1. Preview your reading
· Read the title
· Scan subheadings
· Read the opening and concluding paragraphs. What is the writer’s topic? What is the thesis statement?
· Read any biographical prefaces. Who wrote the piece? When and where was it written?
2. As you begin reading, ask questions
3. Make connections between the reading and yourself
4. Try to discover a pattern of development: Is the author comparing and contrasting, moving from general to specific, or exploring a problem?
5. Underline and jot down notes: Identify what is essential, circle key terms, record ideas in the margins.
6. Reread and reevaluate, in particular confusing sections.
7. Share your thoughts with others
“When we read for information, we acquire facts. When we read to understand, we learn not only facts but their significance. Each kind of reading has its virtue, but it must be used in the right place.” Adler, Mortimer J. (1940) How To Read a Book. Simon and Schuster, Inc. New York.
This resource was written by Kelly Wiechart and edited by OWC on August, 2007.
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