Geography Skills List

Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
For Level 1 and Level 2 from 2011, refer to the Teaching and Learning Guide for Geography, Ministry of Education at
Précis Map
Students will receive a drawn outline to work from
Students will be required to locate aspects from a map / Students will receive a map with some part of the outline drawn
Students will be required to locate aspects from an aerial photograph / Students will be expected to draw a précis map within a blank square
Students will be required to locate aspects from an oblique photo
Topographical Mapping Skills
Students are presented with a New Zealand map with reduced key
Students should be able to read a basic key including scale
Linear scale and measurement of straight line distance
Identification of key natural and cultural features
Direction – read and find 8 points
Contour lines
What are they?
Identify different features using contour lines such as a hill and a valley
Simple cross-section drawn from map
Locate and determine reference using 6 figures GR and degrees of longitude and latitude / Students are presented with any topographical with full key
Students should be able to read a more complex scale with representative fractions
Students can calculate area
Direction – accuracy of bearings to 16 points
Using contours to identify key features and determine difference between features such as a U shaped valley vs a V shaped valley
Cross-section drawn from map to demonstrate additional specific knowledge and skill
Locate and determine reference using degrees and minutes of longitude and latitude using 14 figure GR. Use of the GR is explicit / Students are presented with more complex topographical without key
Students should be able to apply different scales through transfer
Direction through the interpretation of data such from text or other sources
Deductions are made from contour lines
Calculation of slope angles
Drawing a profile from a range of sources
Locate and determine reference using 14 figures GR and degrees of longitude and latitude. Use of the GR is implicit
Other Maps
Students should be able to read and interpret maps such as
·  Dot distribution maps
·  Choropleth maps
·  Proportional symbol
·  Isoline maps
·  Flow maps / Students should be able to read and interpret a range of resources and apply them to the construction of maps such as
·  Dot distribution maps
·  Choropleth maps
·  Proportional symbol
·  Isoline maps
·  Flow maps / Students should be able to construct an appropriate statistical map from a range of resources
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
·  Satellite
·  Aerials – oblique and vertical
·  Ordinary / Photographs
·  Satellite
·  Aerials – oblique and vertical
·  Ordinary / Photographs
·  Satellite
·  Aerials – oblique and vertical
·  Ordinary
Photograph is related to map
Student can identify key natural and cultural features using the photograph
Direction – read and find 8 compass points
Student can use the photograph to develop a précis sketch
Student can recognise broad patterns
Student can evaluate the photo as a resource / Direction is determined from a photograph
Student can locate an aerial photo on map
Student can calculate scale
Student can compare photos to explain geographic changes
Student can use the photograph to develop a précis sketch
Students can compare and evaluate different types of photographs as a geographic resource / Recognition and interpretation of detail, patterns and processes
Student can use an analysis of a photograph to support an argument and / or geographic idea
Student can read, interpret and complete relevant diagrams/models / Diagrams/models
Student can read, and interpret relevant diagrams/models
Student can compare, evaluate and apply the diagrams/models to a real life situation / Diagrams/models
Student can read, interpret and construct and/or complete relevant diagrams/models
Student can recognise and provide a detailed interpretation of patterns and processes
Student can provide an analysis of a diagram/model to support an argument/geographic idea
Student can identity and describe the characters, actions/events and symbolism in the cartoon / Cartoons
Student can explain the characters, actions/events and symbolism in the cartoon / Cartoons
Student can provide an analysis of a cartoon to support an argument/geographic idea
Valuing Skills - Opinions and perspectives
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Student can identify and describe and explain a range of opinions or values
Resources would be simple such opinions for and against / Student can identify and describe and explain a range of opinions or values
Resources would be more complex with a wider range of opinion
Students would need to justify their own opinion / Student can identify and describe a range of opinions or values
Student needs to understand how aspects of the world are viewed from a range of perspectives
Students would need to justify their own opinion
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Students should be able to read and interpret and construct the following graphs
·  Column/bar
·  Histogram
·  Line
·  Pictograph
·  Pie
·  Percentage bar
·  Scatter
·  Climate
·  Age/sex pyramid
·  Positive/negative graph / Students should be able to construct, read and interpret the following graphs
·  Triangular
·  Scatter
·  Positive/negative graph
·  Compound graphs / Students should be able to construct read and interpret graphs which may include the following
·  Multi-axis
·  Positive/negative graph
·  Multi-line graph using two scales
Select the most appropriate for the context
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Students show an understanding of the following
·  Percentages
·  Percentage change
·  Mean
·  Median
·  Range
·  Mode
·  Data presentation / Students show an understanding of the following
·  Percentages
·  Percentage change
·  Mean
·  Median
·  Range
·  Mode
·  Data presentation
Use statistical information to make comparisons in a geographic context. / Students show an understanding of how to use statistical information to determine patterns and to support an argument
Geographic Ideas
Level 1 / Level 2 / Level 3
Student can provide a description of a GI within a directed geographic context.
Students are provided with specific direction on how to apply a stated GI within a defined context / Student can provide an explanation of a GI within a geographic context
Students are expected to apply a stated GI within a defined context / Student select and then apply a GI in relation to a geographic context
Students are expected to select and apply a relevant GI within a defined context