RVRC Bylaws
1. The Rich Valley R/C Club shall have a Board of Directors, consisting of three Board Members, each being a member of the Rich Valley R/C Club. The three Board positions shall be that of President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer. The Board of Directors shall be referred to as the Board.
2. Elections for Club Officers shall be held whenever a current position is vacated or challenged. The general membership must be notified at least 60 days prior to an upcoming election by e-mail or post of the positions and candidates up for election. Absentee ballots will be accepted. The type of ballot to be used will be determined at the time the election is called.
3. Board meetings shall be held on as needed basis and can be called by any of the three Board members. A minimum of two of the three Board members must be present at a Board meeting to establish a quorum as needed to conduct business. Board members may invite other members to attend Board meetings if their expertise or knowledge is required.
4. General membership meetings shall be held monthly on the second Thursday of each month. The general membership meetings shall be held at the Rich Valley R/C flying field during the months of May through September, and during the months of October through April, an appropriate meeting place shall be published in the monthly newsletter.
5. There will be four classes of members in the Rich Valley R/C Club:
1. Active members - Age 18 and over. These members have full privileges and pay 100% of the Club dues.
2. Associate members - Children age 17 and under who are sons or daughters of "active" members shall also be considered members and shall be known as "associate" members. "Associate" members shall not be required to pay annual dues or assessments.
3. Junior members. Children under the age of 18, neither parent being an active member of the Rich Valley R/C Club
4. Visitors who have a current AMA card and can prove residence beyond 50 miles of Hastings may purchase a four week block of flying privileges once annually for $25.
6. As of November 11th, 2010, total membership shall not exceed 60 Active, Junior or Provisional members. Once this limit is reached, membership is closed and prospective members will be added to a waiting list. At the conclusion of the April membership meeting, new members may be accepted until the limit of 60 is reached, beginning with names already acquired on the waiting list.
7. Membership renewal will take place each calendar year at the March general membership meeting and will end at the April meeting. The dues structure will be outlined each year on the Membership application. New members who join the Club after October 31st of each calendar year will become “current” members immediately and their dues will be applied to the upcoming season, as long as the membership cap has not been reached. Guests accompanied by members in good standing can utilize the Club flying site a maximum of three times in a calendar year. Definitions: Member in good standing or current member is anyone who has paid the current seasons’ dues in full; a new member is anyone who has NEVER been a member of Rich Valley R/C or has not been a current member for at least 12 months; a guest is any person who is a current AMA member, is not a Rich Valley R/C member and is accompanied by a current Rich Valley R/C member.
8. Dues for each calendar year will be determined prior to the February general membership meeting for all classes of membership. If additional funds are required during the year to maintain operation of the Rich Valley R/C Club, all paying members will be assessed at an equal rate. All assessments must be approved by a majority vote of those in attendance at a general membership meeting.
9. The Rich Valley R/C checking account will be maintained at the Associated Bank in West St. Paul, and there will be on record at the Bank a Signature Card with the signatures of the Secretary-Treasurer and one other Board member.
10. Prior to the February general membership meeting the Board will develop a proposed budget for the upcoming year based on the previous year's expenses and on any new proposed expenditures for the upcoming year and will present the proposed budget to the general membership for approval at the February general membership meeting.
11. The Secretary-Treasurer shall create an Annual Financial Report to be submitted to the general membership for approval at the February general membership meeting. A periodic updated report shall also be submitted to the Board as necessary when requested by a Board member.
12. Budgeted amounts for Rich Valley R/C Club activities, field maintenance, etc., will not be exceeded without the approval of the Board or by a majority vote of the members in attendance at a general membership meeting.
13. The Rich Valley R/C Club By-Laws can only be changed, amended, or modified by a majority vote of the members in attendance at a general membership meeting.
Revised November 2010