Marketing Scope & Sequence 2014-2015

Topic/ Competency - QUARTER 1 / Resources / Assessments/Speakers
WEEK 1 -2Addressing Student Life
  • 030 Identify the purpose and goals of the student organization
  • 031 Explain the benefits and responsibilities of membership in the student organization as a student and in professional/civic organizations as adults
  • 032 Demonstrate leadership skills through participation in student organizations activities, such as meetings, programs, and projects
  • 033 Identify internet safety issues and procedures for complying with acceptable use standards
/ LCSP Marketing Handbook
DECA Video
Teacher Developed Resources / Marketing Handbook Question Packet
WEEK 3-4 Communicating in the Workplace
  • 041 Describe the communication process
  • 042 Demonstrate the effects of nonverbal communication on interactions with others
  • 043 Write Various types of basic business communications
  • 044 Demonstrate telephone etiquette
  • 045 Demonstrate online etiquette
  • 046 Explain concerns related to mobile phone etiquette
  • 047 Explain the impact of technology on marketing
  • 048 Use computer technology and software tools to perform marketing tasks
/ Power Points and listening guides / Test
Create business documents
WEEKS 5-7Developing Professionalism in the Workplace
  • 049 Use customers’ and managers feedback to improve performance
  • 050 Explain the importance of diversity within the work environment
  • 051 Examine ethical behavior in the workplace
  • 052 Resolve customer and co-worker conflicts
  • 053 Demonstrate positive working relationship
  • 054 Demonstrate appropriate workplace behavior
  • 001 Demonstrate positive work ethic
  • 002 Demonstrate integrity
  • 003 Demonstrate teamwork skills
  • 004 Demonstrate self-representation skills
  • 005 Demonstrate diversity awareness
  • 006 Demonstrate conflict-resolution skills
  • 007 Demonstrate creativity and resourcefulness
/ FISH Philosophy DVD Packet
Power Points and listening guides
Mystery Diner Episode / FISH Philosophy Packet
Workplace integrity Scenario packet
WEEK 8-9 Examining Marketing and Business
  • 034 Explain the different types of organizations (for-profit, non-profit, government)
  • 035 Explain the nature of business activities
  • 036 Explain the marketing concept and its historical development
  • 037 Explain the components of the marketing mix
  • 038 Describe trends in marketing
  • 040 Explain basic financial statements
  • 039 Explain the functions involved in marketing goods and services
/ Power Points and listening guides / 7 functions poster activity
Marketing Trends Project
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 2
WEEKS 10-11 Understanding Economics
  • 055 Investigate the nature of economics, economic activities, and economic resources
  • 056 Describe the effects of competition in profit and non-profit organizations
  • 057 Describe the relationship between supply and demand and its effects on price
  • 058 Compare different types of business ownership
  • 059 Explain the role of profit in private enterprise
  • 060 Explain the effects of economic change on business and the employment
  • 061 Analyze the role of government in business and the economy
  • 062 Compare and contrast economic systems
/ PPT and guided notes
Economics 101 Academy Packet and Videos
Google Effect DVD (competition)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
TedEd video on franchising / Activities from Economics 101
Essay for Google Effect
PPT Project on different economies
WEEK 12 Introducing Information Driven Marketing
  • 063 Identify the role of marketing Information
  • 064 Explain qualitative and quantitative market research methods
  • 065 Explain the role of ethics in marketing research
  • 066 Identify the parts of a marketing plan
/ PPT and guided notes
Pal Pre Case Study / Test
WEEKS 13-14 Promoting Products and Services
  • 084 Examine the concept of promotional mix
  • 085 Identify the promotional mix of an existing product or service
  • 086 Describe the technological tools and methods used to market goods and services
  • 087 Compare the benefits of various types of promotional media
  • 088 Identify the components of a print ad
  • 089 Prepare an advertisement that encompasses knowledge of the marketing mix
  • 090 Explain the concept of visual merchandising
  • 091 Explain advertising campaigns
  • 092 Create a press release and related media materials
  • 093 Explain the concepts of push and pull and they apply to an existing product or service
  • 094 Describe ethical issues related to promotion
/ PPT and listen guides
Verizon Project
Advertising Poster
TEDEd on advertising / Push Pull worksheets
Verizon Project
Advertising Posterr
WEEK 15 Examining Distribution
  • 073 Explain the concept of distribution
  • 074 Identify channels of distribution
  • 075 Identify shipping and receiving processes
/ PPT and guided notes
Storage Wars
Food Trucks from Modern Marvel / Shipping terms graphic organizer
Different shipping methods worksheet
WEEK 18 Mid-Term Exam / Project
