Advertising Guidelines

Faculty Tenure/Tenure Track

Create the position announcement

Ø Draft an ad that is specific to the needs of the positon and department; if your ad does not reflect the position accurately, you will attract the wrong candidate(s).

Ø The official position announcement should be detailed and include at minimum the required sections (refer to pg. 12 & 13 in your faculty search handbook).

Ø The position announcement must be fully reviewed/approved prior to advertising. The final approved text will be considered the official position announcement and will be posted by the Equal Opportunity Office on the UTEP Faculty Employment Opportunity webpage.

□ Complete and circulate faculty forms and position announcement

The Faculty Employment Requisition Form, Faculty Recruitment Plan, and position announcement text should be submitted via email for approvals as follows:

Ø The Department Chair, email all documents to the respective Dean for approval;

Ø The respective Dean reviews the Requisition, Recruitment Plan, and position announcement and forwards email approval to the Equal Opportunity Office and “cc” to the Department Chair;

Ø The Equal Opportunity Office reviews the submitted documents and forwards the position announcement to the Provost/VPAA’s Office for approval. If the position is grant funded it will also be forwarded for approval to the Office of Research & Sponsored Projects.

Ø The Provost/VPAA’s Office and/or Office of Research & Sponsored Projects reviews, approves and/ or provides recommendations of the attached documents to the EO Office;

Ø Once the position announcement is final approved, the EO Office will proceed in placing the approved position announcement in the UTEP Faculty Employment Opportunities webpage. EO will also notify the Search Committee Chair via email and “cc” the Provost/VPAA Office, Dean, Department Chair, Respective CAO, and Human Resources Office (at this point external ads may be posted).

Ø If changes are made to the requisition, recruitment plan, and/or position announcement at any point in the chain of approval, re-save the new document(s) so that only the updated versions of the document(s) are forwarded.

Ø If changes are made after the EO Office posts the advertisement on the UTEP website, the position announcement will need to go through all the necessary approvals. The EO Office will remove the outdated position announcement and post the modified announcement to reflect a new posting date.

□ Determine advertisement/recruitment strategy.

Ø Departments who have elected to have Human Resources place their external advertisements for their position will be contacted by Human Resources upon receipt of the fully approved requisition, recruitment plan, and position announcement provided by the Equal Opportunity Office. Human Resources utilizes a third party vendor, Graystone Group Advertising, to place ads (this means you will receive one bill encompassing all ads placed.)

Ø Departments who have elected to place their own ads may do so by contacting each publication/website/list-serv and following the individual ad placement instructions for them (this means you will receive separate bills for each ad placed).

To proceed with advertising:

· Verify advertising budget.

· The full position announcement text should be used whenever possible (i.e. what you submitted with the requisition form and recruitment plan form), however if there are space or financial constraints, you may post abbreviated versions that include a link to the UTEP web posting. However, certain sections of the position announcement are still required in these cases—The University’s name, Position Title/Department, Diversity statement and EEO statement. Then, you should include the link to the faculty employment web page where potential applicants can view the full announcement and apply. Other than as described above, external ads should not vary in content from the position announcement posted on the UTEP website.

· Remember to update the recruitment plan with all outreach efforts made by the search committee.

□ Documentation of advertisements placed.

Ø Print any web-based or list-serv postings.

Ø Make sure all copies/print-outs have name of publication, list-serv or website and issue date (if print publication) or dates posted (if list-serv or website). This information must be retained per State records retention guidelines and is also required when the applicant hired applies for visa or permanent residency, if applicable.

Ø You may scan and upload the print outs to the online applicant tracking system.

□ Remove external advertisements

Ø The Equal Opportunity Office is responsible for removing the advertisement from the UTEP Employment Opportunities webpage, once the signed offer letter is received and/ or if the position has been closed without a hire.

Ø The Equal Opportunity Office will notify the Dean, Department Chair, Search Committee, CAO, and Human Resources via email that the ad has been removed. Upon receipt of this email, the search committee must ensure all external advertisements associated to the positon have been removed. (The Faculty Recruitment Plan can be a tool to help you identify which advertisement sources need to be removed).

Equal Opportunity Office- Tenure/ Tenure Track Rev. 10/2017