Sports Premium Funding and Impact – 2016-17
The school receives a sports premium fund of £8280 – this is added to through club income and PE subject budget allocation.
Engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity.Indicators to be assessed / Sources of evidence / How funding has been spent / Funding allocation / Impact / Sustainability
Participation of all children in PE lessons / PE timetable – allocates 2 hour sessions per week, 1 with coach
Allocation of CSE coach for PE for all year groups once per week
Pupil and staff voice / Sports coach from CSE – two full days including lunchtimes and afterschool clubs/activities / Termly - £4232
To be spent on PE resources restock - £500 - £1000 / Smaller groups for focused teaching have led to greater differentiation for all abilities. This has also led to more able children to be selected for a range of tournaments and competitions (level 2/3).
Up-skill teachers in the latest games, rules etc.
PE equipment is being replaced as required. / Up-skill all staff
Access to a wider range of sporting events / Attendance at events
Pupil and staff voice / Extra coaching with specialist coach (CSE) – lunchtimes and afterschool / To be spent on transport to events when required - £50 per event / More specialised support for children in coaching. Enables other staff to remain in school on their duties.
Inclusive Football and Netball league organised and design for local schools (Years 4-6). / Allocation from school budget
Support and involve the less active children / Inclusion in before and after school club activities – football, running, netball
Daily mile / Training staff and resources e.g. Change for Life / No cost as covered by school staff / Fitter future programme has been rolled out to encourage all children to become more active. As a result, KS2 chn now have access and home and school to a fitness programme which can be used indoor and out. It is accessible to all levels including reluctant. Breakfast club and afterschool clubs are now using this to promote a more active lifestyle.
An inclusive running club is now established weekly with uptake of 30 children from initial starting point of 10 chn.
Use of Change for Life resources
Early years now partake in the Daily mile programme to encourage participation from an early age. This has also prompted the enjoyment of physical activity. Parents have commented upon the positive impact on their chn with their behaviour and concentration. / Change for Life resources available in school for now and future
Profile of PE and sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
Indicators to be assessed / Sources of evidence / How funding has been spent / Funding allocation / Impact / Sustainability
PE kit for staff / Staff in appropriate PE kit for PE sessions / School funding and staff contribution / Annual outlay for kit – staff partially funded by school budget
£100 / Professional appearance of staff involved in PE, creating focus for sport
Raising the profile of PE as an important subject and lifelong skill / School budget to fund - new staff to have kit, replacement kit funded by staff
PE kits for children in festivals and tournaments / All children correctly equipped for a variety of sports / Parental support as parents see this as important
PTA funding for school team kit / £200 / Rolling over to next financial year. / Kit was bought by PTA and this can be restocked following other fundraising events
Higher PE profile as a tool for school improvement / Increased number of children being awarded certificates in and out of school for sporting achievement.
PE noticeboard.
Increased number of children participating in sporting events – e.g. cheerleading, Streetdance including exams.
Performances to parents. / CSE coaching
Payments for PPG children to attend clubs / As part of termly cost.
Through PPG funding.
Minimum charges to parents / Awareness and pride have improve – children now want to join teams to represent the school in sports. / Parents contribute to clubs and extra-curricular activities to ensure they are sustained for improving children’s health and fitness over a longer time period.
Increased confidence, knowledge, skills of all staff in teaching PE and sport
Indicators to be assessed / Sources of evidence / How funding has been spent / Funding allocation / Impact / Sustainability
Up-skilled staff / Lesson observations
Pupil voice
Staff involvement in all PE lessons
Non-teaching staff involvement in PE lessons and running sports clubs after school / CSE coaching and INSET sessions to train staff and share expertise / See above / Confidence of staff to lead effective lessons is greater
Pupil enjoyment of lessons increased
Higher proportion of children participating with enthusiasm
Increased knowledge of a wider range of sports / Staff able to follow on from coaching session in short and long term
All lesson plans and assessments available to school for future
INSET training specific to need
Increased knowledge of skills, sessions
Broader experience of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils
Indicators to be assessed / Sources of evidence / How funding has been spent / Funding allocation / Impact / Sustainability
Participation of all groups of children in lunchtime and after school clubs / Extra-curricular activities offered
Registers for extra-curricular activities
Restorative justice behaviour incident file
Pupil and staff voice
Class and whole school timetables
Termly rotation of sports
Links to Game On, Dancing Stars and CSE
Year 6 Play leaders trained and then give opportunities to access other sports and games at lunchtimes / To run lunchtime activities as well as after school clubs
Golden time activities / Self-funding / Greater choice of lunchtime and afterschool activities taken up by pupils of all ages throughout the year from Reception upwards.
Netball (Yr4-6), gymnastics (Yr1-4) and football (Yr 3-6) clubs after school are fully subscribed.
Lunchtime clubs – for Yr 1 & 2 – football and summer sports
Reduction of behavioural incidents as a result of broader choices of activities offered and supervision to teach rules, boundaries, expectations etc. e.g. supervising sports on the field such as football and tag rugby during lunchtime play.
Greater enthusiasm for participation in activities.
Skills for all & Change4Life activities/sessions – breakfast & afterschool club / Rotate different sports through the year to ensure the coverage remains broad and involve all age groups
Detailed plans of key sports on system for ongoing use – hockey, tag rugby, tennis, cricket
Increased participation in competitive sport
Indicators to be assessed / Sources of evidence / How funding has been spent / Funding allocation / Impact / Sustainability
Higher number of events attended by pupils of varying year groups and ability / Team lists
Timetable of events from local providers and organisers [CSE and Roundwood School Games Co-ordinator] / CSE providing events, referees and coaching / See above / Increase of children taking part in competitive events e.g. tag rugby, athletics, cross country, netball, football, speed stacking, hockey / Links built with outside providers and other local schools that enable tournaments and matches to occur and to continue in future
Inter school competitions at the end of each sporting unit completed / Lesson observations
School calendar
Pupil voice
Staff questionnaire
Sports day / CSE providing events, referees and coaching / See above / All children take part in competitive sport – all sports
Review and adaptations made to sports day for both inclusive events and competitive ones / Can continue as already in place and expected
Completed March 2017
Review Due September 2017
Update March 2018