Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Work Session was called to order by Board President Rose Marie Monks at 6:00 p.m. in the Copper Basin K-8 School cafeteria.
Board Members
Present: / President Rose Marie Monks, Board Members, Jim Thomas, Teri Kuebler, Bob Dailey, and Bob Ingulli
Also in Attendance: Superintendent Dr. Gary Nine

Possible Correction of past minutes

There were no corrections to the October 14, 2009, minutes.

Possible Agenda Re-organization and Clarifications

Dr. Nine called on Nicole Steele to provide information about Agenda Item 19.1 - The request for approval to process an RFP for WAN (Wide Area Network)) for Voice, Data, and Video. She explained that our current contract is about to expire and that to maintain compliance under the Arizona Administrative Code, Board approval is required before any solicitation/invitation for bid is made public. She also pointed out some of the areas of importance on the RFP evaluation.

Dr. Nine requested that Dana Hawman give an update on the Capital Plan – Agenda Item 19.7. Ms. Hawman reviewed items in the Capital Plan that we are required to submit to the School Facilities Board. She gave ADM projections and reviewed the New Construction Project Request List and the Locally-Funded Project List. From the growth information that she has collected, it is evident that we will need another high school to open in 2011 and a new K-8 school in two years and just about every year after that.


Dr. Nine asked Dr. Cline to give an update on the H1N1 Swine Flu – Dr. Cline reported that he, along with Mark Lamas and Dana Hawman participated in a conference call with the Pinal County Health Dept. We have been asked to indicate the total number of high risk students, total number of staff and total number of bus drivers. He provided information on how the swine flu vaccine will be distributed by the Health Department when it becomes available. At this time only the seasonal flu vaccine is available.

Public Hearing

In accordance with A.R.S. 15-491.K a public meeting will be held at which time an update of the progress of capital improvements financed through bonding will be discussed and the public is permitted an opportunity to comment. Ms. Hawman gave an update of the progress of capital improvements financed through bonding, including a comparison of the current status and the original projections on the construction, and costs of capital improvements.

Regular Board Meeting Call to Order – 6:30 p.m.

Mrs. Monks called the Board meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Adoption of the Amended Agenda

Member Jim Thomas moved, Member Teri Kuebler seconded to adopt the Amended Agenda of the October 14, 2009, Regular Board Meeting/Executive Session. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Pledge of Allegiance

Mrs. Monks led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

Governing Board Member Reports

Governing Board members reported on recent activities they have attended.

·  Mr. Ingulli reported that he attended the Athletic Hall of Fame at the Windmill on Tuesday evening.

·  Mr. Dailey attended the Poston Butte Forthcoming rally, parade and football game.

·  Mrs. Kuebler also attended the Forthcoming activities at Poston Butte; she commented on the schools and what a great job the kids and staff are doing. She attended the ASBA legal Conference – got a lot of good information. She gave a “hats off” to our district bus drivers for the awesome job that they are doing.

·  Mr. Thomas commented on the girls’ volleyball team – he thinks they are all future Hall of Famers.

·  Mrs. Monks commented on the Athletic Hall of Fame – it was an outstanding event; good to see former teachers and coaches.

Superintendent's Report

When Board Members attend Arizona School Boards Association conferences they earn points for which they receive recognition certificates and awards. Dr. Nine presented a Certificate of Orientation to Bob Dailey and Bob Ingulli, and a Certificate of Boardsman-ship to Jim Thomas for their participation this past year.

Student and Staff Recognitions

Student Leader Report: Mr. Jimenez introduced Copper Basin Principal Joanne Pike. She welcomed everyone and thanked them for attending the meeting. She called on National Junior Honor Society President Rebecca Callahan who gave an update on current events at Copper Basin K-8 School.

Mrs. Pike introduced Volunteer of the Month Bert Merriman, Classified Employee of the Month Tony Gutierrez and Certified Employee of the Month Kristi Moritz. After giving highlights of their accomplishments, she and Dr. Nine presented to each of these deserving individuals a plaque to commemorate their honor.

Anthem K-8 Principal Kathy Brown presented a plaque to Jaren Hudgens who was named 1A Western Region Volleyball Coach of the Year for 2008-09.

Mr. Jimenez announced the Students of the Month from each school site and Dr. Nine and Dr. Fuller presented their medallions as follows:

Copper Basin K-8: Kristell Murrietta – Kdg. and Jacob Alexander – Kdg.

