High Point Home Educators LIFE Classes – Fall 2015

PreK Class ($90 for one 2-hr. block) Advisor: Theresa Turmenne

This is a year-long class, but new students are welcome to sign up. This is a two-hour class for the basics in PreK . We will work on writing our letters, learning sounds, writing numbers, and learning beginning math concepts (clocks, patterns, money, etc.). We will do half the alphabet fall semester and the other half in the spring. We will have a story time and a craft each week as well.

The structure of the class will vary week by week depending on what we are doing and learning about. We will play outside when the weather permits.

There are 2 options: 1st/2nd hour block (11-12:55) or 3rd/4th hour block (1-2:55). Please choose which block you would like when you sign up. Both blocks will be the same material offered each week.

Children must be 3 and a half when the class starts and completely potty trained.

Feel free to email Theresa with any questions:

Materials Fee: $10

K-2 Stories & Art – NEW- ($45) Advisor: Tori Shaw

Your child will discover how much fun reading can be! We will read a story each week followed by exciting activities to encourage learning readiness and a love for reading. We will do a hands -on craft each week to go along with the story. The crafts will help develop your child's drawing, tracing, coloring, cutting, and pasting skills. This class will also encourage your student to be as creative as possible! Your child will need crayons or colored pencils, scissors and glue sticks for each class.

Materials Fee: $15

K-2 Handwriting ($45) Advisor: Tori Shaw

Whether your child is just learning to write or needs some help making their writing readable, this is the perfect class. Students will learn to correctly hold a pencil, participate in readiness activities that allow them to practice drawing the shapes of the letters, trace drawings that develop hand-eye coordination, learn how to correctly write both capital and lowercase letters, and practice writing letters and words horizontally on lined paper. We may even learn to write a silly sentence or two, just to make handwriting fun!

Materials Fee: $10

K-2 Felt Bible Stories & Verse Memorization ($45) Advisor: Kara Dawson

God's Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path (Psalm 119:105). Help your children know and love Scripture through with the use of Betty Lukens Felt, drawing and memorization of God’s word. It really makes such a difference to children to have a visual to help make the story come alive!

Students will move beyond reading and hide God's Word in their hearts with a weekly memory passage.

Discover Jesus' love and the wonder of God's word through colorful Bible stories. Connect these stories with the overarching theme God shares in the Bible: that He cares about us personally and sent His Son Jesus to be our Savior.

We will learn exciting Bible stories, enjoy related crafts and challenge their minds with scripture memory. Designed for fun, development of godly character and spiritual inspiration.

Contact Kara Dawson with any questions at

Materials Fee: $10

K-2 Soaring into Latin ($45) Advisor: Jewell Landreth

The adventure of learning about Latin begins. Activities such as games, creative thinking, drawing, stories, and speaking will be used to bring Latin to life. Children will learn Latin phrases and vocabulary by learning to retell stories. Instruction will include lessons from the advisor as well as audio stories to catch interest of the student. Numbers, rhymes, stories, and games all make it easy to spark an interest in Latin.

Materials Fee: $10 – Covers take home materials for review including several lap books created in class.

K-2 Super Fab Lab ($45) Advisor: Tori Shaw Every child loves to do science experiments, don't they? Well, The Super Fab Lab will be an entire class of Science Experiments! In our Fabulous Laboratory we will learn the Scientific Method, make hypotheses, collect and organize data, and write in our Science journals during each class. We will do age appropriate physics, biology, chemistry and weather experiments. This class will be so much fun for your little Scientist!

Material Fee: $15 (for the supplies need for all of our experiments)

K-2 Useful Projects ($45) Advisor: Rachel Biagioli

Each week we will work on a hands-on project that teaches a practical skill and will produce something useful your child can keep or give as a gift. We will work on projects such as weaving, mosaics, card-making, birdfeeder, corn husk doll, decorative pots and plants, food prep, soap, and pillow making.

Material fees: $30. (I will offer an option for parents to provide materials in lieu of some of the material fee.)

K-2 Discovering Music in God’s World ($45) Advisor: Donna Wilson

Students will explore the elements of music through singing, playing rhythm instruments, games, listening to music examples, and study a few composers. They will learn to read simple melodic and rhythmic patterns and create a simple percussion compositions. Music lessons are always integrated with other subject areas when appropriate and include, visual, aural, kinesthetic activities. Themes will be based around the holidays and seasons of the year. Students will be required to keep their work, flash cards, games, etc inside an 1-inch 3 ring binder and bring it to every class. STUDENTS MUST BRING A PENCIL TO EVERY CLASS. Please view www.medleyoflife.com

Materials Fee: $15

K-2 Drawing, Inking, Shading and Color ($45) Advisor: Bonnie Toney

An introduction to a number of basic drawing techniques and concepts. We will do some sketching, some line art, some drawing with pens and markers, and some color mixing and theory. Some of our work will be representational (drawing real objects, or things meant to look real), and some abstract. We will take a first look at figure drawing (clothed!), and how the position of the spine is key. We will begin to understand how shading works, and how its correct use gives our drawings depth. We will do some work with art pens, and learn ways to add details to drawings and sketches. If the class is mature enough to handle it, we will create and swap Artist’s Trading Cards during some of our sessions.

