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Document name / Oscillation Detection and Analysis Applications in WECC
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WECC Joint Synchronized Information Subcommittee

Oscillation Detection and Analysis Applications in WECC

November 19, 2012

The objective of this paper is to describe applications for oscillation detection and analysis to be used by planning engineers, operational engineers and dispatchers.

  1. Off-Line Applications for System Planning and Operating Engineers

Application 1A. Stand Alone Ringdown Analysis

System planners and operational engineers need to have an application to perform modal analysis on actual and simulated disturbance data.

Inputs and Signal Conditioning.

Disturbance data can include bus voltages, voltage angles, system frequencies, and active power flows. A user shall be able to select a subset of signals for modal analysis. Several signals can be combined together, such as adding power flows in several lines to calculate a path flow, or calculate a difference between two signals. Derivative signals can be calculated by applying linear filtering. Application needs to have an intelligence to patch data drop-outs.

Unlike PMU data, the simulated data is not equally sampled, and sometimes has two values at the same time when switching events occur. The modal analysis application needs to properly re-sample the input data.

A user shall be able to select the time interval for modal analysis by visual inspection of signals. The application needs to have data conditioning functions such as first-order de-trending, removing initial value, filtering and decimation that can be applied to all signals or individual signals. The settings for signal conditioning can be saved in a configuration file so that they can be used with another disturbance or a simulated case.


Modal analysis application shall calculate oscillation frequencies, damping and mode shapes (oscillation energy) for the selected signals. The calculations are to be recorded in a spreadsheet. The application needs to identify both, inter-area and local oscillations.


System planners use disturbance events to validate power system models used in grid simulations. A part of model validation criteria is to ensure that the system model reasonably represents power oscillations, including oscillation frequencies, damping and mode shapes (energy).

An operations engineer uses Modal Analysis Application to calculate frequencies, damping and mode shapes for a disturbance event (e.g. generation outage) or a system test (e.g. Chief Joseph brake insertion). An operations engineer can archive the calculation results as well as key system conditions (such as power flows and phase angles). An operations engineer can baseline the modal performance against that during previous similar events.


Linear Prony analysis is often used for estimating oscillation damping for an oscillation ringdown. Observed challenges with linear Prony analysis are summarized in Appendix A. It would be worthwhile to improve robustness of Prony performance as well as to investigate other methods.

Application 1B. Automated modal analysis for multiple cases

System planners need to perform modal analysis on multiple simulation cases. During the development of the oscillation damping procedures, system planners ran 1,000s of dynamic simulations, including several contingencies applied to multiple base cases. There is a need to perform modal analysis automatically on these simulation results to estimate frequencies and oscillations of critical inter-area modes in the Western Interconnection and to tabulate these results in a CSV/Excel file.

Application 1C. Oscillation Analysis Subroutine for System Studies

There are efforts under way to automatically calculate system operating limits. Under such process, contingency analysis is performed on a given operating state, and should the performance be found acceptable, the operating state is further stressed until the system operating limit is reached. Oscillation damping analysis is one of the system performance metrics, primarily the damping of inter-area power oscillations.

The following automated feedback scheme is envisioned. A master program calls a grid simulator, e.g. GE PSLF or PowerWorld, to simulate a contingency and to export pre-selected simulated quantities. A master program then calls an application to perform modal analysis on the simulated quantities. The modal analysis application calculates oscillation frequencies and damping, and then reports the results back to the master program.

Application 1D. Spectral Analysis Application

A user shall be able to perform spectral analysis on multiple signals. The analysis includes:

-a table with frequency peaks and mode shapes for each peak for multiple signals

-water-fall plots of signal spectrum over selected frequency range and time period of interest

-spectrum of multiple signals over selected frequency range at a given time

-compass plots representing mode shapes

An operating engineer can use spectral analysis to identify and analyze oscillations.

Application 1E. Stand Alone Mode Meter Application

A system planner shall be able to run Mode Meter application manually for a selected data set. The data set can be up to several hours. A system planner shall be able to modify Mode Meter settings for manual runs. Mode Meter application needs to have data conditioning capabilities similar to those for Ringdown Application.

A system planner will need to perform system model validation studies for system conditions when Mode Meter indicates low damping. A system planner will use a validation base case representing system conditions at the time when low-damping condition was observed. Because there is no practical way at this time to introduce load noise in large scale grid simulations, a brake insertion can be used to initiate an oscillation in the system studies. Then, oscillation frequencies, damping and mode shapes are calculated using ringdown application, and then compared with oscillation frequencies, damping and mode shapes estimated by Mode Meter using actual data.

A system planner can also use a small signal analysis program to calculate eigenvalues and mode shapes for a validation base case, and to compare them with Mode Meter estimates. A system planner can then perform contingency analysis using a small signal model to estimate damping in post-contingency state.

