Rubrics for April 2016
Sunday Fixed
During Lent, instead of Antiphons we sing “Bless the Lord...” & Beatitudes (separate handout)
Hymn of the Incarnation, Version #1, p10
The Little Entrance, Sunday Alternate, p16
Tropar, Kondak (see appropriate day below)
Trisagion, Version #1, p18
Prokimen (see appropriate day below)
Alleluia, Version #2 p23
Cherubic Hymn, Version #1 p27 and p33
Thrice Holy, (see appropriate day below)
The Lord’s Prayer #3 p54
Communion Hymns, (see appropriate day below)
After Communion Response (sing both versions repeat as necessary) p64
Thanksgiving Hymn, Version #1, p65
Amvon Prayer Response, Version #1, p69
3rd | Veneration of the Cross | Tone 3
Liturgy (St. Basil the Great): Tropar p87, p182; Kondak Glory... Now and ever...p182; Instead of the Trisagion: Your Cross we adore #1 p 22; Instead of the Trisagion we sing “Your Cross we adore” #1 p22; Prokimen p182; Alleluia verses p182; Thrice Holy #5 p43; Communion Hymns p183
6th | Presanctified Liturgy (Booklet)
9th | Soul Saturday
Liturgy (St. John Chrysostom): Weekday Antiphons; Tropar p235; Kondak Glory...Now and ever p236; Prokimen p236; Alleluia verse p237; Cherubic Hymn p237; Thrice Holy #1 p41; Communion Hymns #4 p60 & p239
10th | St John Climacus | Tone 4
Liturgy (St. Basil the Great): Tropar p90, St Thomas, p183; Kondak St Thomas; Glory...p183; Now and ever..O Unashamed Intercessor; Prokimen p92; Alleluia verses p184; Communion Hymns #1 & #3 p59
13th | Presanctified Liturgy (Booklet)
17th | St Mary of Egypt | Tone 5
Liturgy (St. Basil): Tropar p93, St. Thomas, p185; Kondak St. Thomas, Glory... p185, Now and ever...O Steadfast Protectress; Prokimen p83; Alleluia verses p185; Thrice Holy #5 p43; Communion Hymns #1 & #3 p59
20th | Presanctified Liturgy (Booklet)
23rd | Lazarus Saturday
Liturgy (St. John): Weekday antiphons; Tropar p186; Glory...Now and ever...Kondak p186; “As many as have been baptized” (instead of the Trisagion) p21; Prokimen p186; Alleluia verses p187; Thrice Holy #2 p42; Irmos (instead of You are truly deserving) p187; Communion Hymn p187
24th | Palm Sunday | Entry of our Lord into Jerusalem
Blessing of Palms before Liturgy
Liturgy (St. John): Antiphons p188-189; Entrance Hymn p189; Tropar p189; Glory...Now and ever...Kondak p189; Prokimen p190; Alleluia verses p190; Thrice Holy #1 p41; Glorification (instead of You are truly deserving) p190 and Irmos p191; Communion Hymn p191
25th | Great and Holy Monday (Sunday after Fellowship)
Bridegroom Matins (Booklet)
27th | Great and Holy Wednesday
Service of Holy Unction (Booklet) (7pm)
28th | Great and Holy Thursday
Vesper Liturgy (St. Basil the Great) (Handout) (9Vesper Liturgy (St. Basil) (Handout) (9am))
The Holy and Redeeming Passion of our Lord (Booklet) (7pm)
29th | Great and Holy Friday
Royal Hours (9am)
Vespers and Burial Service with the Lamentations (Booklet) (7pm)
30th | Great and Holy Saturday
Vesper Liturgy (St. Basil) (9am)
Resurrection Matins (8pm)
Troparia & Kontakia for April 2016
Troparion of St. Thomas - Tone 2
You were a disciple of Christ, a member of the divine assembly of the Apostles, / for you made certain the Resurrection of Christ through your disbelief, / and verified His all-pure Passion by your touch, O all-praised Thomas, / beseech now peace and great mercy for our souls!
Kontakion of St. Thomas - Tone 4
Thomas, disciple of Christ and His faithful servant, / filled with divine Grace, / cried out in the sincerity of his love, / “You are my Lord and my God.”
O Unashamed Intercessor- Tone 6
O unashamed Intercessor of Christians, / ever loyal advocate before the Creator, / do not disregard the prayerful voice of sinners / but in your goodness hasten to assist us / who trustfully cry out to you: / Intercede always O Mother of God, / in behalf of those who honor you.