Present:Sam Hearth (Chair),Stuart Williams, Sally Kirkby,Kelly Jackson,Margaret Woolleyand Nina Ind.

In attendance: Nicola Tyers (Clerk) andJohn Harrison (Vice Principal)

1. / Apologies for absence were received from Mel Pitkeathley, Lindsay Woodward, Hamid Mani, Mark Nicoll and Richard Seal.
2. / The Minutes of the previous meeting were agreed to be a true and accurate record of the meeting and signed by Mrs Hearth as Chair.
3. / Matters Arising. It was noted that the item noted in the confidential minutes may end up in the local press.
4. / SATS / RAISEonline. Mrs Jackson gave a presentation to governors on the Analysis. Following the presentation, Mrs Ind questioned how the progress levels for SEN and Statemented children are assessed.
It was noted that the Safeguarding governor, Mrs Kirkby, had met with Mrs Jackson and Mr Harrison. It was agreed that the report would be circulated to governors and discussed at the next meeting. Mrs Kirkby asked to attend safeguarding training.
5. / Free School Meals (Pupil Premium Grant 2013/2014).
Mrs Jackson outlined the ways that the Pupil Premium grant was being spent during the next academic year. It was noted that the Pupil Premium Grant was £22, 484 for the academic year 2013_14. Governors were unanimously satisfied with these planned spends and gave their full approval of this document.
6. / Ofsted – Governor best practice.
The Transformation Plan was given to all governors.
Mr Williams circulated a document outlining the grade descriptors and the subsidiary guidance that outlines what Ofsted inspectors would be looking for.
Governors were pleased to hear from Mrs Jackson that following parental feedback, a KS1 Workshop was being organised to help parents to aid with their child’s learning and some of the parent governors outlined the positive outcome of this intervention and were also aware of the positives from the Catmose Primary Sports Funding.
Mr Williams asked governors to identify areas which can still be improved following the induction training on 30 January 2014 and to re-visit this report at the next meeting.
7. / Any Other Business.
  • Mrs Kirkby asked about the plans for Catmose Nursery and had heard that the pre-school would be ready by Easter. Mr Williams clarified that the existing building at Catmose Nursery would be refurbished, the Ark would be demolished and a budget for a new building at Catmose Primary had been approved and was awaiting approval from the EFA.
  • Mrs Hearth requested that all governors are made aware when advertisements are being placed for staff in the primary school. It was noted that a new teacher was being recruited. Mrs Tyers agreed to keep governors updated when advertisements would be placed.
  • Mr Harrison confirmed that interviews were being held at Catmose Primary for School Direct.