Anthem K-8: Sabrina Gibbons – 7th grade and John Cutler – 7th grade

Circle Cross K-8: Shanice Soria – 7th grade and Kyle Wietrick – 7th grade

Florence K-8: Destiny Lipkin – 1st grade and Tyler Lanning – 1st grade

Magma Ranch K-8: Carlos Castillo Coronado – 1st grade and Faith Blackwell – 1st grade Skyline Ranch K-8: Alissa Jo Brehm – 1st grade and Collin Moore – 1st grade

Walker Butte K-8: Aubrie Duchscherer – Kdg. (absent) and Alec Johnson – Kdg.

Florence H.S.: Liliana Caldera – 12th grade (absent) and Gary Worthington – 11th grade

Elks Student of the Month: Caitlyn Pankey (absent)

Poston Butte H.S.: Lauren Gorny – 10th grade (absent) and Andy Haroun – 10th grade

Elks Student of the Month: Lorenzo Teruya – 10th grade

Copper Basin Curriculum Report: Theresa Kranich and Kristi Moritz – Differentiated Instruction: Ms. Kranich and Ms. Moritz made a PowerPoint presentation pointing out the various aspects of differentiated instruction to accommodate students at different levels in a particular classroom setting. They showed the process for differentiated instruction and the use of Galileo benchmarks and the aspects of flexible grouping. They also gave an example of what differentiated lesson planning is and what it is not.

Tracey Celaya and Michelle Martinez - Update on Central Arizona Valley Institute of Technology (CAVIT) and FHS Career and Technical Education: Mrs. Martinez thanked the Board for allowing her to present an update on the CAVIT program. She complimented the transportation staff and Mrs. Celaya for their outstanding job of transporting students to the various sites. Mrs. Martinez gave a rundown of the programs that are offered and showed highlights of the competitions in which CAVIT students have participated. She pointed out that most of the State officers are from Florence High. Mrs. Celaya is Career and Technical Education Director. She has 71 students in her program. She gave an update of the CTE program and new programs that are being offered.

Administrative Reports

The Board reviewed written Administrative reports included in the board agenda.

Communications or Petitions

There were no communications or petitions.

Approval of Consent Agenda

Member Teri Kuebler moved, Member Bob Dailey seconded that the Board approves the Consent Agenda as submitted. The motion carried 5 - 0.
Items approved on the Consent Agenda:

·  Approval of the Minutes of the September 16, 2009, Regular Board Meeting and the September 16, 2009, Executive Session

·  Student Activity Account & Auxiliary Operations month-end cash reports

·  Monthly Financial Statement of the District

·  Acceptance of Vouchers for signing and filing and ratification of vouchers signed since the last Regular Board meeting

·  Human Resource Request for Action (See attached report)

Other Consent Agenda Items
Acceptable Use Policies: For E-Rate compliancy the District's Acceptable Use Policy(s) must be approved on a yearly basis. The Acceptable Use Policy is required to be in compliance with the Children's Internet Protection Act.

Unfinished Business
There is no unfinished business

Non-Action Items
Energy Conservation Plan
In August of 2009 we requested approval to process an RFP adopting an Energy Conservation Plan. During the course of research we recognized the most effective way to conserve Electricity, Water and Gas is through developing a plan consisting of two main elements: evaluating/updating energy efficient equipment coupled with engaging staff and student awareness. Further more being able to incorporate this in to our student’s curriculum will provide long term results in energy conservation. We have found this approach to be most advantageous to our District. This will also allow us to utilize an existing Cooperative Contract with TCPN. And maintain compliance with Arizona Administrative Code: R7-2-1191.

ASBA'S Top Ten Priorities for The 2010 Legislative Session

The Board has received copies of the ASBA 2010 Political Agenda Priorities. ASBA has requested that each School district governing board select the top ten legislative action proposals that they believe are most important for ASBA to pursue in any Special Session on Education and/or in the Forty-Ninth Legislature, First Regular Session. These will be compiled to determine ASBA’s Top Ten Priorities.

Items for Consideration


New Business

Authorization for Processing an RFP for WAN: Wide Area Network for Voice, Data and Video: To maintain compliance under the Arizona Administrative Code, Board approval is required before any solicitation/invitation for Bid is made public. This process is in accordance to Arizona Administrative Code R7-5-1041 &1042. Member Bob Dailey moved, Member Teri Kuebler seconded that the Governing Board approves the processing of a Request for Proposal for WAN Voice and Data Service. The motion carried 5 – 0.

