Homework 3 GEOL 110 Earth Materials Spring 2006

This assignment is to prepare a table, typed out in Word or any word processing program, listing the major mineral classes we have described in class and that you have been looking at in lab. In this table you will include all of the major compositional end-members (for example albite and anorthite for plagioclase feldspars) and the major solid solution series in these mineral classes. In a series of columns, you are to list:

· the compositional ranges for each of these minerals

· Crystallographic information and hand sample characteristics

· optical parameters (such as color, relief, etc.), and distinguishing characteristics for identification in hand sample

· Other identification techniques that may be useful in identifying these minerals

Your lab exam and final will be closed book – EXCEPT for this sheet (and another one you will prepare for metamorphic minerals), which will be given back to you for the exams, so the more detail and better organized this sheet is now, the easier time you will have with your test (i.e., this will be your mineral cheat-sheet…).