Materials fee: $25

K-2 Five In A Row ($45) Advisor: Erin Segers

Using Five in a Row‘s lessons and activities, students will participate in a variety of activities based on children’s literature. Books will be advisor read-aloud with differing activities to correspond with the book. Contact Erin Segers with questions

Materials fee: $10

K-2 Scientists ($45)-NEW Advisor: Lora Cornwall

We will have fun exploring God's world of science by conducting many awesome, new experiments. Each student will be a scientist in this class. We will use the scientific method each week as we perform different experiments. Our different units will be 1)Light and Shadows, 2) Forces, including magnetic, 3) States of Matter and 4) Living and Nonliving. Come prepared to have a fantastic time learning by conducting experiments each week. Please bring a 3-ring binder, pencils, scissors and crayons/colored pencils to class each week. If you have more than one class with me, you can use a 3-ring binder with dividers.

Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials to conduct different experiments. This will also cover any books purchased with experiments and copies.)

K-2 Physical Education ($45) Co-ed Advisor: Blanca Erickson
The K-2 PE class will concentrate on developing the basic locomotor movements; (walk, run, jump, hop, gallop, skip, slide, leap) and space awareness. Fun games such as, Octopus, Freeze tag, Tunnel tag and Line tag will be played to enhance these skills. After a short warmup, the class will do a routine focusing on balance, strength, flexibility & coordination. Stations will often be set up to further develop these elements in each student at their own pace.

Many different types of equipment will be used such as; different sized balls, jump ropes, hoola hoops, scooters, ring toss, putt putt, bowling, scoops, paddles, tunnels & beanbags.

If weather permits, the class will go outside and learn other skills including; parachute, relay races (in the grass) & different ways to use the playground equipment for increased upper body & core strength.

The students will be expected to practice the routine, they will learn in class, at home with their families.

As always, safe FUN will be the main focus of the class! :)

A $5 materials fee is required to help purchase new and replace broken & old equipment. The fee will also be used toward purchasing award stickers & candy.

K-2 Early Elementary Sports FUNdamentals ($45) Advisor: Jimmy Lyman

Students will participate in an assortment of age-appropriate games and drills in order to develop a variety of skills for the sport focus of the month. Students will also be challenging themselves to outperform their prior benchmarks in an array of challenges. This is a great, low-stress way to introduce kids to key sports.

Materials Fee: $8

K-2 Sign Language Fun ($45) Advisor: Christie Henson

Sign Language is a beautiful and fun language to learn. I'll help your children learn the alphabet, numbers 1-20, and basic words. Through games and songs, we'll have fun while learning!

Class fee: $0

K-2 Exploring Creation with Plants & Animals Advisor: Jewell Landreth

This elementary science class will cover a broad range of scientific topics including how to classify animals, how plant and animal cells differ and are the same, as well as an introduction to scientific journaling. Every week will include a science experiment where we will learn the scientific method. Our class will include Scripture about creation along with scientific vocabulary. The goal of this class will be to provide a lifelong love of science in students as they learn that God is not only the creator of the world but the Creator of science as well.

Materials Fee: $10 – includes weekly experiment supplies and a scientific journal for each student.

1-3 Healthy Eating Habits ($45) Advisor: Jennifer Needham

You’re never too young to learn how to eat healthy! We’ll classify foods into food groups and learn how to balance them to make a healthy meal. We’ll also talk about organic foods and the differences between nutrient-dense foods and those full of empty calories. This course is a broad overview of nutrition for children, and will include lots of fun, hands-on activities.

View the instructor’s website at www.nutritionforhealthykids.com

Materials Fee: $8 per student for supplies and snacks.

1-3 Creative Writing ($45) Advisor: Tori Shaw

Students will fall in love with the art of writing as this class will help them tap into their creativity while learning the essentials for good writing. We will go on a thrilling adventure each week using songs, games, make-n-take manipulatives, recipes, poems, and books to help encourage our creativity. Students will take part in group lessons, vocabulary activities, and independent writing times. We will end each class with a time of sharing. Your child will need a folder for their writing, crayons or colored pencils, and pencils for each class.

Material Fee: $10

1-3 US “Road” Trip Part I ($45) Advisor: Lora Cornwall

We will take a fun "road" trip through 25 of the US states this semester and the other 25 states in the spring semester. We will work on making a giant poster map of the states we study. If your child takes both semesters of this class, he/she will be able to make a huge poster map of the entire United States. We will learn interesting facts about each state. Students will make different cool crafts and play exciting games to learn about each state. Students better "buckle up" because this is going to be one "fast" and exhilarating ride! Please bring a 3-ring binder, pencils, scissors and crayons/colored pencils to class each week. If you have more than one class with me, you can use a 3-ring binder with dividers.

Material Fee: $10 (This will cover consumable and nonconsumable materials for the crafts and games. This will also covered any books purchased).

1-4 American Girls Club ($45) Advisor: Kara Dawson Do you have girls who are in love with the American Girl dolls and stories? Well this class is for her! We will learn about history, geography, reading, and cooking. Each class will do arts, crafts, and cooking that go along with each doll studied. Every 3 weeks will have a theme with a certain doll, book, a lesson plan, map, craft, and food from the specific era. Contact Kara Dawson with any questions at

Materials Fee: $20 (you may also be asked to bring things from home)

2-4 Galloping the Globe ($45) Advisor: Denise Gallimore

In Galloping the Globe, 2nd – 4th grade students will be introduced to the seven continents and some of the countries within each continent. Along with studying geography, the students will be introduced to various historical figures, missionaries, and animals of these countries. Students will not only learn facts about countries around the globe, but they will experience some of those countries through hands-on crafts and fun, yummy foods. Throughout the semester as students progress on their virtual global journey, they will make a cumulative notebook recording all the fun facts they learn.

Supplies: Colored pencils and/or crayons (their preference), scissors, and glue stick