Protection & Advocacy ProjectPriorities
Mental Health Advocacy Program
Fiscal Year 2017(10/1/16–9/30/17)
- Abuse, Neglect, & Exploitation
GOAL: Individuals with mental illnesswill be free from abuse, neglect, and exploitation.
- P&A will investigate suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation of individuals with mental illnesswho are institutionalized or supported in facilities.
- P&A will provide training to individuals with mental illness and staff in institutions, facilities, and other treatment and recovery settings resulting in increased knowledge or understanding of abuse, neglect, exploitation, and mental health rights issues.
- P&A will investigate suspected abuse, neglect and exploitation of individuals with mental illness who receivecommunity-based treatment or disability-related services from county social services, a guardian or other substitute decision-maker, the regional human service center, or other home and community-based service providers.
- Justice
GOAL: The disability-related rights of individuals with mental illness will be protected and enforced.
- P&A will assist youth and adults with mental illness who are at risk of involvement in the criminal justice system due to unmet disability-related needs through training and technical assistance on Individual Justice Planning to treatment professionals, case managers, and professionals involved in the judicial system.
- Students with mental illness who are involvedin the juvenile justice system, or at risk of becoming involved, as a school response to disability-related behaviors, will have the necessary treatment, supports, and services to minimize or forestall that involvement.
- Individuals with mental illness in prison or jails will receive appropriate mental health treatment and services.
- Students with mental illness inappropriately denied eligibility for special education services or needed disability-related accommodations, placement in the least restrictive setting, orpositivebehavioral supports will have a favorableoutcome as a result of P&A involvement.
- Inclusion
GOAL: Individuals with mental illness will receive treatment and services to maximize their inclusion in the community and placement in the least restrictive setting.
- Individuals with mental illness who are at risk of institutionalization will receive the disability-related supports necessary to remain in their community.
- Individuals with mental illness who are in an institution or treatment facility and able to live in the community will receive the disability-related supports necessary to meet their needs in less restrictive settings in the community.
- Behavioral Health Care Continuum.
GOAL: There will be positive systemic change to service delivery systems and the rights of people with mental illness.
- In partnership with others, P&A will provide training and information to people with mental illness, family members,and the general public regarding mental health-related rights issues and advocacy to empower people to become more effective advocatesregardingthe need for mental health services.
- In collaboration with others, P&A will provide training and information to first responders, law enforcement, and educators regarding mental illness to eliminate stigma and enhance appropriate recognition and response to the needs of individuals with mental illness.
- P&A, in collaboration with advisory councils, self-advocates, other advocacy organizations, and stakeholders, will achieve system changes by supporting and initiating changes tolaws, policies, regulations, and rules,that expand and support the rights of individuals with mental illnesses to a system of behavioral health care that meets their needs and maximizes their ability to live in the community.
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