Mid Term Exams / Marketing Essentials Textbook
Teacher Developed Resources
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 3
WEEKS 19-20 Understanding Product/Service Positioning
  • 076 Describe market identification and segmentation
  • 077 Explain positioning and its relationship to target market
  • 078 Identify competition for a selected product/service
  • 079 Determine the product/service’s position relative to those of the competition
  • 080 Identify the target market of the selected product/service
  • 081 Determine the most effective retail outlets to position the selected product/service
/ PPT and Notes guided notes
Project / Product Positioning Project
WEEKS 21-23 Developing Product/Service Planning Skills
  • 067 Identify the role of product service planning in marketing
  • 068 Describe the types of product mix strategies
  • 069 Describe the product life cycles
  • 070 Describe the importance of branding in marketing
  • 071 Explain the difference between brand name and brand
  • 072 Explain the use of national and private brand names in marketing
/ PPT CNBC Super Markets Inc
Copies of chapter on Coke and Pepsi from Blink. By Gladwell
DVD Cola Wars
PPT and guided notes
Brand project / Worksheet for Cola Wars
You as a brand project
WEEKS 24-25 Selling Products and Services
  • 097 Identify the various types of selling and the tools used for each
  • 098 Explain the importance of customer service
  • 099 Describe how to receive and handle customer complaints
  • 100 Explain customer buying motives
  • 101 Demonstrate the selling process for a selected product or service
  • 102 Explain the function of a planogram in selling merchandise
  • 103 Process a sale
/ PPT and Guided notes
EBay Effect
Shark Tank / Test
Selling Project
WEEK 26 Understanding Risk Management
  • 095 Explain the nature and types of business risk
  • 096 Describe methods for managing risk
/ Marketing Essentials Textbook
Chapter 34 Risk Management
Episode of “The Office” called Risk Management / Business Risk activity
WEEK 27 Pricing Products and Services
  • 082 Explain key factors in determining selling price
  • 083 Explain the differences between pricing a good and a service
/ Costco Case Study page 227 in workbook
Pricing PPT and guided notes
Price is Right Episode
Costco Craze Video / Test
Costco Case study questions
Topic/Competency - QUARTER 4
WEEKS 28-30 Developing a Career
  • 104 Analyze personal interests, personality traits, and skills
  • 105 Research career opportunities in marketing
  • 106 Use various job search strategies
  • 107 Develop/update a resume
  • 108 Describe the steps for posting an electronic resume
  • 109 Develop a digital resume and portfolio
  • 110 Update a cover letter
  • 111 Complete a job application
  • 112 Complete an employment interview
  • 113 Complete a follow-up to a job interview
  • 114 Describe networking skills for professional development
  • 115 Develop a personal marketing plan
  • 116 Identify the purposes and types of employment tests and personality profiles
  • 117 Identify procedures to follow in resigning from a position
/ Career Packet
WEEKS 31-32Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Professional Knowledge and Skills
  • 008 Demonstrate effective speaking and listening skills
  • 009 Demonstrate effective reading and writing skills
  • 010 Demonstrate critical-thinking and problem solving skills
  • 011 Demonstrate healthy behaviors and safety skills
  • 012 Demonstrate an understanding of workplace organizations, systems, and climates
  • 013 Demonstrate lifelong learning skills
  • 014 Demonstrate job acquisition and advancement skills
  • 015 Demonstrate time-, task-, and resource-management skills
  • 016 Demonstrate job-specific- mathematics skills
  • 017 Demonstrate customer-service skills
/ Marketing Essentials Textbook
Teacher Developed Resources
WEEK 33 Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Technology Knowledge and Skills
  • 018 Demonstrate technologies common to specific occupation
  • 019 Demonstrate information technology skills
  • 020 Demonstrate understanding of Internet use and security issues
  • 021 Demonstrate telecommunications skills
/ Marketing Essentials Textbook
Teacher Developed Resources
WEEK 34 Demonstrating Workplace Readiness Skills: Examining All Aspects of an Industry
  • 022 Examine aspects of planning within an industry/organization
  • 023 Examine aspects of management within an industry/organization
  • 024 Examine aspects of financial responsibility within an industry/organization
  • 025 Examine technical and productions skills required of workers within an industry/organization
  • 026 Examine principles of technology that underlie an industry/organization
  • 027 Examine labor issues related to an industry/organization
  • 028 Examine community issues related to an industry/organization
  • 029 Examine health, safety, and environmental issues related to an industry/organization
WEEKS 35-36 FINAL EXAM REVIEW and FINAL EXAM / Marketing Essentials Textbook
Teacher Developed Resources