Fall 2016: Check to see if Fellowships Writing Seminar for Spring 2017 is going to be offered

- IDIS 280, 2nd half of semester

- Should know if class will be offered by 1 December

- Email Dr Walton to reserve your spot in class (spaces limited)

March 2017: On-Line Application Opens

- Register with site

- Check out application and requirements

April-May 2017: Decide on what project/Fulbright

- do research on your topic if a Research Grant

- Research country for either grant

- Research Grants: Start looking for Affiliations (Names and Universities)

- Work on language

- Speak with Dr. Walton at SNCFO on summer activities

Summer 2017

- Start drafting statements for application

- Fill out the personal details for application

- Start looking at Language reference writers (See Dr Walton first)

- Think about your recommenders – reach out to them

- Decide on Affiliation and make first contact

**AUGUST 15, 2017

- DUE DATE for first consideration applications for 2017

- Submit application on-line at https://apply.embark.com/student/fulbright/usa/29//default.asp?QS=1 Dr. Walton will unsubmit you after she downloads your application.

- This will ensure full involvement in the revision process and strongest assistance for completing the Fulbright successfully.

**September 10, 2017

- FINAL DATE for First draft of Application Due – submit online on Fulbright web-site. Dr. Walton will unsubmit you after she downloads your application.

- YOU MUST Submit at least drafts of your statements at this time – and list recommenders/language, et al.

- This date is to be considered for the Salisbury University process. If you are still an undergraduate enrolled at Salisbury, you are REQUIRED to go through the SU process.

FULBRIGHT TIMELINE, Page 2: Campus Application Submitted

September 10-30, 2017

- Meet with Dr. Walton (multiple times preferred)

- Writing sessions for Fulbright applicants

- Order transcripts from University

- Complete Language evaluation

- Speak more to recommenders – give drafts of statements and info for application

***September 15, 2017

- Due date for complete application for round 1 of Interviews.

- This due date gives you more time for revisions post-interview.

- PLEASE give this date to your recommenders/Language Evaluators/Affiliations when working on the application

September 20-29, 2017

- First Round of Campus Interviews

- Application will be unsubmitted for additional revisions post-interview.

***September 25, 2017

- COMPLETE application due for use of SU – recommendations, language evaluation, transcripts, et al, must all be submitted at this time. Revised essays submitted

September 27-Oct 4, 2017

- Campus Interviews (exact date/time to be decided)

- Application will be unsubmitted for additional revisions post-interview.

***October 6, 2017

- Final Application Submitted to Fulbright Embark Application System by 5pm

October 8, 2017

- Campus Recommendation submitted to Fulbright

Late January 2018

- Finalists Announced

March-May 2018

- Fulbright winners announced by country.

Kristen Walton, Director, SNCFO, HH 347; www.salisbury.edu/nationalfellowships/ ; Twitter:@SalisburyNCFO; fb; https://www.facebook.com/sncfo