FUSD 7th Grades Out of State Travel--Catalina Island, California: Request from Bron Thompson (SR Teacher) to take a group of approximately 50 students to Catalina Island, California, on April 30 -May 2. The student group will be 7th graders from various K-8 schools throughout the district. Approximate cost per student is $291.00. Member Bob Ingulli moved, Member Bob Dailey seconded that the Governing Board approves the Catalina Trip for district 7th graders from 4-30 to 5-2, 2010. The motion carried 5 – 0.

FUSD 6th Graders Out of State Travel to San Diego, California: Diane Moats (6th Grade Teacher at Skyline Ranch K-8) is requesting Board approval to travel to San Diego, California on February 25, 26, and 27, 2010 with a group of FUSD 6th grade students to study marine life. Member Bob Dailey moved, Member Bob Ingulli seconded that the Governing Board approves the out state travel for FUSD 6th graders to San Diego, California, February 25-27, for the purpose of studying marine life. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Request for out-of-state travel to National Title 1 Conference in Washington DC: Mary Grant is requesting to attend the National Title I Conference, January 21-24, 2010

in Washington D.C. Member Jim Thomas moved, Member Teri Kuebler seconded that the Governing Board approves out-of-state travel for Mary Grant to attend the National Title I Conference in Washington D.C. in January 2010. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Out-of-state travel for teachers and administrators to attend Scientific Learning's Circle of Learning Conference in Las Vegas Nevada, November 2, 2009: Each school received tickets to the Scientific Learning Circle of Learning Conference as part of our purchase of Scientific Learning products. The conference is one day and includes a keynote speaker and the following Fast ForWord and Reading Assistant sessions: · Spot-on Interventions! Member Bob Dailey moved, Member Bob Ingulli seconded that the Governing Board approves out-of-state travel for teachers and administrators to attend the Circle of Learning Conference in Las Vegas, NV on November 2, 2009. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Approval for FHS Students to attend Arizona Learn and Serve Leadership Camp and Skills USA Leadership Camp for CAVIT: Mr. Glover, Superintendent at CAVIT, is requesting Board approval for FHS student, Joshua Gregg, to attend the SkillsUSA Leadership Camp on Nov. 18-20 at the lost Canyon Campgrounds in Williams, Arizona. He is also requesting to have Ashley Padilla, 11th grade, and Malenly Leon, 12th grade, to attend Arizona Learn and Serve Leadership Camp in Prescott, Arizona, sponsored by the Arizona Department of Education. The date of the camp will be October 19-21. There will be no cost to these students. Member Teri Kuebler moved, member Bob Dailey seconded that the Governing Board allows these students to attend these two leadership camps. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Capital Plan Review and Approval: Capital Plans submitted by school districts in the state are required to have the approval of the school district's Governing Board (Board Approval form attached). Member Jim Thomas moved, Member Teri Kuebler seconded that the Governing Board approves the Funding Year 2010 Capital Plan for submission to the School Facilities Board in support of our need for additional schools. The motion carried 5 – 0.

Disposal of Fixed Assets: In accordance with District Procurement Rules when disposing of assets: R7-2-1131. Member Bob Ingulli moved, Member Bob Dailey seconded that the Governing Board approves the disposal of obsolete or damaged assets in accordance with R7-2-1131. The motion carried 5 – 0.

2008/2009 Annual Financial Report: Member Bob Ingulli moved, Member Bob Dailey seconded that the Governing Board approves the Fiscal Year 2008/2009 School District Annual Financial Report as presented. The motion carried 5 – 0.

After-the-Fact Payment of Invoice - Katherine A. Minard: Services were provided for 1/2 day training on the topic of Co-Teaching and the Power of Two on July 15, 2009. Due to procedural changes implemented in June 2009, the District PO and requisition were inadvertently not prepared. Therefore, this item is being submitted for an after-the-fact approval. Member Bob Dailey moved, Member Bob Ingulli seconded that the Governing Board approves payment to Katherine Minard in the amount of $300.00 for staff training, The motion carried 5 – 0.

After-the-Fact Payment of Invoice - Pinal Special Education Program: The FY08 & FY09 Intergovernmental Agreements required payment of $100 per quarter for Special Education Support Services. Since the encumbrance periods for FY08 and FY09 have ended, it will be necessary to pay the invoice in the new fiscal year. The Business Office and the Special Education departments did not receive the invoice in a timely manner; therefore, this item is being submitted for an after-the-fact approval of $600. Member Teri Kuebler moved, Member Bob Dailey seconded that the Governing Board approves payment to Pinal Special Education Program in the amount of $600.00 for FY08 and FY09 Special Education Support Services. The motion carried 5 – 0.