Application to Ranelagh School Sixth Form (EXTERNAL)



Date of birth:

Contact ‘phone number:

E-mail address:

Parental contact e-mail / ‘phone number:

Current school:

From the list below, please indicate the three courses you would like to study in the sixth form overleaf. Please make sure that you have taken note of the entry criteria for each of your choices [see Course Guide].

If you are choosing Further Mathematics, Mathematics also needs to be selected (in this instance you would usually be expected to choose four rather than three subjects).

A Level subjects

Art and Design / Economics / Further Mathematics
Biology / English Language / Music
Business / English Literature / Physical Education
Chemistry / French / Physics
Computing / Geography / Psychology
Design and Technology: Product Design / History / Religious Studies
Drama and Theatre / Mathematics / Spanish

A Level equivalents (all qualifications below are credited with the same UCAS points as one A Level)

Food Science and Nutrition (BTEC Level 3 Diploma) / Health and Social Care (BTEC Level 3 Extended Certificate)

Subject choices

The vast majority of students will be studying three subjects. If you would like to study a programme of four A Level subjects, please note your fourth subject below and explain why you would like to study an additionalcourse (e.g. you would like to study Mathematics and Further Mathematics and still have the opportunity to study two other subjects).

Fourth subject


As Ranelagh is a Church of England school we ask that all applicants are comfortable with the Christian ethos of the school.

The following section of the application form should be completed by your tutor or Head of Year in your current school.

This student is applying for a place in the sixth form at Ranelagh. Please could you complete the information below, and validate with a school stamp.

Please list below the subjects being studied at GCSE (or equivalent), indicating the predicted grade in each subject.

Subject / Predicted grade

Please give details of any GCSEs already taken:

Subject / Grade

Does the student have a statement of educational needs or an EHCP? Yes / No

Is the student a “Looked After Child”? Yes / No

Does the student currently have any access arrangements for examinations? (Please give details as appropriate).

Does the student have any additional emotional, behavioural, learning or medical needs that we should be aware of? (Please give details as appropriate).



School stamp:

Please return to Miss E Combes, Ranelagh School, Ranelagh Drive, Bracknell, RG12 9DA by Monday 27th November 2017.