Forgiveness: The Unmerciful Servant
Mathew 18:23-35
Unmerciful Servant:
Fellow Servant:
Group of Servants: written for only one servant but can be multiple
Prison Guards: optional- additional lines will need to be added for this part
Items needed for the play
Kings Staff, 20 large and 2 small glass stones (dollar store)
King: It is time for me to collect money from those who owe me. Bring them here.
Unmerciful Servant: (falling to his knees) Sir, I owe you 10,000 talents. That is far more than I have. (pulls out a few large glass stones and shows them to the king)
King: (stomping his staff on to the ground and then pointing at the servant) You say you cannot pay, then I shall sell you, your family and all that you own to pay the debt.
Unmerciful Servant: (praying to the Lord) My gracious Father have patience with me. I will pay what I owe.
King: (places hand on chest to show he is touched by the prayer) You may go I forgive you and your debts.
Unmerciful Servant: (leaves the King and meets the Fellow Servant) You owe me 100 pence’s and you need to pay now.
Fellow Servant: (pulling out only 2 glass stones and showing it to the unmerciful servant) Friend I haven’t the money to pay now.
Unmerciful Servant: NO! You must pay me now or I will have you cast into jail until the debt is paid.
Fellow Servant: (falling to his knees) Have patience with me and I will repay you.
Unmerciful Servant: If you cannot repay me off to prison you go. (take fellow servant by the arm and lead him away)
Servant from Group: (walk to the king) The servant you forgave of his debt has not passed on your kindness.
King: What has he done?
Servant from Group: He has punished a man for not repaying a debt to him. The man was taken to prison.
King: Bring the wicked servant to me.
Servant from the group or guard: Of course sir. (go get the unmerciful servant and bring him to the king)
King: (angry voice to the unmerciful servant) I have forgiven you of your debt yet you do not return the act and grant forgiveness to those in your debt. I am done with the likes of you. (to the guard) Take this unforgiving servant to prison where he shall pay the debt that is owed.