Name_____________________________________ Date____________

Health Taylor

Forks over Knives Film Questions – please write in complete sentences

1. Every minute a person dies from _____________________________.

2. ___________ People a day die from cancer.

3. ___________ Americans go under the knife annually for bypass surgery.

4. The more affluent families in the Philippines had children that were more susceptible to ______________ cancer due to their animal based protein.

5. In 1958, Japan had 18 prostate cancer deaths that were autopsy proven, compared to ______________ in the U.S.

6. Only __________% of cancer cases are attributed to genes.

7. ____________ Calories of natural plant food fills the stomach completely.

8. _____________ Researchers participated in the China study.

9. The China Study found more than _________________ correlations between diet and disease.

10. Dr. Campbell believes that if everyone adopted a plant based diet we could cut healthcare costs by ________%.

11. The film connects the dots between so many unsettling statistics. Which of the many statistics cited in the film startles you the most, and why?

12. According to the film, what are some of the benefits of a “Whole Foods Diets”?

13. For every argument there is a counterargument. Moreover, it’s important to recognize bias or partiality (intellectual wellness). Based on your prior knowledge about nutrition, what are some of the biases you noticed in the film?

14. Do you think you could be a vegetarian? Why or why not?

15. Do you think vegetarianism is the healthiest way to eat? Why or why not?

16. Are there any other diets out there that you think are healthy?

17. What do you think the best way to eat for maintained health is?