Topic: Concept of Fraction
Source: Adapted from Bassarear
Materials: Pattern Blocks
AZ Math Standards Performance Objectives (samples):
Fractions with Pattern Blocks: Given a specific pattern block that represents a whole or a unit, participants are asked to name the fraction part represented by other specific pattern blocks. In this activity, participants will see fractions that are greater than one and fractions that are less than one. Participants are also given specific pattern blocks that represent a fraction other than one and are then asked to say what the whole or the unit is in terms of pattern blocks.
For example, if is worth one, then what is worth?
Thinking: Since the hexagon can be made using two trapezoids, then one of the trapezoids is 1 out of 2 or ½.
Fraction Dots: Participants should use manipulatives to answer these questions and to clearly write down the thinking they used to arrive at their conclusion. Participants should think about alternative ways to pose the questions / position the dots that may make the answers easier.
For example, if ••••••••• is worth 1, then what does 2/3 look like?
Thinking: If we rearrange the dots into 3 equal groups, then we select 2 out of the 3 groups to represent 2/3 of the original set of dots.
••• ••• •••
Answer: ••••••
Adaptations – How could you adapt this activity for your grade level next year?
Assessment – How could you assess this activity?
Prior Knowledge – What type of knowledge should students have prior to completing this activity?
What Comes Next? – What would come next in an instructional sequence centered around this activity and/or related topics?
Fractions With Pattern Blocks
1. If is worth one, then find the value of each of the following :
(a) (b) (c)
_______ _______ _______
2. If is worth one, then find the value of each of the following:
(a) (b) (c)
_______ _______ _______
3. If is worth one, then find the value of each of the following:
(a) (b) (c)
_______ _______ _______
4. If is worth one, then find the value of each of the following:
(a) (b) (c)
_______ _______ _______
5. If is worth , then what does 1 look like? Draw and describe with words.
6. If is worth , then what does 1 look like? Draw and describe with words.
7. If is worth , then what is worth?
8. If is worth , then what does 1 look like? Draw and describe.
9. If is worth 1, then what does look like? Draw and describe.
10. If is worth , then what is the value of ?
Fractions with Dots
1. If ••••••is , show 1.
2. If •••••••• is 1, show .
3. If •••••••••••••••• is , show 1.
4. If •••• is , show .
Fractions 1