Field Trip Approval Procedures
· Local field trips within Maryland may not be taken without the written approval of the principal or designee
· Within Maryland, field trips beyond 175 miles of Baltimore City may not be taken without the written approval of the principal and the Executive Director of Secondary Schools or his designee.
· Field trips outside of Maryland may not be taken without the written approval of the principal and the Executive Director of Secondary Schools or his designee. Requests for approval must be submitted a minimum of 30 days in advance of the proposed excursion.
· Excursions out-of-country may not be taken without the written approval of the principal, the Executive Director of Secondary Schools and the Chief Academic Officer. Requests for approval must be submitted a minimum of 90 days in advance of the proposed excursion.
· All JROTC field trips must be approved by Central Office JROTC department at a minimum of 10 days in advance.
· All field trip excursions related to City Schools Athletics must be approved by the school site principal and Central Office Athletic Department.
· Do not announce a field trip/excursion to students and parents until the request and plan details been submitted and approved by all appropriate offices. Associated fund raising activities may not be initiated until approved by all offices. School-based staff may not conduct independent fund raisers, maintain banking/saving/credit union accounts for such funds or hold “cash” deposits.
· Allow sufficient time to plan for all field trips/excursions that may be over-night in state, out-of-state and/or out-of-country. Safety is paramount.
· The following minimum information must be maintained on file at the time any size group of students leave the premises on an approved field trip within Maryland, outside of Maryland or out-of-country:
School Personnel Initiating Request and School-based Administrative Supervisor
Educational Purpose (must be related to current student curriculum)
Destination and if applicable, list all lodging sites and contact information
Total Cost: Itemized Cost per Student, Itemized Cost per Chaperone
Funds: Identify mechanisms to support cost, Are any portion of chaperone fees provided by vendor
School Administrator Responsible for Collection and Accounting of Funds
Departure and Return date and time
Transportation mode include specific carrier and cost
Target Student Group and Total Number of Student Participants
Copies of all forms (blank) to be completed by parents/guardians, student and adult participants
Name of each student participant, parental/guardian primary and emergency contact information
Chaperones, by group, identify school based staff, parents and others. Contact information to be utilized during event must be provided.
Security Clearance: Ensure all non-school system chaperones have completed background check procedures.
Over-Night Events: Student specific room assignments, chaperone specific room assignments and schedule of chaperone all-night supervision duties.
· Copies of the student and chaperone rosters, emergency contact information, trip itinerary, and parent permission forms are to be distributed to school personnel chaperoning the trip and to administrators at the school site.
· All chaperones must have working cell phones and emergency contact information with them at all times during the trip. Any school administrator participating or designated school staff lead must be able to be reached at all times during the trip. The school principal or designated site administrator must be able to be reached by the traveling designated lead or chaperones at any time during the field trip/excursion.