HCPSS Lesson Plan Format DRAFT

Howard County Generic Lesson Plan Format

“Tell students what you’re going to teach, teach it to them, then ask them to say, show, or apply what they’ve learned.”

Unit: (Taken from the HCPSS Essential Curriculum)
Lesson Title:
Objectives: (Taken from the HCPSS Essential Curriculum, which is based on Maryland Content Standards/Voluntary State Curriculum). Objectives:
·  Must be written in behaviorally measurable terms
·  Must inform students about exactly what they are expected to know and be able to do at the completion of this lesson
·  Must match assessment expectations and be reflected in rubrics, tests, and all other formative and summative authentic and alternative assessments.
Time required: Estimated number of minutes required for the lesson /

Teaching Strategies

Designate appropriate strategies/areas
___Scaffolded Questioning
___ Independent Reading
___ Interpretation of Graphics
(maps, graphs, cartoons, tables…)
___ Concept Attainment
___ Cooperative Learning
___ Think-Pair-Share
___ Roundtable
___ Jigsaw
___ Pairs Check/Review
___ Independent/Group Project
___ Integration of Technology
___ Print alternatives, i.e., E-text
___ Use of Audio Clip/Music
___ Interactive Student Notebook®
___ Formal Writing
___ Informal Writing
___ Graphic/Visual Organizers
___ Modeling/Demonstration
___Think Aloud
___ Reciprocal Teaching
___ Group Activities
___ Simulation
___ Use of Video Clip
___ Lecture “bursts”
___ 3-minute pause
___ Different purposes for
___ Cross-Curricular Connections
Materials: (List of all materials that will be needed for the lesson)
·  Include planning for cleanup and reorganization of materials for subsequent classes, e.g. science labs, mathematics manipulatives, art, P.E. supplies, etc.
·  Include pertinent equipment/lab safety rules in plans.
·  Have backup plans and materials when technology is used in the event that website access is interrupted or problems occur.
Pre-Assessment of Prior Knowledge: [Drill; Warm-up; Anticipation Guide; KWL; Pre-test)
...provides a review of previous knowledge learned in class or in the “real world” and a connection to what will be learned in this lesson.
·  Allows the teacher to connect formerly experienced knowledge to new information.
·  Prevents repetition of ideas previously mastered by students.
·  Reinforces students’ metacognitive skills and network to connect prior knowledge to new concepts and constructs. /

Differentiation Strategies

(Differentiate Content, Product, Process)
___ Tiered assignments
___ Flexible grouping
___ Learning centers
___ Curriculum compacting
___ Varying questions
___ Independent Projects
___ Brain Compatible Instruction
___ Cultural Context
___ Multiple Intelligences
Engagement: (Anticipatory Set, Motivation)
...provides a “hook” to focus students’ attention and excite them to learn.
·  Focuses student attention
·  Provides an organizing framework for new ideas or information which will follow
·  Assists in understanding abstract ideas using analogies, examples, non-examples, and discrepant events. /

Learning Modalities

___ Visual
___ Auditory

General Accommodations to

Access Curriculum

___Adapt the skill level
___ Adapt the number of items
___ Adapt materials
___ Provide learning strategy
___ Provide audio/video/digital access
___ Increase personal assistance
Lesson Development/Procedures: (Body of the Lesson)
Design at least two 10 to 20 minute lesson segments and structure transitions. (Segment length should reflect attention span of students.)
·  Be sure activity matches objectives.
·  Explicitly teach skills (including thinking skills and interpersonal skills) that students need to complete the activity successfully.
·  Be sure roles and responsibilities are clear for group assignments.
·  Be sure students understand what they are expected to do and what product(s), if any, they are to prepare. / Co-Teaching Model
___ One lead/one support
___ Station Teaching
___ Two Groups
___ Alternative Teaching
___ Multiple Groups
___ Team Teaching

IEP Goals/Accommodations

(Based on Students’ IEP/504 Plan)

Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the next activity.
·  Present new information in multiple ways to reach all learners (video clip, reading, visual images, PowerPoint presentation, lecture “bursts”).
·  Connect new information to previously learned knowledge or skills.
·  Relate new information to real-world scenarios. /

Reading Strategies

___ Purpose
___ Prior knowledge
___ Preview
___ Vocabulary/Concepts
___ Predict
___ Chunking
___ Self-monitoring through clarifying
questions and notations on text
___ Reread
___ Metacognitive conversation
___ Summarize or paraphrase
___ Write BCRs in response to reading
___ Use rubrics
Plan a structured way to end one activity and give directions for connecting it to the next activity.
·  Be sure students have the opportunity to practice new knowledge and skills individually and with the teacher present.
·  Provide opportunities for enrichment, as well as re-teaching and addressing IEP/SSP goals.
·  Be sure activities require students to use higher order thinking skills (i.e., application of knowledge, analysis and synthesis of information, evaluation of processes and products.)
Plan a structured way to end last activity. Be sure there is time for students to clean up and give full attention to lesson closure.
General Reading Processes
___ Decoding
___ Vocabulary
___ Fluency
___ Comprehension
(Clarifying, Visualizing, Questioning, Predicting, Accessing Prior Knowledge, Summarizing, Making Inferences, and Determining Main Idea)
Approaches to Reading in the Content Area
___ Reading Apprenticeship®

___ Other

Closure: (Summary; Exit questions; Silent exit slips, etc.)
…brings students back to the lesson objectives to discern if they learned the material, i.e., “Show me or tell me what new information you learned in today’s lesson and how you will use it in your life.”
·  Cues students that they are at the end of today’s lesson
·  Helps students organize their learning
·  Provides opportunity for varied ways for students to show learning
·  Reinforces main points and unites them in a coherent whole
·  Connects to the real world to enhance retention and meaning
·  Reinforces metacognition
Checking for Understanding throughout the Lesson (EPR; Structured Questions)
…checks to see if students “got it correctly” before proceeding to new concept or skill or to the next segment of the lesson.
·  Plan specific questions and how students will answer. Use these throughout the lesson to be sure that students understand the information taught in each lesson segment.
·  Use EPR strategies frequently to be sure EACH student understands lesson content.
·  Use higher levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy to develop questions that ensure transfer and retention of new information.
Guides the teacher in knowing whether to continue the lesson or to STOP and re-teach before proceeding to the next activity. / Every Pupil Response (EPR) Strategies
___ Choral Answer
___ Thumbs Up/Thumbs Down
___ 1, 2, 3 Flash
___ Written Answers on Wipe Boards
___ Show of Hands
___ Cue Cards
___ Think, Pair, Share
Assessment: (Review of Anticipation Guides; Post-tests; BCRs; Quizzes; Tests; Projects; Essays; Performance Assessments, etc.)
…allows the students to demonstrate what they have learned and what they need to have re-presented in another more effective way.
…allows the teacher to see what was learned successfully and what must be re-taught.
·  Links directly to the stated Objective(s)
·  Is ongoing and is in alternative forms
·  Provides a roadmap for individual and whole class learning and achievement
·  Drives future instruction / ASSESSMENT
___ Collect and Grade
___ Check for Completion
___ In-Class Check
___ Rubric
___ Checklist
___ Peer/Self Assessment
___ Journal/Learning Log
___ Portfolio
___ Constructed Response
___ Quiz
___ Test
___ Presentation
___ Performance Assessment
___ Informal Assessment
___ Exit Slip
___ Other
Homework/Enrichment: (Integrated Reading and/or Writing Assignments; Reflective Journals; Projects)
…takes the learning out into the real world and provides opportunities for additional practice and connections at home and with families
·  Is practice of learned material, not new material.
·  Is designed to be completed in a reasonable amount of time.
·  Warrants immediate feedback to be meaningful.
·  Requires home and school support (particularly for young children).
·  Links to recent learning context.

