Violent Behavior Risk Assessment
Student Name ______ID# ______Grade ______
School ______Principal ______
Interviewer Signature/Title ______Date ______
Initial Assessment Questions:
I. Did the student harm someone else? Yes ____ No ____
ü If yes, call 911 if the student is in a state of injury (bleeding, etc.), tell the school nurse, then inform the parent.
ü In this situation, Risk is HIGH and the Violent Behavior Risk Assessment does not need to be completed. Immediate action is required.
II. Did the student recently make a threat? Yes ____ No ____
Student was referred by a teacher based on information he/she shared
Student was referred by another student based on information he/she shared
Student turned in writing or drawing of concern
If Yes, complete the Violent Behavior Risk Assessment and follow through with parent. Level of risk must be determined. Complete all sections of the Violent Behavior Risk Assessment.
III. Has the student experienced a traumatic event recently? Yes ____ No ____
If Yes, complete Trauma Assessment and follow through with parent.
III. Parent was notified Date ______Time ______
Name ______Phone #______
Parent’s Response ______
VI. If the student drew a picture ask them about it, “Tell me about the picture you drew.” If the student made a statement, clarify exactly what they said, what they meant and why it was said.
Please answer the following questions after completing assessment and send this page to: FAX 817-814-2905 OR EMAIL
1) Assessed Risk Score ______ÿ Low ÿ Moderate ÿ High
2) Has this student been referred for Student Support services this year? ______
If so, reason______
3) Was a Suicide Risk Assessment previously completed? ______
If yes, assessed risk______Date ______
4) Was a Violent Behavior Risk Assessment previously completed? ______
If yes, assessed risk______Date ______
5) Has a Trauma Response Team meeting been conducted/Student Support
Plan been initiated? ______
6) Did the parent/legal guardian sign a Notification of Emergency
Conference Form? ______
7) Did the parent/legal guardian sign a Release of Information? ______
8) Did the parent/legal guardian agree to obtain treatment for the student? ______
9) Did the student sign an Agreement to Participate in Care form? ______
10) Is the student involved in their treatment? ______
11) Did student commit violation of COC/Disciplinary action______
12) Did the student return to school? Date ______ ______
13) Has there been follow-up with the student? Date ______ ______
14) Has there been follow-up with student’s family? Date ______ ______
15) Has there been follow-up with educational team? Date ______
/Risk present, but low=1
/Moderate risk = 3
/High risk = 5
1. Plan
Details –Have you thought about hurting yourself or others on purpose? How have you thought about doing that?Access to weapons – What would you use? How will you get it (name the weapon)?
Time – When do you plan to do this?
Validity of plan – How likely is this to be implemented?
/ ____ No Plan
____ Not available, have to attain
____ No specific time or in future
____ Plan unrealistic unlikely to be implemented / ____ Vague Plan
____ Available, easy access
____ Within a few hours
____ Some details are plausible / ____ Well thought out, knows when, where, how
____ Have in hand, close by
____ Immediately
____ Plan realistic
2. Aggressive behavior
Does student have a history of aggression or violence, outbursts, aggression that has escalated to setting fires, harm to another, etc.? /____ When angry, does not hurt or threaten to hurt others or property
/ ____ Displays little anger control; considered aggressive; has explosive outbursts; believes has been treated unfairly / ____ Has set fires; has frequent explosive outbursts; believes in violence to solve problems3. Discipline record
/____ No previous discipline record
/____ Record of fighting, harassing, verbal abuse
/____ History includes serious disciplinary problems, criminal offenses, suspension or expulsion
4. History of previous threats
/____ No history of previous threats
/____ Friends are aware of threats
/____ Has been disciplined in past for terroristic threat
5. Exposure to violence
What type of video games do you play/movies do you watch? Have you seen other people fighting or hurting someone? /____ Exposed to violence only through movies, stories, computer software, video games
/____ Has directly witnessed a violent argument or fight at home, in the neighborhood, or school
/____ Repeated exposure to violence at home, neighborhood, or school
6. Victim of violence or abuse (verbal, sexual, or physical)
Have you been hurt or bullied by someone else? /____ No evidence that student is a victim of violence or abuse
/____ Perceives self as being taken advantage of or a victim but no evidence that abuse has occurred
/____ Student has been a victim or violence or abuse; has been removed from home by Child Protective Services
7. Exhibits cruelty to animals
/____ No tendency to be cruel to animals
/____ Discussed cruelty of animals
/____ Has tortured or mutilated animals
8. Victim or perceived victim of discrimination or harassment
/____ No history of discrimination or harassment
/____ Has history of being teased or bullied
/____ Documented instances of harassment or discrimination
9. Gang, cult, or antisocial group membership
/____ No history of affiliation or interest
/____ Past affiliation or current interest in membership
/____ Current membership; see membership as source of power and protection
10. Family Support
Tell me about your family and friends. Who can you depend on?
