General Educator: Teacher 1 Special Service Provider: Teacher 2


Lesson Plan

Subject Area: Language Arts (2 period block)

Grade level: 7th

Content Standard:

Lesson Objective: Students will be able to sequence the events, understand the concept of cause and effect

Essential Questions: What is cause and effect?

Key Vocabulary: cause and effect, plot, sequence


Materials: tape, graphic organizer, CD, paper, pencil

Lesson / Co-teaching Approach
(can select more than one) / Time / General Education Teacher
(Teacher 1; T1) / Special Service Provider
(Teacher 2; T2) / Considerations (may include adaptations, differentiation, accommodation, or student- specific needs).
(may include: Opening; Warm Up; Review; Anticipatory Set) / One Teach, One Support
Team / 8:00-8:10am / T1 will begin a group discussion about being forgetful
T1 will write topic on the board “ Have you ever lost something? How did you feel?” / T2 will introduce ‘moments when you have lost important things’.
T2 will instruct students to write about being forgetful and share their feelings in writing. / Quick write:
Have you ever forgotten or lost something?
Put Vicki and Judy together for quick write.
Let Brandon use a dictionary if needed. Ramon can use his AlphaSmart.
(may include: Instruction; Checking for Understanding; Independent or Group Practice) / One Teach, One Support
Team / 8:10-8:35am / Have kids read Dulfy’s Jacket along w/ tape.
Give kids a graphic organizer.
Have kids take notes on Cause and Effect / T1 and T2 will alternate modeling note taking on the board through the use of a multi- flow map and monitoring students on task, while students listen to story and write on graphic organizer. / Make a copy of multi flow maps to the whole class.
Use CD to help auditory learners. Visual learners can follow along with book.
Have students use bookmark during reading to help follow-along (helps with kinesthetic learners too).
(may include: Closing, Assessments, Extension of the Lesson) / One Teach, One Support
Team / 8:35-8:50am / In two groups both teachers model and create a flow map of story events.
Both teachers review elements of a plot and show Plot diagram
Both teachers will discuss the purpose and use of the flow map and Plot diagrams with their small group.
Ticket out the door: Completed plot diagram. / T2 will divide a class into two small groups to create a plot diagram using the flow maps (for smaller student-teacher ratio).
Both teachers will discuss the purpose and use of the flow map and Plot diagrams with their small group. / Students will get a copy of pre-drawn Plot diagrams
Put Victor, Michael, and Judy in the same group.
Ashley needs to sit up front of the room.
Michael, Brandon and Ashley can turn in plot diagram completed tomorrow if needed.