My group consisted of five members, which included me, Ameerah Budiono, Siti Nadia, Nanthini Punniaseelan and Nanthina Punniaseelan. After brainstorming for ideas, we decided on a topic which was; “UKM aims to reach the status of a world class University. Discuss critically the scenarios on current student facilities in UKM and strategies for improvement to enable UKM to reach the status of a world class University”. We divided the task accordingly to each of the group members. Our main source in finding information was the internet and also through literature reviews obtained through articles in the internet. We implemented critical thinking when looking for information as not all the information found through the internet can be true. Based on our discussion, we finalized on 5 subtopics that includes what are the grey areas around UKM campus and ways to overcome it for UKM to reach status of a world class University.

Firstly, are the eye-soaring facilities around UKM. It does not only bring disadvantage to the students and academic staff, but it also brings shame upon guests that often come to visit the university. A good appearance will always be beneficial for first impressions. Hence, ways to organize these are painting or decorating the buildings. Also, to paint murals on walls around the campus. This will not only create positive environment for students to study but also it can Give good impression to visitors, academic guests and exchange students

Secondly, the problems that are faced by students and staff of the university everyday are the cafeteria food that includes Poor cleanliness of the food, workers and the cafeteria, cats roaming around, workers don’t wear proper attire (hair net, gloves), Poor quality of food and also a very limited choices of food. A good cafeteria service is crucial to keep the students healthy in order to study and carry out activities to make the university stand at the eyes of the world. So, there are several ways on improving this flaw, firstly, by implementing strict cleanliness rules with regular inspection, also to set up variety of stalls providing Indian, Chinese, Western and etc ‘halal’ food, furthermore, by hiring a well experienced cook.

Thirdly, a common problem faced by students which is lack of leisure, recreational and entertainment facilities, also lack of discussion and meeting rooms and not forgetting Lack of interaction between students from different courses or faculties. Our group suggested that a student life centre to be built. It will be a conducive place for students to relax and organize non-academic activities; it can provide daily newspapers and educational magazines, also televisions and good internet connection, also most important to provide more discussion rooms that can enable students to discuss on matters regarding assignments and field work.

Money can be a huge setback in order to build this student life centre. However, where there is a will, there is a way. The student council committee can ask for donations among students, as the student themselves would want a recreational life centre as such to be built. Also, alumni’s could be contacted for generous donations. These are the trends in world class universities, where buildings are named after alumni that have contributed in the making of the building or centre itself.

Fourthly, are poor sports facilities around the campus. Students should be active in sports to keep the brain active and to perform better. Also, good sports facilities are important for athletes to practice in order to take part in various competitions; these are usually how the name of a university will be brought up; if the athlete succeeds in a world class sports tournament. How we can improve the poor sports facilities are; to supply free sports equipment, and also to provide self-rent bicycle service that can also lead towards a green campus.

Lastly, are poor energy management around the campus. Lights and other facilities such as air conditioner, computers and LCD screens are often left on even at night where no one is using it. A high cost of energy management is bad and causes university to lose budget just to pay high prices of electricity. How this can be overcome includes investing in power-saving technologies, for example software systems that help with company to turn off the lights, air conditioners and laptop PC’s that are connected to the internet network. Also, by exploring alternative energy such as solar or wind timer. Lastly, by installing timers to devices that it will automatically turn off when the time is done.