Star Chapter Degree Application
(Please type or print)
Name ______Age ______
Home Address ______
County ______Home Phone ______
Candidates Major FFA Leadership Activities
Activity Level
(local, section, region, state)
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
- ______
(If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet.)
Candidates Major Non FFA Leadership Activities
Activity Level
(local, region, state)
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
(If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet.)
FFA Awards and Recognitions Received
Award Level
(local, section, region, state)
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
4. ______
5. ______
(If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet.)
Description of SAE Program: ______
(If additional space is needed, please attach another sheet.)
Express in your own words: (Maximum of one page printed or typed)
“Why I should be selected as the Star Chapter Degree for my chapter.”
or “What the FFA has meant to me this year.”
We have carefully checked this application and find that all statements are true in every detail. We certify that records are filed with the chapter advisor supporting all activities listed and we recommend the applicant as a Star Greenhand candidate.
Signed: ______Date: ______
______Date: ______
______Date: ______
Chapter President
______Date: ______
Chapter Advisor
______Date: ______
School Administrator