  1. Real-Time Applications for Engineers

Application 2A. Oscillation Analysis

An Oscillation Detection application runs continuously by scanning bus voltages, frequencies, active and reactive power for signs of sustained oscillations. An Oscillation Detection application will create logs of the instances when sustained high energy oscillations are detected.

An operating engineer shall be able to examine an unusual oscillatory activity using off-line applications described in section 1. An operating engineer shall be able to retrieve large data sets and to perform oscillation analysis, including calculations of oscillation frequency and damping, spectral and mode shape analysis. An operating engineer shall have tools to create reports on the observed phenomenon.

Application 2B. Damping of Inter-Area Oscillations

Mode Meter is an application that estimates damping of electro-mechanical oscillations from ambient data. Mode Meter application runs continuously with automatic settings and outputs estimates of the oscillation frequency, damping, and critical mode shapes to a historian. A system planner can retrieve the archived modal information together with the other power system parameters (power flows, phase angles, etc) for baselining power system conditions:

-A planner can perform a correlation analysis between system configurations and modes of oscillations, including their mode shapes

-A planner can perform a correlation analysis between damping and system stress

  1. Real-Time Applications for Dispatchers

Application 3A. Low Damping or Sustained Oscillation

The goal of the application is to provide an alarm to a dispatcher when a sustained oscillation or low-damping condition exists in a power system.

A Mode Meter and Oscillation Detection applications run continuously by scanning bus voltages, frequencies, active and reactive power for signs of sustained oscillations and low-damping conditions. An alarm is issued when sustained oscillations or low-damping conditions are detected. A post-processor is used to classify an oscillation as local or inter-area. Power flows and phase angles are used to supplement the decision-making process. Signals with highest oscillation activity are displayed to dispatchers.

Application 3B. Normal Operation

The goal of the application is to provide an alarm to a dispatcher that an un-dampened oscillation can develop after the next contingency.

Mode Meter Application runs continuously to estimate damping of major inter-area power oscillations from ambient data. BPA analysis indicates that pre-contingency damping alone is not a good predictor of what post-contingency damping could be. Therefore, ambient damping estimates need to be paired with other measurements, e.g. path flows, phase angles, key line and generation statuses.

An alarm is issued when a set of pre-determined conditions is met, such as estimated damping is below a threshold, and a combination of key flows and phase angles are above certain levels. A damping display shows historic damping estimates, as well as key flows and phase angles.

Operating procedures are developed to reduce oscillation damping risks.

Dispatcher can ask a study engineer to perform a quick study to determine whether a post-contingency damping is acceptable.

Appendix A: Observed Issues with Linear Prony Analysis

Dealing with switching events. A large disturbance may involve multiple switching actions. Some of these actions, e.g. dropping generation or a series capacitor insertion, affect the system damping, and therefore the modal analysis needs to be done on a time window after such switching event. Figure A-1 shows an example of Prony application proving a bad fit because of a large switching event in the event window.

Other minor switching, such as shunt capacitor switching, have minimal impact on the actual damping, but distort electrical signals and the “perception” of damping. Because of these distortions, it may be difficult to find a “clean” window large enough to do a good damping estimate. It will be desirable for analytical methods to be capable of handling signal distortions / discontinuities due to a minor switching.

Figure A-1:Prony analysis affected by a series capacitor switching

Prony application needs to provide some type of indicator of the quality of the damping estimate.

In automated mode, BPA runs Prony application over two windows several seconds apart and compares the results for consistency. Very different damping results would trigger a quality flag, flowed by manual examination of the results.

Figure A-2 shows Prony fit done on the same event as shown in Figure A-1 but using a window 5 seconds later. Damping estimates are better, but we see a low energy negatively dampened mode, probably due to non-linearity in the signals.

Figure A-2:Prony analysis run 5 seconds later on the same event as shown in Figure A-1

Dealing with non-linearities. Prony methods assume linear system response. Events involving large generation outages include non-linear response and as well as transition between equilibriums as event progresses.

Set-up. Prony method seems to be an art, as the results are sensitive to the selected window, signal conditioning, etc. Even for lightly dampened oscillations, Prony method can give ambiguous results. Figure A-3 shows Prony fit to a simulated Chief Joseph brake test, identifying two nearly identical modes with comparable energy but different damping ratio. Figure A-4 shows a Prony fit to simulated Palo Verde event. The fundamental oscillation is undampened. Prony shows two modes at close frequencies, a higher energy slightly dampened mode and negatively undampened low energy mode.

A better guidance is required on setting up Prony calculations and signal conditioning. Also, post-processing intelligence is needed.

It is also advised to look into methods alternative to Prony, such as Matrix-pencil, or Steiglitz-McBride.

Figure A-3: Prony fit to a simulated Chief Joseph brake test

Figure A-4: Prony fit to a simulated Palo Verde outage


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