Excellence in Coursework Teaching Award Application Form
Dr Mr Ms Miss Mrs Other
Given Name / Family Name
Business Phone
Which category are you applying for (select only one category)
(a) Excellence in Coursework Teaching
(b) Excellence in Coursework Teaching a Level 1 Class
(c) Excellence in Coursework Teaching for Early Career Staff
If you are applying for First-year Teaching to which unit/s does this application apply? Please list year taught, unit code and title for each unit included in this application.
[insert text here]Please identify the year in which you started teaching (this does not include teaching completed while you were a student, but does include sessional teaching before appointment). To be eligible for an Australian Office for Learning and Teaching Award (OLT) evidence relating to at least 3 years (2 years for Early Career) are required.
[insert text here]SELECTION CRITERIA
You must address the following selection criteria defined by the OLT:
(a) Approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn
(b) Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field
(c) Approaches to assessment and feedback that foster independent learning
(d) Respect and support for the development of students as individuals
(e) Scholarly activities that have influenced and enhanced learning and teaching
Applicants must emphasise the distinctiveness of their applications (that is, what sets their achievements apart from the everyday teaching and learning activities) and provide evidence to support the value of their achievements in enhancing student learning.
To assist you in responding to each of the selection criteria a number of specific questions are detailed for you to address. Student comments can be presented typed as quotes, however originals of student comments need to be available on request.
No more than 1000 characters in each text box below.
Nominees are encouraged to provide digital material via a single URL.
URL: / [insert text here]The Australian Office of Learning & Teaching allow a case of a maximum of 10 pages of A4 in this category.
An applicant for the Faculty of Science Award should ensure a maximum case length, including evidence and material provided via URL, of 20 pages of A4. This may require that detailed electronic material be described in words, perhaps with an electronic example.
A1 Approaches to learning and teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn. This may include fostering student development by stimulating curiosity and independence in learning; contributing to the development of students’ critical thinking skills, analytical skills and scholarly values; encouraging student engagement through the enthusiasm shown for learning and teaching; inspiring and motivating students through high-level communication, presentation and interpersonal skills; and enabling others to enhance their approaches to learning and teaching.
A1.1 It is expected that all teaching staff will influence, motivate and inspire students to learn. What innovative methods do you use in your teaching to engage students?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A1.2 How do you develop students' critical thinking skills?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A1.3 How do you motivate students through your teaching?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A1.4 Is there any other information related to this heading that you would like to supply in support of your application?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A2 Development of curricula and resources that reflect a command of the field. This may include developing and presenting coherent and imaginative resources for student learning; implementing research-led approaches to learning and teaching; demonstrating up-to-date knowledge of the field of study in the design of the curriculum and the creation of resources for learning; communicating clear objectives and expectations for student learning; providing support to those involved in the development of curricula and resources; and contributing professional expertise to enhance curriculum or resources.
A2.1 Provide details of your role in developing contemporary curriculum within your units and the school/faculty.
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A2.2 What innovative teaching resources have you developed? Highlight what you have developed most recently (i.e. in the last 3 years)
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A2.3 Have you undertaken formal evaluation of your teaching innovations etc (unpublished)?
Yes / NoIf yes-please provide details
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A2.4 Is there any other information related to this heading that you would like to supply in support of your application?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A3 Approaches to assessment and feedback that foster independent learning. This may include integrating assessment strategies with the specific aims and objectives for student learning; providing timely, worthwhile feedback to students on their learning; using a variety of assessment and feedback strategies; implementing both formative and summative assessment; adapting assessment methods to different contexts and diverse student needs and learning styles; and contributing professional expertise to enhance assessment and/or feedback.
A3.1 How do you foster student's independence in learning?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A3.2 Give details of the material that you provide to students outlining the objectives and anticipated student learning outcomes of the unit and expectations of students.
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A3.3 How do you provide feedback to students?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A3.4 Is there any other information related to this heading that you would like to supply in support of your application?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A4 Respect and support for the development of students as individuals. This may include participating in the effective and empathetic guidance and advising of students; assisting students from equity and other demographic subgroups to participate and achieve success in their courses; and influencing the overall academic, social and cultural experience of higher education.
A4.1 Detail the assessment strategies that you use in your units to ensure transparency, fairness and allows students to display learning that is specifically linked to the students learning outcome statements.
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A4.2 How do you ensure that you meet the needs of all your students?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A4.3 How do you ensure that all students participate in the learning experience?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A4.4 Provide an example of challenge that you encountered in your teaching and how you responded to that challenge?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A4.5 Is there any other information related to this heading that you would like to supply in support of your application?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A5 Scholarly activities and innovations that have influenced and enhanced learning and teaching. This may include showing advanced skills in evaluation and reflective practice; participating in and contributing to professional activities related to learning and teaching; coordination, management and leadership of courses and student learning; conducting and publishing research related to teaching; and demonstrating leadership through activities that have broad influence on the profession.
A5.1 Are you a member of the School and/or Faculty Teaching and Learning Committee?
Yes / NoIf yes-please provide details and outline your contributions
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A5.2 Are you involved in mentoring and/or peer review of colleagues' teaching?
Yes / NoIf yes-please provide details
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A5.3 Have you published in respect to your teaching or presented at science education conferences?
Yes / NoIf yes-please provide details
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A5.4 Is there any other information related to this heading that you would like to supply in support of your application?
[insert text here]Attach evidence, and clearly identify the question number to support your claims
A6 Curriculum Vitae. A short CV (maximum three A4 pages, minimum 11pt font) outlining the nominee’s educational qualifications, employment history, teaching positions held and teaching experience but also including a brief description of research expertise and activities.
THE APPLICATIONMerge into a single pdf this completed application form, all the clearly numbered evidence documents in an appropriate order and the short CV (maximum three A4 pages).
Submit the pdf by email to by 1stMarch.