1. What is her favorite color?
  2. Is her favorite snack salty or sweet?
  3. Is her favorite vacation spot in a hot or cold place?
  4. If she could drive any car, what would she drive?
  5. What time did she get up this morning?
  6. Which is her favorite item in my display?
  7. If she was stranded on a deserted island, which famous actor would she want to be stranded with?
  8. When ______has 2 friends book a party tonight, will she choose as her hostess gift $35 in more free décor or will she choose one of our exclusive Hostess booking gifts in the front of the catalog?

Have your hostess write down the answers to these questions before the party begins. You can use this game as an icebreaker, and pay Auction $ to the guest who answers the most questions correctly.