/____ Evidence of caring and supportive family relationships
/____ History of neglect or lack of parental supervision
/____ Failed to demonstrate attachment/affection toward caregivers at an early age or now
Subtotal (Count each item)
/ / /Indicator
/Risk Present but Low =1
/Moderate risk = 3
/High risk = 5
11. Empathy
Do you feel sad when you see others hurting?
/____ Displays normal capacity to feel for others
/____ Some indication that development of these feelings was delayed or absent
/____ Seems unable to express or feel empathy, sympathy, or remorse
12. Interpersonal and relationship skills
Do you have many friends? Tell me about your friends? /____ Has friends, respected among peers and teachers
/____ Identified as a bully; poor interpersonal skills; picked on
/____ Others afraid of child; intensely withdrawn; takes advantage of others; is considered a loner or an outsider.
13. Preoccupation with weapons, death, and violent themes – Do you enjoy thinking about, reading, watching other people get hurt?
/____ No unusual history of thinking about violence does not enjoy reading about or watching violence
/____ Prefers and enjoys violence on TV or in movies; shows interest in weapons; talks about violence
/____ Preoccupation with violence and death in writings, fantasy, drawings, or conversations
14. Drug or alcohol usage; impulsivity
Have you ever used drugs or alcohol? How much/often?
/____ Does not use drugs or alcohol, is not considered impulsive
/____ Some experimentation with drugs or alcohol, one or two times per month
/____ Frequent use of drugs or alcohol; has little impulse control
15. Psychiatric History – Have you ever seen a Dr. or been in a hospital because of this?Medication – Do you take any medication? / ___ Present in treatment
____ Compliant with medication / ___ None reported
____ Sporadically compliant / ___ Previous hospitalization
____ Non-compliant
Total (pages 1+2)=
/ /Scoring: ______
Risk assessment: Minimal/Low = 19-30 Moderate/Urgent = 31-50 High/Emergent = 51-95
Be sure to give a score for ALL items, particularly each of the 4 items within #1.
*If most items in indicator #1 are marked “high risk”, the assessed risk is automatically ranked “High.”
Chronic Risk:
Please note that students who have a history of multiple threats to themselves or others are considered to be at chronic risk regardless of acute status with the likely need for ongoing care. If the student has a history of multiple assessments/threats, but is not active and consistent in treatment then recommend to the parent that they consider getting consistent care.
Also consider other CHRONIC RISK INDICATORS in the student’s history that might warrant referral for therapeutic services. Such as:
¨ Prior Psychiatric Hospitalization
¨ History of Abuse or Neglect
¨ Significant Changes in Environment
¨ Severe Loss
Note: Risk assessments cannot be performed with complete accuracy, and do not predict with certainty the future behavior of this student. The findings and recommendations contained in this assessment represent the best professional judgment of the examiner on this date. This assessment tool is confidential and will be maintained by examiner.
Revised 7/15/11