Informative Essay with Research - Rubric
Advanced / Proficient / Basic / Below Basic4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Writing clearly to convey a well-defined controlling point /
- Strong thesis statement
- Clear, controlling idea
- Sharp, distinct focus identifying topic, task, and audience
- Remains on topic throughout
- Clear thesis statement
- Evident controlling idea
- Identifies and introduces the topic clearly
- Remains on topic throughout
- Unclear thesis statement
- Underdeveloped ideas
- Does not identify or introduce the topic
- Ideas wander from topic
- No thesis statement
- Controlling idea is undeveloped or missing
- Does not identify or introduce the topic
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Purposeful sequence /
- Smooth, logical structure
- Information is organized so each new element builds on what precedes it to create a whole.
- Uses transitions to create unity and effectively clarify relationships among ideas
- Logical structure
- Information is organized to make important connections and distinctions.
- Uses transitions to clarify relationships among ideas
- Limited/Flawed structure
- Attempts to organize information
- Some basic transitions are present.
- No logical structure
- No attempt to use transitions
4x4 / 4x3 / 4x2 / 4x1
Ideas developed through facts, definitions, concrete examples, explanations, data, observations, etc. /
- Develops and analyzes the topic with relevant, well-chosen facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, and examples
- Includes effective, relevant graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension
- Develops and analyzes the topic with relevant facts, definitions, concrete details, quotations, or and examples
- Includes graphics and multimedia when useful to aiding comprehension
- Little development and analysis of the topic
- Irrelevant and/or ineffective use of graphics and multimedia
- Attempts to provide information related to the topic, but demonstrates a lack of understanding
- Information is irrelevant or inaccurate
- Irrelevant and/or ineffective use of graphics and multimedia
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Voice and Style
Choice, use, and arrangement of words and sentence structure create tone and voice /
- Uses precise language and subject-specific vocabulary that expresses ideas accurately and concisely
- Clear and understandable writing
- Sophisticated and varied sentence structure
- Awareness of and respect for target audience
- Establishes and maintains a formal style and objective tone
- Uses precise language that expresses ideas accurately and concisely
- Understandable writing
- Varies sentence structure
- Awareness of target audience
- Thoughtful, appropriate word choice
- Establishes a formal style and objective tone
- Writing is somewhat difficult to understand
- Repetitive sentence structure
- Limited understanding of target audience
- Limited word choice
- Lack of formal style
- Tone is subjective
- Writing is difficult to understand
- Incorrect sentence structure
- Disregard for target audience
- Slang/inappropriate word choice
- Lack of formal style
- Tone is subjective
4 / 3 / 2 / 1
Conventions /
- Strong control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation
- Paper is virtually error-free
- If applicable, Works Cite Page and in-text citations follow MLA format
- Adequate control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation
- Errors in conventions do not significantly impact meaning
- Limited control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation
- Errors in conventions impact meaning
- Little to no control of grammar, mechanics, spelling, usage, and sentence formation
- Errors severely impact meaning