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Valley View High School

Title I Parent Involvement Policy

Karen Johnson, Principal

Valley View High School has developed a written Title I parental involvement policy with input from Title I parents. The policy is distributed to parents of Title I students in the student registration packet at the beginning of the school year, or when the student is enrolled. In addition, an annual Title I parent meeting is held in the Fall to share with them information regarding the Title I program at Valley View High School, their rights under Title I, and how they can be involved in the planning, review, and improvement of the Title I program. This policy describes the means for carrying out the following Title I parental involvement requirements. [Title I Parental Involvement, 20 USC 6318(a)-(f)]

Involvement of Parents in the Title I Program

1.  Convenes an annual meeting to inform parents of Title I students of Title I requirements and their rights to be involved in the Title I program. This will be held on October 13, 2016.

2.  Offers a regular number of meetings.

a.  ELAC meetings held every other month

b.  SSC meetings held once a month

3.  Involves parents of Title I students in an organized, ongoing, and timely way, in the planning, review, and improvement of its Title I programs and the Title I parental involvement policy.

a.  Parent input from the parent meetings and training sessions will be sought and then shared with the School Site Council (SSC) to utilize in the planning, review, and improvement of the program.

b.  Annual school surveys

c.  Parent needs assessment

4.  Provides parents of Title I students with timely information about Title I programs.

a.  School newsletters

b.  School website

c.  Informational flyers

d.  PeachJar

e.  ParentLink

f.  Back-to-school night

g.  Bulletin board placed outside, near the attendance window.

h.  Marquee

5.  Provides parents of Title I students with an explanation of the curriculum, assessments, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet.

a.  Teacher syllabus/course descriptions

b.  Progress reports and report cards

c.  School accountability report card

d.  Parent access to Infinite Campus

e.  Appointment with counselor

f.  Grade level parent meetings

g.  Back-to-school night

h.  State test results, PSAT and SAT scores, and CAHSEE scores

6.  Provides parents of Title I students, if requested, with opportunities for regular meetings to participate in decisions relating to the education of their children.

a.  PTSA

b.  SSC

c.  ELAC

d.  LCAP (Local control budget), 2/year.