I Dreamed a Dream…

The BFG blows dreams into children’s minds as they are sleeping. He stores those dreams in jars and writes a label on the front to remind himself what the dream is all about.

Here is one of those dream labels:

A boy is playing a game by himself in his bedroom. He is sitting on his bed pretending it is an aeroplane. Then, all of a sudden the bed starts to shake, smoke comes out from underneath it and it starts to lift up off of the floor. Next, the roof of his house opens up and the boy and his bed go flying off into the sky. He is flying over the trees and over the houses when a parrot lands on the end of the bed. The parrot takes him to the jungle where they land the flying bed and go walking off to find some animals. After ten minutes, the boy comes face to face with a huge lion who is roaring loudly and showing his sharp teeth. The boy freezes and hopes the parrot will come to save him. The lion keeps on roaring but the boy is starting to wake up. When he opens his eyes he sees his mum standing next to his bed, roaring at him to wake up because he is late for school!

I want you to pretend the BFG gave blew this dream in your mind last night. It is now morning and you are telling your friend all about your dream. You are going to edit the dream description so that it is written in the past tense and the first person.

The red words are the ones that you need to edit to make this a first person description.

The blue words are the ones you need to edit to change the description into the past tense.

I Dreamed a Dream…

The BFG blows dreams into children’s minds as they are sleeping. He stores those dreams in jars and writes a label on the front to remind himself what the dream is all about.

Here is one of those dream labels:

A boy is playing a game by himself in his bedroom. He is sitting on his bed pretending it is an aeroplane. Then, all of a sudden the bed starts to shake, smoke comes out from underneath it and it starts to lift up off of the floor. Next, the roof of his house opens up and the boy and his bed go flying off into the sky. He is flying over the trees and over the houses when a parrot lands on the end of the bed. The parrot takes him to the jungle where they land the flying bed and go walking off to find some animals. After ten minutes, the boy comes face to face with a huge lion who is roaring loudly and showing his sharp teeth. The boy freezes and hopes the parrot will come to save him. The lion keeps on roaring but the boy is starting to wake up. When he opens his eyes he sees his mum standing next to his bed, roaring at him to wake up because he is late for school!

I want you to pretend the BFG gave blew this dream in your mind last night. It is now morning and you are telling your friend all about your dream. You are going to edit the dream description so that it is written in the past tense and the first person.

The blue words are the ones you need to edit to change the description into the past tense.

Changing into the Past Tense

We have been learning about tenses. Change these sentences from the present to the past tense. Remember that some verbs (regular verbs) simply add ‘ed’ to the end, but others (irregular verbs) change in other ways.

Write out the sentences in the past tense on the lines below. The first one has been done for you.

The BFG walks into the cave.

The BFG walked into the cave.

Sophie sits on the table.


The BFG’s ears move.


Sophie is scared.


Sophie thinks the BFG might eat her.


She wonders if he will cook her or eat her raw.


The BFG laughs at Sophie.


The BFG never eats humans.


The BFG and Sophie become good friends and he tells her all about the other giants.



Changing into the Past Tense

We have been learning about tenses. Change these sentences from the present to the past tense. Remember that some verbs (regular verbs) simply add ‘ed’ to the end, but others (irregular verbs) change in other ways.

Write out the sentences in the past tense on the lines below. The first one has been done for you.

The BFG walks into the cave.

The BFG walked into the cave.

Sophie sits on the table.


The BFG’s ears move.


Sophie is scared.


Sophie thinks the BFG might eat her.


She wonders if he will cook her or eat her raw.


The BFG laughs at Sophie.


The BFG never eats humans.


The BFG and Sophie become good friends and he tells her all about the other giants.

