Marine Biology Field Trip to Ninilchik Beach

Field trips are a privilege. Must have a ā€œCā€ average to go.

Must represent no behavioral problems in class or school.

Purpose: To provide students with the opportunity to observe and interact with a

sandy / rocky shore marine environment. Students will critique two

habitats and note species present.

Cost: Ten dollars ($ 10.00) for school bus travel and substitute expenses.

Paid prior to leaving.

Date: Monday, September 19, 2005


8:45 am Leave SOHI by bus

10:00 am Stop at rest rooms at Nilnichik beach

10:15 am Explore / critique sandy / rocky shore marine environment.

10:56 am -2.5ā€™ tide

11:15 am Gather students and equipment at vans.

11:30 am Leave Ninilchik beach

12:45 pm Arrive at SOHI

Bring: Notebook, paper and pencil/pen to take notes (turned in at end of day)

Appropriate clothing for weather. Rubberized Boots (breakup),

Rain gear (coat & pants), warm hat, coat, gloves. Sack Lunch.

Students will eat lunch on the bus on the way back to SoHi.

Behavior: Students must stay in one group at all times with Mr. Rife.

At no time will we separate.

Students must take full financial responsibility for their actions.

Students and legal guardians must take full responsibility for student actions and consequences of actions.

I ______________________________ (student) have read and agree to the above conditions of the field trip.

OVER For parent or legal guardian signatures

I _________________________ (parent or legal guardian) have read the above

and give my child ________________________ permission to attend the above

mentioned field trip (Monday, Sept. 19, 2005).

Phone numbers where you can be reached during field trip.

Home ____________________ Other ____________________

Comments or questions: _________________________________________


